<br />x 8 rf5~a fl~~A~~
<br />1'liie>tnortgage made atxi entered into th» 25th day of January
<br />19 80 ,by andbetweea G. David Gruendel and Aileen Gruendel
<br />(hex+enaftbr referred w a mortga®or) and -Five Points Bank
<br />(hereinafter referred to sa
<br />murt~ts~ee), who maintains an office and piece of bttsinees at 2015 North Broadwell, Grand Island,
<br />Nebraska 68801
<br />WtrvPSSEtx, that for the consideration hereinafter stated, receipt of which ie hereby acknowledged; the
<br />mortgagor' does hereby mortgage, veil, grant, assign, and conwey urto the mortgagee, his eoceeesora and aeaigns, all
<br />of the [alktwfng described propertq tatttated and being ia~the Conmty of Hall
<br />Stan of Nebraska
<br />(~fi~e 'LTitit 3' in the Grand Island Doctors BiLildinq
<br />Condominium Property Regime, Lot 1, Saint Francis.
<br />Medical Subdivsion7, City o.f Grand Island, Hall
<br />County, Nebraska, as. defined in the Master Deed
<br />Creating Grand Island Doctors Building Condominium
<br />Property Regime, irtcarporaited herezt by thin reference,
<br />`Gogethur with.ntxl innlnding.all boitdia~, ail fixtareainelading but nut limited to all plumbing, heating, lighting,
<br />veatilntiag, refrigerating, iaeinernting, nit cwnditiaaing npparoms, and elevatare (the murtga got hereby declaring that
<br />it is intended that the items hrecin rnnmerated shail~ be-deewed to have been petmaarntiy inatailed as part of the reaag•),
<br />and al! impn,vetaents new or hereafter existing chute ,n; the. hr,-nditnmrnts auJ appurtraauce. and all other ri gh to there-
<br />unto belaagipg, or in anywise appertaining. and the n•verebw and reversions, remainder ,md rrmuinden, all right. of
<br />redemption, and the rents., issues, and profits of tIre abu ve described pn,peny (pn,vidrd, hawuve r, that the mongagar
<br />shni2 be entitled to the possession of said properly'and w rr,llrct and retain the rent:;, issues, and profits until default
<br />Iterenndcr). -i'u~hav-e and is bold-the :.erne onto the martgagec awd-the sueees.+~eus is in fetes: of the mortgagr..• forevcsr
<br />in fe« aimpLr us sytch ntilcr eeiate, if uny, as-ia stated hernia.
<br />1'he mortgagor cnveaante that he a fawfnily seined and poaeexeed of and has- ehe right to sett and rnnwey said
<br />proptS;iZ,., t-td1, e11F, aagta is free Erato a)1 mcumbrancea except as hereinabovc recited; and that he hereby binds
<br />hitttaeif agti }tin succeasore in iotereat to warrant and defend the title aforesaid thereto and every port thereof against
<br />t~p;els~ips of all petaons whewoever.
<br />'fhls iAatrytrnegt is given lu ar--cure the Uaytncnt ul a pramissor± Hate dated January 20 , 197$
<br />inthe.prit~ipalsumofS53,000.00 ,signedbt G. David Gruendel and Aileen
<br />in behalf of i~ruetiuel
<br />
<br />