<br />~. f'gadearmtsiaa. i`Lr;- pre,.ttds ~f any award or ctaam for damages, direct or caxesegauzn:iai, ir. am:uctior. with an.'
<br />c.~mtzmnaticn or othtt taking of the Ptopeny. or react ilterr»L ur for conveyance in nett of condemnation, are hereby assigned
<br />and sLsatt ~ }:aid !o Ltndct.
<br />trt tLrt exert of a rota} rating ni the Property. the proceeds shat? !n apptied to the sums xcured by this Eked of "Trust.
<br />with the csctss. if atty. ~#d io Butrower. In iht estnt of a partia4 taking of the Property, unless $urrower and Leader
<br />other,s:sc agrtt in writing, :mere shall Lx appliaxt to the sums xeurtd isy this I~cd of Trust such prupurinn cf the prfxetds
<br />:as is tquaP to tlsat proportion wMch the arnouai of the cams secured by this Heed of Trust imttttdiattPy prior to the date of
<br />taking ttaatx to tt€s fair market value of the Pruparty imttlediatety prier to tree tiara of taking, with the baiagct of the proceeds
<br />paid Tn Llotrower. ,
<br />ff the f'Yeptrty is abandoned by $evrrtswtr. or il, atttr notice by lender to $orrower that the conafettttasr offers to crake
<br />an award ar settle a ,:Palm for damages, &7rrttwcr fails to respond s. Ltudtr within 'sD days after tha dart such notice is
<br />tnaiftd. Isnder is authori;:ed to caFltxt and appty d:t pruceads. at Lender's option, either to ratoraGon or repair of the
<br />Praprny of to the sums xcuttd by this fJetd of Trust.
<br />Eioless I.endet and $arrower otherwise agree in writing, any larch app}icat:.;n of pzacteds [u principal shall not tatead
<br />or pastpn+m the dos da#:t ui the monthly mstafimtnts refetrtd Tn in paragraphs I acrd 2 hereof oa change ilia amount of
<br />such IMSta}}n?~nTS,
<br />10. dor-q+rer Nat Releated, Euensarn .rf the time fur pay°mem or modafit.-ation of amortiiatinn at the sums secured
<br />ny this Decd of Trust granted by Lerbler t¢ any succsxurr an internt ni $o: rower shalt not operate to reltasa, in any manner,
<br />ttu tiahi}ity of the axi{tina} flurrower end Fkarrs-tr's stuctssrrs in iaxerest. tinder shaft not tre reGutred to commtncc
<br />prt~eedings against sucLt sncotsco; ar refuse su extend time far payment ar athtiwis% modify amortization of the sums
<br />setumd by. this DttJ of T: use b} reason of an} demarvl made i?y the oreitta! Harrower ,end Borrower's successors in interest
<br />i t. Fmbeatsate by Leader Nqt a N'idver. Any forbearance by Ltndtr rr, exercising any right ur remedy hereunder, nr
<br />atttarwise atiurdtsf by a{tpiicab!c taw, sh:tii na! t>c a waiver of nr prtciudt iht czercist of any such tight or remedy.
<br />Tha prccurrtsent of insurance .u the payment of tartrs ar ether Liens or charges by L.endtr shall nut bt a waiver of Lender's
<br />ngbt rs act:ettratt its( maturity of the rndet,tedntsa treated by ihrs [7etd of 'crust.
<br />12. Reaatd#es Cutarbtire. Att rtmrdvts provided .n thrs Elect! of Trust are distinc! and ctrmuiative to any other right
<br />~-acdv _ -- acts xyccr of Trust er atfordtd 6y taw- .~r cQut€v, and may ire txerci~d concurrent}y, indapendentiy ar
<br />ittCCeE5tY~1yw?air
<br />13. !ittrtesaara and .~stfigtaa $urnd: !dm aadf Scrota! f.1:aMiifty; C.rspfitaes. The covenants and agrtemtnts herein
<br />crutt'ained sha1P hzud, :end the rights }sett{andt.^ sh:t1€~ ~inum to. the res~pacraut stret:eswrs and asaagns at Lender and Burrnw•er.
<br />xttbyrct t;i €Lx grovisitms of paragraph t", hcrtui. AIL ~svenants card agrtemtms of Ik rr<,wtr sh=:! he rotor and several.
<br />f'3u saptiaMx and txadi?sgs of ilx par;ttttnphs of this £}cavi a?f Trust art Ent a.naeventtnct Dort :+nd arc not to he uud to
<br />ir~tlterprat or drflut the prsr.isicuus battuf,.
<br />}d. NtHfex. I?iucpt far any ru*tic't eertarred under appf:cabic :aw la F?t given .n as:nihtr manner, cal any notice tc?
<br />€Lorro+art prosisled for to this flied of Trust. shah ist given by maalinp a:#->h noeas:€~ t,y cer:; r~~, rnaiE a:Ldre!'seaf to $urrower st
<br />tlDe; Pt'uliafty Addra:as or at such other stddrtas ss 13axrrnwer may d~rstf,ttlaee by inaxace to I.ersdtr as provided herein, and
<br />th# any rtAtict to Lxstdtr !i tK given 4sy -`ettif#ad resat€, return raceipt regw-seed. rn Lcndeds address stated herein of tar
<br />-us~ts : ihcr address ~ Lt~Sar map das.gasate Fry rw#zce is $otrrwtr a, t ar?o;c1. ~+ htrcrn .inY nu.icc pnrvidc,i fcrr ir, this
<br />[>tad zsf Trnt:t shat! tx afeemr,l to have txt[s gtvrn to $orrower .ar lender warn green ,n the manner desagnatcd herein.
<br />f;. U~ur~ [?red ,3f Tn~: (:esers#sq I,asr; ~rettebYlty. This Corm ~ i ,}ctd .rf trust cr?mhdrtts un:lurtr? cevruants for
<br />rear#onai test astd rx:n-untfurm covenants with }imitett viznauuns by ;nrisdat:isnn u, conat:tute a uniform stcunty instrument
<br />vvtring rtrE pznpetty. Phis Peed of Trust sha}I I,e guvtrned ht rite Iaw nt the tur;sd!.tron ;n uhrch the Property is Incattd
<br />Ln the tveni ti;at any prnvis;nn of rtaetst of rhos TYted ut Crust or the Nntc ionflr.:, wrth apnlscahin Iaw, such cnni7ict shall
<br />oat aFect ntfter pprrar`iraxare of slits Liessi of Trtxu ur the M1ota whack can Ire gi. en enccr u-arbour rite confiic[ing provasimr,
<br />arod to !list and rbt pttsvwimsa sst t#sa il'eed of Trwf acrd slit ?dWe art aieciarc.L k, M severahic.
<br />Eb, gurr.+wrr's Cepr, $urruwer shat[ he {urmshtd a c:untnrmed ~npy of the tia:c and of tGis Ilted <,f "Croat :at the time
<br />.7# estettitgs ar after rectxrLati<xs hared.. -
<br />•~ •i°-~.,,'£`~ €i .' LF atE r=s ~=spar: .€ 1Pb~rt #-'rcr+.'6as, ,:r ae trice rest s?5crtt:r ,_ .nisi ., sans€trr4z3
<br />by Ilorruwtr xt€hswt tetafer's pour writfrn consent, exc.tudusg t.aY tPGe vrc:ariaron <: c;r•t:ers ;:r rr:ennthnnce suhordinatt to
<br />tfs+s 1tr€s3 af'T't~ae. ! Ut tt~ cteatirm .af a pur.hase yr~Gavt~ r~tcuruy ;a,!ctttwr t.~r h9sat~.hr~r'.d s;rgtaneea. t a i a trarrsfrr i?y <fisvrse.
<br />~~ar.~ut ur by o~rat;oe of Y>_= u~-q ~ math of :,. ;;r;at i:.;,=~.t >,r - -
<br />- - - 1 ee}suer nws, at i tr:dr.--s apehxs, a€cv:'iarr .riP the sue:r•; sr.urt,! h; ahiti 3't ~;S of Trust ,a h,•
<br />rzs!~' -. r._sv ..felt. ~vrb!_g. L.t=idtr sf~+,~U t.~vt ?.a?. rf. rib .~aae- - _ : r _-c ;f y.'-za - _ €,ansler L t:u.: .
<br />a t,4 t:s.r-.~at: to w~-:.;t:E. Prag€rtg ;s tc ';•? ~:;d •rr .~n~e.reJ r. _at; «,~:et=r#ra:a :t. -»r:.:.rg tha, :i:arred:! of -.tr,~n ;,rr,on
<br />.Rfsc+,,.~ . 1 _ rafter ski r~ ,tu. i... ~ }"~i.l.: ,.. '^ i '. t L'i5 ,- .zv .e. ! ... ~~
<br />z. ctsdtr shat[ rP:yutat. If t.cttsitr has `weavs,~tt t#x ot,t:,,n t ac.r.iralc trru~•;utc+t rn th~a ~aragr.a f-h I •,~and if Borra;wcr, xuccrssar
<br />era ids r.~ a ~rs`s#-ara ~r~i3}~rrn ag~e~nami a~cptrai :n +. esnn_t 3,_, L a'a>t#rr # rn.ivr .7txi rc#tatt i'?arcvrwtr tr;ana
<br />a!t uP?:rgatia?na under th:a flees( e:t' 7rsast am} the `:ate
<br />tf t.ettikr extr, axs such esptioa to xE rsy'cestr, L rnaitt ,ha#t ..?a,t i#ure!.wc• nr+ticc ,.t accrlrratinn an .:c:r;rduns=e with
<br />}Zrta¢tatriY t~# Frerraf Stbt:h ncuicE ahtti ptovadt a pet acxt „! .:nt ;; ,, rttvn rte sa,n trap, rise Qdir alit nerve „ n?xdtd w,th;n
<br />r]xs br-rt^wtr ma; ~y !)ti ';vf1u da>i dattti dire }L Fku;,.va er i.a«;, a. ;~ soaa-h :afm, trrras to the= eeprr:atr„r .,t ,u.h P,enad
<br />Ittt#ket may, withJ[tt fttrtl%r n:Itas<t of tiEr,+anti .art $!?rr<+,err.:n,a,i.c an,trrnsedacs y><:(,:aalted h, p,,r,agraph IM hertal.
<br />*:•: ~-L;rtt+raac L'csvt:h..s tuts Ir=roar sew' #crrctt! ,urthrr .a. r.:ast ;,.sd ads<.e ar. t„flt~x,
<br />LfL AirrtitktNkre: Reraedets, liarept m proridrd fa pratgrrph t7 hereof, upaa 8grrowtrs kreeab of e.sy ru+eatall ar
<br />~,vteuttnt at &strgwar ie fbta Iferd ul Irwsl, itieludtnq the cq*raawta to pry wlsea dot +ny y~rru secnrrd 6y ttdu f)ra9~
<br />of Trutt. Lr:ndrr prior iu esrr~-erratiaen sba$ mafil fls'uirt ro tl+rr rawer as pro+#rled ie peragrsph iJ Fatrru( spre#f#'iaR: tf} t~
<br />txrate'h; f2! t~ acti6e rerfuEted t~ rgrt sash brracbt fl# a d>,t, oat ftn+ [ban 3N drj~ truro the dye #ttt notice is m•$ed
<br />6etrowrre try rhlrh srcb faerrh +nsesi br rurtd; cad tat (fort feifarr #o rare such ttrcxh a+a yr hr(ure the dale apeciNM
<br />'" •''- oaf;:tt a:,:y :7sd3 #a sci=--kes~a ia€ sSrc warms- .rcurtu bi !b#. fTatd of 7raa3 aad .a3t aai tLrt Property. I'm nota'~
<br />sba$ faribtr infaxrss $gvrawrr ul the rrght tfe rtiastate after wsrltrrima aunt the riltMi tq bring a roan arNun In aatwr,Gt~
<br />rite mna•esCsfenrr r+J a ttelaalt <rr aa} amber defegsr of agrrowrr to asrrirryt#ua end .air. it the broach is not cnetd
<br />ug et brtgn [hr date +Istsiised Ra tot r»N#rr, Isa~er rtl 4.rrtdrt's a?ptiase assay €~cf;ur aB a?f tMr lam. s+:rarrd ht th# tle~l
<br />elf lrnrat to #ae #aasardiairiy dot »ad pat ilds• w#thgat farel#rr efrtnatad »at*1 a=tar insa{tr the purer rafvaft amt ant +Wber rensrd#es
<br />prise;tlrrd b} aNpt#r t~M Irw. i.raaler shaft ht t,afifled !.s crsBect at! rrrsarasbtr raw. ara# erprruss tnrurred in pur,uing Ibc
<br />rented#rr ptua#drd Nr Haas pat+rgfraph Elf. #aaltad#s~}, bW nrrt timNrd +n, rtw,srualtle atinrta-y's fret.
<br />tf the Pa»er ezt Talc :n in,cird, i'r asfrt shalt +r>urd u r+art}rr of det:+ult ias raaM aaa:.l, 3?e wlt#<h t1x t'nsprn, ar ,aeae
<br />f>wtn Pltzreraf 3{ tacafrd and abaci nail acspies ai saa q rxri#rr in the rnanrser prr,a ritretf by apptkabk low try Uataruwrr sod tq iht
<br />.a$fr r+•rs ~=x~t±~d by ;±~>f t3w. ±fter t#sr Lam .~f ssssts t~ a ,«{ t,F ,.u;aira•d b~ Wit;.=-air Lzra_ rrr~;_= *<~:.LL
<br />girt prrbl#r aWie'e anf s»Irt Trr ilte ps^r,.aaae told La #tw awararr per -#ia•d b! applitul4r law. fraltrr, r#flaaut dr,rand era
<br />Llw«r, sh~rl ~!I the Ptuyr._; ~ ;ti> Est„;; to t# tta:t 3:stsltr at th,- t a:t aawt y#acr «acd a:radtr the rotas- r~tasrarit
<br />its Mr aYtiae *~rF w#x #a aloe w +aarr parrrla ara! tea sash ardet »s trn,ter ar~.~drtrr rc#aa. -l ruaec m»y ptsrtpaar sate u/ atl
<br />ur eat #~rrrl of tier Prryperft bt pre »aaasatsaeearai ai the iinar aasd placer a:f aqy prr,irsrvi} =•herbakd *atr, i ender r,r
<br />feraa4er 3 hansieYrs fbr f tsgacrt} of xay >ale.
<br />['ft»tts earr+(i u# pay€atar of for psis bid, 1'rtruer ,flail afti#,rr tq ehr prrrhrarr 7+n,tre`, died aan, a}irre the Prvaprns
<br />aaMl. 14ar res•mtah #n star iru.irr'a Brad abtdt ter pr#nw Lacer a~+idrncr of tltt #ratb ut the „tatranrra#, made Iherrits. i'ruairr
<br />a-trrLS is~.~'r# r preacces#s cd ti#e ss& iza i#t fas$u #aj~ ..rdgr: ~e# to af3 rea.unvfrEr a a.t. and .°vprn,r. ,rt rhk r,air. #n. brding, t,ut
<br />Wad ta~:.?iv'F so. Srarateri'a frca off m,e nxtrr thou -L; t v>. 1 -; ut rras• grtssa ,a#r prior, rca*urwis#c ut t;.rner•. Ice, and aa+ats ut
<br />9`ylt eskiraxrt (Ice to at91 .aacs set »rrd by #ta#x. Iaeral oaf 'f travi: and IcS Ihr excrsa, ti ace}, to the prrsaas or pr+~,oa, IrKally eaaiulyd
<br />tbertiq.
<br />Iw, ll:,rruate'a 9r5ht #a 1it#tsstaaa- .€h.:ar,..€+»g 3 a , ,. ~-. a4r . r„ .- ;a, ; . „a
<br />Ue.z .. sr ~a+. ~ - te,e rogt,t i "tvCUt±st,, wy,~n ! , tr;sd~, _, ,-. Ii_.~~i f .,. .,.- „
<br />.=; rear r a.. ~tv c ! a„ c x~fif A+,a..., t~:et;: ataa o: 3 , , ., .-. „-.i
<br />, :h,sRth a L _a: t. _ ,r?y -t. .}; ttx ta• r.t - ,.I
<br />r
<br />~' #k.a t..,. -art: r;y t>titi,, ~r t .. , acv +~. tv ., :,t , t a. {., ,.i .,
<br />{t,i f1:,s. ~a „-. tv, ~„h.--. <~a -„t .tt.r_ , ;as ,r -. - -, k:. ..• .,.,~.,. ~1 k~.:. , ~.,-.
<br />~ t t... i t -. ,.
<br />a ~ .
<br />ate(. X _ S., .h, ...- - ..-. .,- _ _:- -. ..
<br />