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<br />t ~o-~c-~s~rs ~~r~~A.(
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<br />This mattgage made sad-entered into this 25th day of January.
<br />19 80 , by sad between August E. Van Wie and Connie Van Wie
<br />(hereinafter referred to as mortgagor) sad Five Points Bank
<br />(hereinafter referred to u
<br />martgagee), who maintains an office aad place of b»aincas at 2015 North Broadtaell, Grand Island,
<br />Island, Nebraska 68801
<br />• W11'NFSSETH, [haI for the consideration hereinafter stated, receipt of which ie hereby aclotawledged, ibe
<br />mortgagor does hereby mortgage, sell, grant, assign,, and convey »isto the mortgagee, hie succeeeora a~ assigtts, all
<br />of the following described property eitnated and being fa the Cotmty of Hall ,
<br />State of Nebraska
<br />Office Unit C-2 in the Grand Island Doctors Building
<br />Condominium Property Regime, Lat 1, Saint Francis'
<br />Medical Subdivision, City of Grand Island, Ha11
<br />County, Nebraska; a8 defined in the Master Deed
<br />Creating'Grand:.ISland Aactors Building Condominium
<br />Property Regim~,.in!corporated''herein by this reference.
<br />Together with and including all buildings, all [ixtares including but riot limited iu nll plumbing, hr•a4ag, lighting,
<br />ventilating, refrigerating, inciaernting, air conditioning uppunrtus, anil clevaasr.+ (the mortgagor herrir~ dea•laring that
<br />it is intended Chat the item. hreein enumerated shell he deemed to have bees permunemh installed as part o[ the realty),
<br />and all itaptvversants auw or hert:a[tcr exisUag theranra; the hcreilitame nts end nppurtrnaucen uad all other rights then--
<br />anW belansging, ur in an}wise appertaining, unil the rrvrr.ion and re versionr., remainder and remnindern, :dl rights of
<br />redemptina, and the rents, issues, anal pnrfi t"< u[ t{k ahu yr de.~eribed propr•ny t provirird, hove v,•r, that the- rnortgulnrr
<br />shalt ha r..ntitlr•.d-ta the pu:~:;e.~=ion ni caid pmpr•rty and w c•uller;t end rr!ain the reins, r.seu. , aa,I pm(itn antil de[ault
<br />hereunder). To bane and to Void the some unto the mwtgugr•c and the ::uca-ehv,rs in in trn:vt rd the aeurtgaF •o lure vet
<br />in fee simlile or Bach athcr rata re, if nny, a+ it< stated herein.
<br />The mortgagor covenants that he, ie lawfaily seized and possessed r:f and has the right to sell and wnvey said
<br />property: that the._apme is. free from all encumbrances except as hereinalmve recited; and that hr hereby binds
<br />himself and his euueswra is intemai to warrant and defend the title afareeaid thereto and every part thereof against
<br />~elaitns of-tell perwns-phaauoever.
<br />Thi; iaatrumsat ie given to acute the. paFnient of a promiwnury Hoer .laird .January Z0, 1.978
<br />inthapriaciNalsuatofE 295,OOO.OG ,aignedlty August E. and Connie Van Wt~
<br />its behalf of
<br />
<br />