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~~. <br />$Q..e~~t 567? <br />- Said-promissory note was given to secure a loan in which Ehe Small Business .ldministratinn, an agency of the <br />United-States of.america, ban participated. In compliance with section 101.1(rl> of the Rules and Regufatians of <br />the Sitsall Business Adminintratinn [I3 C.F.R. lOl.i(dI ], this inetromeat is to be conseraed and enforced in aecocd- <br />anee~witE applicable Federal lax. <br />1. The mortgagor caveaanta and agrees ae follows: <br />a He witl promptly pay the indebtednms evidenced by said prottvseory note at the tithes and in the <br />manner therein provided. <br />b: He will pay all tatcea, aneeesmenta, water rates, and ocher governmental or mt::sieipai.chargen, fines, or <br />imponitiona, far which provision has not been made hereinbefore, and will promptly deliver the official racapU <br />therefor eo the said mortgagee. <br />c. He will pay each expenses and fees as may be incurred in the protection and maintenance of said <br />property, including the fees of any attorney employed by the mortgagee for the collection of any or all of <br />the indebtedness hereby secured, or forecloRUre by mortgagee'« sale, or court proeeedirxga, nr in any other <br />litigation or proceeding afierting said property, Attorneys' fees reasonable incurred in axn- other way shall he <br />paid 6p the mortgagor. <br />d. Fnr better security vr' the indebtedness hereby secured, upon the request of the mortgagee, its <br />snrcrsaors or assigns, he shall execute and deliver a supplemental mortgage nr mortgages covering anc <br />additions, improvements, or betterments made m the proprrtc hercinairoce Jescriherl amt all property <br />acquired by it after the date hereof ' alh in form satisfxctor}' tp ntartgagee ~. Ftu-thrnnare. alxou kl mortgagor <br />fail [o cure any tlefaul[ in the payruent of s prior or inletinr encumbrance on flee property described by <br />this instrmnent, mortgagor hereby agreew to permit mortgagee to rare such default. but mortgagee is nut <br />obligated to do so: and such advances shall become part of the ;ndehtrdnr-s +rrurvd 115' floc instrmtent. <br />subject to the same terms and conditions. <br />e. TLe tights created Ly this rnnvevance shall remain iu full force .md effect during auv puslpunrnrrnt <br />or extension of dte time of [he pa}'ment of the indebtedness evidenced by -;+irl pramissnrr note nr an+ part <br />thereof secured hereby. <br />f. He will continuously maintain hazard insurance, of such type or types and in such emotmU ae the <br />mortgagee. may from time to time require as the iutpnnran•nts now or hrrt•aftrr ~m maid prnprrta. ,uu! <br />will pay promptly when due any premiums therefor. AL1 insurance .hail h-: carried in companies acceptable <br />to moz•.gagee and the policies and x~rnrw~als thereof =halo tar held he mortgagee and have attached :hereto <br />lase payable rlanses in Favor of and in form acceptable to the tnurtgager. In event of loss, mortgagor will give <br />immediate notice in writing to mortgagee, :+nd mortgages nxay snake prop( of lass if not made promptly by <br />mortgagor, and each insurance canipany concerned i« hrrrlrc :outhorizrd wed directed to make payment for such <br />fries directly to marteag~ instead of to mortgagor and nxurigagrr juitul}-, and [he insurance pn>ccrda. or an7 <br />part thereof. may be applied by mortea{{ee at its option ettltrr to the reduction of the indebtedness hereby <br />seerxred or to the reseora[ion or repair of the property rlamagr+i ur destroyed. [n event of foreclaeure of tbie <br />mortgage, or other trs[tafer of title to said property in extinguisbxmrnt oC the iudebtrdneea secured hereby, all <br />right, title, and interest of the mortgagor in and to any ixxaurance policies then in force shall pass to the <br />purchaser ur nuxrtgager or. at the option uE the nmrlgagre, mac he «urrrndrrrd fur a refund. <br />g. He will keep all buildings and other iutpraventeur uu -aid pruprrt} in eoud r.•pnir .md condition: <br />will permit, commit, or suRer nn waste, impairment, deterioration of •aid property or auv p,+rl therefL <br />in the event mf failure n( the mortgagor to krrp the buiMings uu said prrmisr« nod rho«.~ erected on =aid <br />premise., ar inymivemem[s thereon, in good rrpai r, ihr mortgagor may make -ua•h rrparr«.+, ux rte disrretiun <br />it stay deem uecessarc for the proper preservation thereuL uud the full :unuuut ul curb .unl ~•vrn wch <br />payurent slrell be imn[erlianav dnr ntxd payable: and shall be .ecurrd by tixr lien of chi- morgarr_ <br />h. Ha will not volun[arih' create or permit to br created against the property subject to t!tis arortgage any <br />lien or linos inferior or superior to the lien of Chia mortgage without the written ouuxnt of the mortgagee; and <br />further, that hr, will 1[celx and maintain the „au+r free Grun+ tin= ,-Vain, .d alt per«an« .uppivng iabu+ .u <br />mmterials Cor conatruotion u( any and all buildings ur iwpttrve[n~nt« now brin_ ~-reefed ..r ru hr :~n•rtrd an <br />veld promises. <br />i. He will not rent ur assign ;m} part of the of ~aiel nrortgagrd pruprrh nr donurli.h, ur rruu+, o. <br />ur su~t~rtiaifv_ altr~ mxy boil+tir.R :: ithax;t the Kris ten consent of the omrtgagr.-. <br />j. All awards of damages in cmueectiuu with an} amdeum[auon for pulxtiy a«c of ur njun a. ,ury ul the <br />prupcrt} subject R+ this nurrtgage are hrn•by assigned and stall be paid to overt gager., who run} apply the <br />.anxe to pasur+•n1 of tbo in«taUuu'nts tort due under said note. and nwrtgagrr i• hen-ba authurized.:u for <br />nan+r of th+r mortgagor, to execute and deliver valid acquietaner--« thereof and to appoal trove au5 -u:h award. <br />fi. 'fhr uuxrtgugcc -L:dl hear the right to inspect the nurtgage+l pn-once- .+1 ;uq era«una6lr umr. <br />2. I?efault in any of the rnvenants nr conditions of this instrument or of the note or loan ugrerntent secured <br />hereby shall terminate, the mortguFuts right !n pusaeasion, use, aad enjuyxnent of the propene, at tbo option of the <br />nrrtrtgagee or fr~i assigns pit lining agreed that rite mortgagor shat) have. +uch right antil +lefautt 1. Upuu nny such <br />default. the murtgagra~ slndl becum+• ttu owner of all of the rent_ and profiL+ accruing after default .:a ~.rurn <br />fUr the indebtedness h+reurrd hereby, with the rial;t-fo rstiwr upon acid property ter the par{;.roc of ealleeting such <br />rrrtts and prvht:,, "fi;his ina[rurnen[.shall operate an an anaipamrnt of any rentals am .aid pn,prrty to that extent. <br />