<br />Qo~cJ~1- f a7
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<br />This mortgage made and catered into this 25th dal of Sanuary
<br />1980 , by and between August E. Van Wie and Connie Van Wie
<br />(hereinafter referred to as mortgagor} and Five Points Bank
<br />(hereiaafterrefesred to as
<br />mortgagee), who maintain ati oBce and place of businem at 2015 North Broadwell, Grand Island,
<br />Nebraska 68801
<br />WtTNFS3ETH, that for the eogsideration hereinafter stated, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, the
<br />mortgagor does hereby mortgage, sell, grant, assign, snd convey onto the mortgagee, his sacceeeon and aseigtea, all
<br />of the folbwiag described property eittuted and being iu the County of Hall ,
<br />State of Nebraska
<br />Office Unit C-l in the Grand Island Doctors
<br />Building condominium Property itagime, Lot l,,
<br />;Saint Francis Medical Subdivision, City of
<br />-Grand Isiaitd, Hall'County', Nebraska, as
<br />defined 'in the Master Deed Creating Grand.
<br />Island Doctors Building Condotainium Property
<br />Regithe; 'inc~'orporsted here iii by fhis reference.
<br />~Togethar with am! including oll buildings, all fixture, including but nut limited to ail plumbing, heating, lighting,
<br />vcntilntiag, reFrigrtnliag, incigeratiag, sir conditioning uppamtus, and elavunnx (the mortgagor hereby declaring that
<br />it is iotsndnd that the item:, hrerin enumerated shall be deemed to have been prrmanentl~~ installeJ u. port of the realhd,
<br />end alt improvemr.nts qow or hereaftr.r existing dtenxtu: the herrditumcuts and upparteuancws and all other rights therr-
<br />unto belonging, or iq anywise appertaining, and the reversion and reversions, remainder and mmuioders, all fights of
<br />redemption, and the rests,-issaes, and profits of for above described property i amvidrd, howav r, that the :nurtgal,2r
<br />shall be entitled to the possession nC said property and !o collect uod retnia the rents, issaes, sad profits until default
<br />6eeeunder}. To have and to Aoki dce same nntt. the mortgagee and thr saccessurs in interest of the. mortgu~, ~.+ forever
<br />in fee simple or such other eelute, if any, as is st;ued herein.
<br />'The mortgagor covenants that he is lawfully seised and possessed of and hue the right to sell snd convey said
<br />property, that th4-same is frse frotn all encumbrances except as hereinalx+vr, recited; and that he hereby higds
<br />himself and his sueceeaon in interest to warrant and defend the title aforesaid thereto and every part thereof against
<br />thq.ci4lms of all person whomecever.
<br />guarantee
<br />Thin instrument is given to secure the uavmcnt of u Kaottaxeat;oattat doted January Z0, 197£3
<br />iathaprincipglsumofg26.O.,RQ.O,.Ob ,signedbcAUaust E. Van Wie andCannie Van wie
<br />id behalf o[
<br />SAn FOHfA tl2a 1?-~31 YnGV{C, tl;i f_(Yl rl<~Ni A~it :)rl':!)1_E (f'
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