gpl4} ~ 5 6! 9
<br />- Said promissory cote was given to seetere a loan in which the Small Bnsineas Administraxion, an agency of the
<br />L`nited Slates of America, has participated. fa compliance with section 101.1 (d} of the Rules and Reguiatima of
<br />the Szt~ll Business Adntfniairation [T3 C.F.R. 101.1(dl j, this instrument is to be construed and enforced in accord-
<br />auee with applicable Federal law.
<br />1. The mortgagor covenants and agrees as follows:
<br />a: He will promptly paq the indebtedness evidenced by said promissory note at the times and in she
<br />mitaner therein provided.
<br />6. He will pay all taxes, aeeeaemeata, water rates, and other governmental or ton ::elpai charges, fines, or
<br />impttaitiona, for which provision has not been made hereinbeforc, and will promptly deliver the official ret~:pts
<br />therefor to the said mortgagee.
<br />c: He will pay such expenses and fees u may be incurred in the protection and maintenance of said
<br />property, including the fees of any attorney employed by the mortgagee Cor the collection of env or all of
<br />the indebtedness hereby secured, or foreclosnre•by mortgagee's sale, or court proceedings, or in any other
<br />litigation or-proceeding affecting said property. Attorneys' fees reaaonahly inenrred in am~ other way shall he
<br />paid by the mortgagor.
<br />d. For better security of the indebtedness hereby secured, upon the rrqurst of the ennrtFagee, its
<br />eneeeasura or assigns, he shall execute and deliver a supp{emental mertgagr nr ntartgages covering any
<br />additions, improvements, or betterments made to ;Ile proprrtp 6ureinabore described and all property
<br />acquired by it after the date hereof !all in form satisfarton' to mortgagee i. Furtbrrvnnre, shmdd mortgagor
<br />fail to tore any default in the payment of a prior or inferior encumbrance nn the property described ha~
<br />tlzia instrument, mortgagor hereby agree= to permit mortgagee to cure sorb default bet mortgagor. is not
<br />obligated to do sa; and such advances shall becnnte part of the indehu•dness -traced by this instrument
<br />»object to the same terms and conditions.
<br />r. The rights created by this conveyance shall remain iu full force and effect during au. pusynan•turnt
<br />or extension of the time of the payment of the indebtedness evidenced be .aid prnmissnrc Hole nr any part
<br />thereof secured hereby.
<br />f, He will continuously maintain harard insurance, of such n~pe or types and in such amounts ae the
<br />mortgagee enay from time to time require on fhe iugxuv.•meuts now ur hrrr:dlrr on ,aid prnpern~, and
<br />will pay promptly when due any premiums therefor. all insurance shall be carried in companies acceptable
<br />to mortgagee and the policies and renewals thereof shall be held by murtf•agee and have attached thereto
<br />lass payable clauses in favor of and in form acxeptable to the mortgagee. In event o€ loss, mortgagor will give
<br />immediate notice in writing to mortgagee, and mortgagor may neake proof of Iws if not made promptly by
<br />mortgagor- and each insurance company concerned is hereby authorised and direcIed to make payment fur ouch
<br />loan directly to mortgagee instead of to rnnrtgagor and mortgagee jmndy, and the insurance proceeds, or sup
<br />part thereaf, may be applied by mortgagee at its option :=itha~r 4o z$e reduaz:on of the indehtednesa hrrehy
<br />srsrtred or to the, restaration or repair of the profrerty damaged or destroyed. [n event of fareeloaure of clue
<br />mortgage, or ether transfer of title to said property in extingnishntt+nt of the indebtedness secured hereby, all
<br />right, title, and interest of the mortgagor in and io any insurance policies then in force shall pass to the
<br />purchaser or mortgagee or, at Bte option of the ntnrtgagrr. man be -urn•nden•d Fur a refund.
<br />g. Hr. will keep all buildings and outer improyentents on ,.aid property in good repair and cunditimt:
<br />will permit. commit, or suffer no waste, impairmen4 deterioration of .aid propert ~~ or stn port thereof:
<br />in the event of failure ai the mortgagor to keep the buildings mr said premises and tho..e erected an ,aid
<br />premises, or improvements thereon, in good repair, the mortgagee nray nrakr :nth repairs a. in its disc rrvion
<br />it may rleem neeessarp for the proper preservation thereuL• and the (all amount of each and rrer. .uch
<br />payment shall be immediately due and payable: and shall br .ecurrd h, tilt lien of tbi~ nrort~age.
<br />fr. He will not voluntarily create or permit to hr created against the property subject to this mortgage any
<br />lien or liens inferior or superior to the lien of this mortgage without the written cmtaent of the mortgagee; and
<br />Rtrtheq that hr will keep and maintain the ~auu• I'nr from the claiw nl all per-uus ,upphiag labor nt
<br />materials fnrconetruclimt of any anJ all buildings ur intproycmrnts now bring rrrcted or to fir rrrcu•d nu
<br />said premises.
<br />i. Hr will not trot or assign mr} part of the rent of .aid mortgaged pruprrh nr drnwlish. ur rrmor r.
<br />nr substantially alter env building without the written cuusrnt of the mortgagor.
<br />-- j. Aft uwarrls of duumgrs in conuectiun with any cuudenumtiou fur public use of ur nrjun to any uF the
<br />property subject to this mortgage are hereby assigned and .hall he paid to mortgagee, who may apply the
<br />same to paynrrnt of the instalhuenta last due ender said note, and urortgagee is herebr anthurized, iu der
<br />puma of the mortgagor, to execute and deliver valid aryuiuunrxs thereof :uul to appeal Crum .ury .nch oeanl.
<br />k. The mortgagee, shall hn.e the right to inspect the mortgaged prenusr, at any reasuuablr time.
<br />2. Default in any of the covenants or conditions of this itratrument or nt the. note.. or loan agreement secured
<br />hereby shalt terminate the mortgagor's right to possession, use, and enjoyment of the propert}', at the option of the
<br />tiroHgagee or his assigns tit bring agreed that the mortgagor shall Gaye such right until deiaalt). upon any such
<br />default, the m,r[gagee shall become tha• owner of all of the rents :md profits accruing after default as aerurity
<br />for the indebtedness secured hereby, with the riltht to enter upon said property for the purpose of rnllecting such
<br />rents and profits. This inatntment shall operate assignment of any rentals on said property to that extent.
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