<br />i
<br />80-: fit't56"7Q
<br />Said proatiseory note was given to secure a loan in which the Small Busiaeas Administration, an agency of the
<br />United States of America, has participated. In compliance with section 101.1 S d) of the Rules and Regalatiorta of
<br />the Small Business Administration (13 GF.R. l0i.lidi ], this inettvmeut u to be construed and enforced in accord-
<br />a~e +rith applicable Federal law.
<br />1. ~ The tortgagor eovenante and agrees as foihtwa:
<br />o. He will promptly pay the indebtedness evidenced Sy said prorrti+sory note at the times and in the
<br />manner therein provided.
<br />b. He will pay all texas, aeseasmentn, water rates, and other governmeatal or mtuu~ipai charges, &nes, or
<br />imptteitioetn, for which provision has not 6eeta made hereinbefote, and will promptly deliver the official rei~ipta
<br />therefor to the said mortgagee,
<br />c. Ae will pay such expenses and fees as may be incurred in the protection artd maintenance of said
<br />property, including the fees of any attorney employed by the mortgagee for the collection of any or all of
<br />the indebtedness hereby secured, or foreclosure by mortgagee': sale, or court proceedings, or in any other
<br />- -litigation or proceeding affecting said property: AttornevF fees reasonahk incnrreri in ane other wav shall he
<br />paid Sy 4he mortgagor. -
<br />u'. Foe Seiler aecut•ity of the indebtedness hereh_v serared, upon the rrqurst of the mortgagee. its
<br />- ~ successors or aeaigns, he shall execute and deli+'er a aupplementa) mortgage nr naort gages courting any
<br />j additions, improvements, or bctterntents made to the property hrreinubeye described and all property
<br />'~ acquired by it after the date heieof i all.in form sa€isfactnry to tnungu~ee ~. Furthrnttnrr. «bould mortgagor
<br />- fail to cure any default in the payment of a prier nr inferior encumbrance nn the. property described by
<br />-- ibis instrument. mortgagor hereby agrees to permit mortgagee to pure such default. but mortgagee is out
<br />_ oSligated to do so; and such advances shall bermt+{t part of the indehtrdur~ -crated by this iu•tnmtent.
<br />aabject to the same terms and ennditions.
<br /><•. The rights created by this eoncevance shall remain in full ib rce and effect during au} postponrwrut
<br />or extension of the time of the payment of the indebtedness rcidrnrerl bv_ said prmni=snrv note or anti part
<br />- - thereof secured hereby.
<br />f. He will continuously maintain hazard insurance, of such n-pe or types and in such amounts as the
<br />mortgagee may from time to time require nn tFe improvements now ur hrreuftrr un said proprrt.. and
<br />will pay promptly when due any premiums therefor.:111 insurance shall be carried in companies acceptable
<br />to mortgagee and the policies and renewals thereof shall be held by mortgagee and have attached thereto
<br />loss payable clauses in (av-or of and in. form acceptablee to the mortgagee. In ece.nt of loss, mortgagor will give
<br />immediate notice in writing to mortgagee, and mortgagee may make ern-+f of loss it not made promptly by
<br />mort~ager, and each insurance eompary concerned i. hereb}~ authorized and dirceted to make oayme-~ t for such
<br />lose directly to moRgagee instead of to mortgagor and mortgagee jointlc, and the insurance proceeds, or any
<br />part thereof, may 6e applied by mortgagee ai Its option either to the reduction of the indebtedness hereby
<br />secured or to the reiteration or repair of the property tlamagcd ar destroyed. ':r. event of foreclosure of this
<br />mortgage, or other transfer of title to said uroperty in extinguishment of the indebtedness secured hereby, ail
<br />righ4 title, and interest of the mortgagor in and to any insurance policies then in force shall pass to the
<br />purchaser or mortgagee or, at du• optiou of the mortgagee, mac be surn•ndrnvl tut a reftoul.
<br />g. He will keep all buildings and ocher improvements on said property iu ;;uud repair and condition:
<br />will permit, commit, or au(fer nn waste, impairment, deterioration of said properh~ or an} part thereof:
<br />in the event of failure of the mortgagor to keep t}te buildings on said pre+nises and those erected ort :aid
<br />premises, o[ improvements thereon, in gaud repair, the morlgagre may make such repair, as in its discretion
<br />it may deem necessary far the proper preservation thereof; and the full amount of each and turn such
<br />payment shall be immediately due ;uui payable: and shall be secured h. tilt lien of this mortgage.
<br />h. He will not voluntarily create or permit to be created against the property subject to [his mortgage env
<br />lien or liens inferior or superior to the lien of this mortgage without the, written consent of the, mortgagee; and
<br />furthrq that he will keep and tnaiutain the same tree I'nnn the claim ..1 all prr-ous .upph ing labor ur
<br />materials for cmtstruction of ane and alt buildings or intproveu+euts now heist! en•ctrd nr to hr crreied nu
<br />said premises.
<br />i. Hr will vot real or assiPn any part of [he rent o[ ..aid mortgaged pn+pert~ or demoli.+h. ur rrmuv_•,
<br />or subelantialh' alter ane building without the wri ttrn consent of the nnrrtguaer.
<br />j.-AlPawarde of damages in connection with any cwtdenwation for public use of or injure to mH of the
<br />property subject to this mortgage are hereby aseignrd and shall be paiii to murtgager, who may apply the
<br />some to payment of the installmruts last due under said note, uud nwrlgagee i.. hrmhs uuthurized, in the
<br />- name of the mortgagor, to execute, and deliver valid acquittance,: t6rreo( and to appeal from am .urh :Heard.
<br />k. Thr morlgagre .hall have the right to insprcl the mortgaged prrwisrs :d any rrasunablr tiuu•.
<br />2.. Default in any of the covenants or conditions of this instrument or of the note or loan agreement secured
<br />hereby shall terminate rite mortgagor's right to possession, use, and enjoyment of the property, at the option of the
<br />motgagee or his assigns lit being agreed that the mortgagor shall have euc6 rig}u until default). upon any each
<br />default. the mortgagee shall. become the owner of all of the rents and profits aocruing after default as +rrurity
<br />for the indthter~neas~sreured hereby, with tfie right to enter upon said prolrertp fee the purpose of rollectittg such
<br />rents ynd prr ;its. This instrument shall operate sa an aseigument of any rentals on said property ro that extent.
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