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80-- t~ C! ~ 7 8 ~ <br />t wte7se rt t'avrwatrvs. Aarruwvj and . znak: ern-enam and agwte as follows <br />T. Psysseat of Prfwei~aR and fttlest~. lit,rrou-cr c1eaA prt'unptty pav when duo the prinzii:at of nail intert~e nn ihz <br />indt~-kttdss;.4s eidencrtl try the infs. r enav7nent and !ale charges :s prn:'ided +n the 'Vote, and the principal of and fnierest <br />ors unv Fnturs ;1de~ances sra:s:rt'd by t?xrs f~erd n! f east. <br />3. Fusda fa 7`uYrs and Iss?~ratsce. Sub;eet to appticahir law nr to a a-ritten weiver 6y T_eeedar, Ttorrowtr shaft pay <br />us LetitTtr un +hc day motrtftte insta?dmvntc of panc:fra4 and i:ucu3t art °,ayahte untk;r tha iota. ttntd the Kt>ty is paid in full. <br />a sum ihzrcin '€unds"7e9uad to nnr-tw-=lfth ,,f the pearly tezcs ~ rid assessments v,h:ch may attain priority aver thts <br />f)cd u# Trbtt. and gra[rtd rents on ttx T :rrPxrty, if any. stet; net-twriftir of pearly premium invaltrssestfs fat hazard insurance. <br />pros ssrsr•twrifth of y°tarfy prrmhsm lest ailment; kv n:nrrRagt irt;arnncz, if any, ati as rrasnnabty estimated iniuatiy and Irom <br />stmt so vme try Len~r rnt the tyuis of a4Sesstnanis arsd bdts and rtaxsnabic rstimafes thereof. <br />"fix Ftznds shall he traTd in an institution the deposits nr :t£carmts of which ::•e insured nr gztaranfetd fay a Federal nr <br />state agancv ftnstuddng Lrndtr if L:ender is <uctr an in4litu[inn1. tender shad apply tht Fends to pay said taxes, assessments. <br />:murans-.r grcrritmxs and gmand ten[.. t ceder may nsN rha rgr fnr sv isatding and applying the Funds, analyzing said account <br />nr •.c: ifving and rnmpdGng card asst-ssmenu s+';d hii!s. tmtrss Ixnder pays ifartawer mlerest nn t!t+: Fudds and apptirabk taw <br />permits t,»rtdtr to make such a charge. Ffrirr tact and t.cndrr may agree in writing at the titer of execfnitm of this <br />ikcd tsf Trust that dmerast r;n the Fends ahatt iv:. paad to Aarrnwcr. and unless such agreement is made or apptitabte law <br />tcqut: rs saxh interest to !rr pain, Lender shall not in rc<isnrcd !a pay Atsrrnuer any imtzest nr earninvs on the Fvnde. Ltrider <br />shall gray, to Arxrrnver, wtthnut charge, an anm+ai as:cntmung of the Funds ;howsng creditx and debits to the Fundx and the <br />pu[pssae fnr which exh drbu to tht Fiords wax made. 'T'he Ftmds are ptadged as adddinnal security fnr Itte sums secured <br />trs- €hss Tattd ~; Trust. <br />If ilYC amtxsn[ of the Frrndx held try Lrrsdtr, tngrthar with the !afore montisiv ins[sllments of Funds payahle prior in <br />the Cher dates nt taxes, asstsstnersts, ,nsurarscc prenvtrms :scut Fnasncl irrN4, shall rxcccd tlse mm~unt rtquired to pa}' satd taxes, <br />asxssmrms. snvarancr prc.mrums and hrnund r, nt. as they !a?! ,htc, .uch cucss .haft f,c, .,t Rnrmwrrs nptinn, eithtt <br />nmmptly rcpasd n> tiorrawtr tx credited to Ek,rruwer ,m mnmhh• inetalimcnts of Funds. If the amount srf tttc Frmds <br />hdd try t_cntkr shafF not tx. cuftierrnt ro pat- taus. assessments, insurance prcrrrumx and ground rents ax they tat! due. <br />Aurrtrwrr shaft pay to i_errkr any arrnimt rie.rsun' to make up the tk.ficrrn£y wsthtn 3{e days from tht date enlist is mailed <br />!sy Ts_ndlr to Arrrrrnsv ra{utsring ,paprtient therreof. <br />Uyvnn psyf[trni rn tuff nr alI gums -:coated by rh;s TSttd ,sf Trust. N. ~etrder .hail promptly refund to Acrrmwrr anV Fundy <br />tvz~ld by Lender. If under paragraph IS i;errof the Frcrptrty ;4 ,aid ur mite Pmprtty rs nthe{w!se acqu:rcd by Lender. I.endcr <br />th;a?f spply, na +arrr than rmtreed!"rattfy prrfsr sa ttfc; ;ak of the Prapprny ur nr aa~-quisrtwrz by 1_ender, any Funafg hr{d by <br />t.ande sf ;~ tort. ts€ sppFisaltan .ss a credit agsiaas t6c <nms xecures8 t<y.thts L1rc,cd s;t"i'rusi_ <br />t. .~pp}iratiaa d pftf`pstaCa. t;ndcsx ;tppticatair~. !:rw privtilce i+tMverwltrr, a!Y ~paymtnts rcui;ved by f_endtr under the <br />I~tnv at:d paragraphs i anei 2 tserrnf ahaii tee aptyitc~d trp~ (.,ender ticsr rsi paytrttc!st nf~.amounts papatrk"to Lcntkr by Borrower <br />krndi:r fs[ua;r~ph ~ tstrtuf. risen io +nfeiervt payahtt Lrrt 'the .1rak¢, t#atn mo the priirer{+al of the t3ntm, artd then to interest and <br />pYrnstpaf tsn arsy Fuivrc Advances. <br />d, (7si [here lfoaawrr shaft tray a!i ta~ses, :smacsanneals fvnii,u rrihrr J:itargtx, fitxa and imps%ninas sttributable to <br />the f?raPariy whteh eaay attain a priortiy nvtr ah:s TScrd of Trust, ;end !casthold Ttaymants nr ground rantx, if any, in the <br />matuser praviried under paatgxaph Z hereof nr, if not paid in lush manner, try Aor route making payment, when dtx, directly <br />to ttte payee ehtrcuf. l~rrawtr shaft prampfiy €urnish tt> I.endcr .df nnnces nt amour±s duc antler this paragraph, and in the <br />event Frtsrrcwer sfsaft taakt paytttent dues?;. TSarrowrr shat? pramps#}~ trun!xfr u, i.cnder rta:crpts ev+dcn=_mg stKh payments. <br />Aormwrr shsf! ptmnptly discharge any :'ac:e .a h;=.1: has pro-uraty ;»'er ih+e deed of t rest: pruc,dr:l. chat Anrmwer shat: not Iv <br />rerfuared to discharge any stscfi lien so krng ;:s Ac-,ernuer shaft aKrer ,n ~~i rni:+g tr, rhr ;+aymcnt <,f the „blrgaos,n secured by <br />such '. ire m a mxnraer accrptabit to I.erdrr, or shall ,n Bons: tan;i .:Detest teat= hen hy, ,rr dctrnJ cntnrccmrnt nt surh hen m. <br />Itgat grrrcasfings utsich csparate tv ur vent ?ttt enfur£tment ,+! tree ;ion nr fnr testurc „t the Property ..r any part thereof. <br />5. Igtqur+/ ia+urramte. #7otrmwcr ahafi keep the rrnprnvemenis :ww a•aist;ng ur trtrrafter erected ,'~n the t'rnprrt}~ insured <br />zgausss :crss a} hi,-. t,d•a idi= _il -~.-itt; x..F..~ ;z - . _ ^n,t€4 :, , i <ah .,tFC' hatarcl<- as t!~nfkr tnav rrrttrtre <br />.Deed in such amounta aryl fen xu£h !xrrtsd3 :as l.rndtr nsav teuurrc; nrr+v ar,iscs, that T_emicr rhatl not rryutrt rest the amount :+( <br />30.::<'! .YZ4et.~J a£tlti '. i:St :iaY.'rnm 6I iUrera~C :ttj ti:SS.d ?:> pa5 the sUrns xet'UfFSi ha' :.hsr f3rcd .iY -Crt:4: <br />"T7rt iasurasri~ :: arrxr ptavrifing tot-insutsret abaft hr ~~?:rrscn its Ns+rrnu-ar tut,!ect s, aft,xue a! n4 f cadet: prnvukd. <br />fkkii aat2t approval 39a}t slept 'vt uareamm[ttiy wsthkttid At3 prrreiw•ngl an ntsutsnce pnhrres ,i+sti ?>e paid .n fix mantror <br />}'~`*`~~-~ -""•' ~.ip,:'4.h ~ hs`€a# w. e. u~ Ord 4i£ su41, :manner, by diarrt-,:;zr ~ak,ng, t,asirerv...hcri a9srr:..7irczt;v r.,. tkz <br />is[usrsr iBRil~_ <br />-_ - ~.. e^ r=r~c ,s, v->;. aid e*~a.~ -. . ! _- -: ! --- ~ . _,, _t <br />4',p,3li~b2 iC, t3tinfi' OY ~r1 era :i,rm .s tiv,pr a:edc .znds't'. 1 , nucf •, nir,i' •t,a :RI,f it; in+; z ;,f,t,. is'-, ,.tit. a, nereni <br />~r~f ~,..,ae. s art rni2{sY `t _r - .. ~- -. _ 'i sn~ fit r - __ .._ <br />fborr'outr sttat+ gtve ptOmfst tw.ra~t da tittr:ruarans:. aat'rv+ .vraf t tt u~r. ! c:=.d nr..l r,ax ra. t !rt ,t- s :i n; . nrac.e ; rc.r:rf~uy <br />h4 9tsrrctM'tt. <br />ilnkas Lent~r anei ffurrawtt .rt}ten.,xr„ s{ytce in u r.nry;..asiu :, nac phnretls ^hsi, tx .y,oirrd r, re,n,:ettnn nr arpa,r n! <br />tfst Fttsptrty siarnatitti. Pnsswstd tuatt ,rtnratt.,n a,r rei,atr ,..., ,a,vu,a..!!t rc.r,d»t na ,trt .r. net, „f rm. 1': c,i ,~! trust . <br />Mn tttax'ahV impautsi. If ,uch ttalr>r ttr,rn „ :cl+aer , „t r r,ta=er n', u5 r-'asrr;?. ~ il ~r t<;? . ,nf' +'t lht, Ucrd of 1 rn,t unald <br />ire smpauYd, tixc rtxsutarxt (Hatrrtdt =hati ixe appircdstu rhea same =caurrQ by !rm ~t t<_td ,d~isuu, „rift ih< r .:i anY. eyed <br />to tfs>rruwcr. It ttte PMZperiy tx atrandcrurd by iiurr~rwcr, ~~; r=, ?l.~rr.:uzr ':.rri. r„ :cx1n=rid r:! t.cndcr '•v t?, u: srrrsday-, frntn the <br />dint rdrt:4,o rr nsafkd t» i-tttdtr !u Tkarrxzagr !hat the *nsuterncc a:,rr ice ,•d.':+ !r .rtUe ., , la,m !at n uratac 1-rue-ft!*. 1 rnda <br />sr attftxxru.f to ca1}act alai apply tf~ resat ata.~r r-ra~~etus .d Lrnthr + .*t+tson ,~:,nrt r.r ;ceurr,rUdrr ,.r icp;ur :a rho 1r5aiscns <br />s>r to flex sumo sctaus:J h, thrs Died of 3 rs:4t_ <br />is nttta F_ctsdar aryl Tfxn7srwu trtf[¢r'u-ixt: agrr„•e :r, •arnrn€_ .,n+ .Hats .., pil4,n rA~n .,f i+r+n cols in 1,[,ua:i ai -trap rent c~.trnd <br />or g+tntpom the due aaa syi ttit merrthk} :tsxia finlcnR +eier rc.t ro ,,r ;)araghsftrs ' od 2 hrrr.n -,r ahangc ihr ark*inii „t <br />xsch ttsstaNr~nta- If tuaite ;ratagraph =~ hemot tfn- Pro;arts ymrrd by ! l:ntinif ,di r,yM. trite .end nest cst o! lh+r~ wwcr <br />of and to an}' :nsur arecs poticrea atul' t^ and to the pnwcx~i5 thei e~rt )t,uu.. :nwi aianiage r=+ the Pr, ;xat}- !snot to the ,alu <br />ssr aCSfuixuion shall pia `-o faWrt to ts)r stem ='f r~ ,aura w~xu tai he :-.,e ik~:+f :,, 1 rust ::nnrat:etrh p:uu !" -arch ..iia' „r <br />a£aµrunr«ns. <br />4. Pratt. ate0w and :Haistltaswse d- Crupttf.: I,raaafwTdr: <'sa+drnasafafa.: tNanrsrd i'nit tktrtiaprnrnts. Her „rwcr <br />R,: .{: PsespYeY.a r! ... r;+, ; ,hat. ..t _ _, il'~ ti .rl, :k-:, ir£t>)Xrix <br />.y~~shait c'c~pi} ih _hr tor,-ere , ~ , as.a rtaat rt~th,s 1>tasi ,•+ Y , afrt ,-1 .rhr, .acts, , r,ast , ,rls1 'n . <br />€ximfnnrn+um ur a t-ti:Eruaec9 unrt dereiapnttut, Ansenac, strait ;,r cinrn, ~i! uis i;nr r.rwsrs ohi:,~atrn,u w,sicr t~At~d:ciut at,on <br />rsr c~'vaneufx crt~xing ur garrnu ug tua^ 4.n:dvtri.aelwt r rtla.r,=ad .r==t tv ,:}-taus :;tai ra~~ul.wonx -! the <br />rt <br />sznssTisfrtastrsrrr ^r pdattsr:d oust ttte+:itsysrrre .:. _, t _anu,., „c. r_- .f.n t:, e !? : --t-.,,thin ten yr i~'anncd t,lut da elnpnacnt <br />rsdtr s4 ccea'uuwt Y+Y 8mratsxYrr aa~ rec urykt4 +,-q`£`tt~r wrsh tit+, !?ecd ;•s ~! nest, the „wrn.;n!v and ,:xree=swots ,a ssk.h „der <br />. - .at.*,v K...: >r-r°E .~ ::.:.v :. ,... ~;fs :::, ..:. _., ',= - <br />~:r :i bra ?a.~rr::~l. <br />,ni: <br />?, 7rsftrilias tsi•ri ;;erasity. '.f eorsvucr iarix to ,a stxu ut :i. ,, :rite ., .,;:lrsrna•r.rt +,..n a::,:,„ <br />!Matti isf Trrtxt, arc sf an} :ar:?it?ts ,~r t~rsaceihng :c ~nrs>'fxrnacd ~, lean ~r-r-i _ldcci± T-c n,Sx•r ~ -nterrst In i}-r t--..,>Nrty. <br />rttcftsdtng. cwt rraxx 1rrr.ttd ier, sr ax+t ?-r,u,r- ,:t-v:iva~.r;,, ~,,. _ ..x_re.r_ :s ;.,: cr)__._.... _. ys1 .. - ., <br />traul,.rts~ u' flea-s!.>Ni4-, t~ir 1.3: t~: ~ aE 13 se1e5 s , ptr,;n of _ss ,,a,i,: tr, Husruyw ss, 'uric ^n.T u.h a>-ia ar an..a~ _,! - -, ~r.6 <br />'tuna arnf take stn.h Ji;Fait sa rc nece~sar9 t•, p+vin~ t t,cei.ter ,. ;ntci nat. ~nJUd,:sW. -^ r '. .rued ,Ps! . ...:. „ <br />ttascrrstfabe atturf~y`s fe..*a eria{ eni t"{ ±rfwn rha Prssta:?tT' ;i, ~ cr6y~ n'pwu. L' ! t-r,.et, .,,,u ,x f!= , ,u,t,>(.u^e .~,,,.. , <br />=esNiili€m ni ,naksng tf,c ;,>aa -ecYt^rtd ^n th,'r iA^.~.1 „s" T-rr„ ?t.. r _ „_r „ ...r ~, -;,h <br />"+s~s6x€ *n edta anttt st~tt etr~ s. ihr =rHU,rainrttP r s~+r ":,.. tar n=cs - rJ ~~„ ante tt., tint ,;d <br />t tmcitr's +ntuss a$rctatrtnt ,*r agspdrs: sf^k isw fh•ov:, ~. s... ,.ai', -Lc wu .roc . , rh!,rr:. . t .,a, ,. r, , :rr,; <br />s5+3afMtr p;'t»:dtxl utsittt t+aragru(K) ? !r•_te.,rg. <br />RrbY anasuats tiHi+arrwcsi h. ier:. ;yr,su., titre ;,. ,f;~; !t'Jr .h ..., 'ha '.,a;i ,. .,,id:~.,. ...,. <br />,ats£tisezitxt~,s s+L tio-rttvr._' , eta cat s : x~t..ts : i ~,;ar. t:. „ &:: ,.ar . e; i i.s..i , - i-,. ,.thee s .e, t i .sat,. ~ ,an <br />t a na , <br />s;~Ai,r,-rt ,et;a?f in::sat furl 1x>."s a.s• ~rr.r:r t ~.~>tit::r ro t{,.eta=xcr - - 1 r~ -- rest ~.-, (. ,~;,i eh i - -.r. ,.it:• ,; itae• <br />dslt 3[ CzsDr:iatnxrx, of ttx rs;.- , ~- z -:ra 'ua.ic r ~ ter s ,~1 aa, n.~ , ,r.-r a. -. r.u_.. , ,. .._ s t armm~t .. - <br />ai Hit l1 tiiLr': -~.ariltil ire: ~.t:rittadY f _ .h}~ ,~rr_ , 1 ,., ._ t - _ r..: a „ c f :f1s: l,t~,l ale <br />ptr~s:saiisic :usftr 314g?•a,.tNP.:,am a++tx.,.t .: c n...rd c x ,.;.r-,.g ,.ss+t ~ =tar, ~a+lt,=~r ~F_.. ro: :, :et -..r - .,sc , , ..aec <br />arsy ae t!ih? +4F:re4ttttit3, ~ - _ _ <br />t: ~_ N:..t. ~. .-, ,._ .. -, , ..".. a -., t .. .. .....a:... .-a ,.. .._. . <br />*tri5i :n ft~ srasrsvts <br />