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<br />g~--c~r(~~s3 <br />L -The metrtgegor m-eaa®ta sail e8es,s folloara: <br />a. Ha will P~PtIY PaY the indekredoer evidenced by acid promissory note at the ti~a and is the <br />tmaaarar therein pro-idod <br />b. He will pay ail t~ aresem~ts, water rates, and other go-ertttneatai or manieipal cbat6e4 Sava, ar <br />impaeitions, for which provimon hoe not been made hereinbefon, and wiII promptly deftest the of6efal tecerpta <br />therefor to the said mortgagee. <br />c. He will pay each expenses and Eeee ae may be incurred in the protection and maintenance of said <br />property, including the fees of any attorney employed by the mortgagee for the collection of any ar all of <br />the indebtedness hereby secured, or for foreclosure 6y mortgagee's Bale, ar court proceedings, or in avy other <br />litigation or proceeding affecting said premises. Attorneys' fees reaeanably incurred in any other way shall be <br />paid by the mortgagor. <br />d. For better security of the indebtedness hereby secured, upon the request of the mortgagee, its ens <br />ceaeon or assigns, he shall execute and deliver a supplemental mortgage or mortgagee covering any additions, <br />improvements, or betterments made to the property hereinaiwve described =.nd ail property acquired by <br />it alter the date hereof (all in form satisfactory to mortgagee). Furthermore, should mongagnr fail W cure <br />any default in the payment of a prior or inferior encumbrance on the property described by this instrument, <br />mortgagor hereby agrees to permit mortgagee to cure such default, lmt mortgagee is not obligated to do ao; <br />and such advances shall become part of the indebtedness secured by th%s instrument, subject to the same <br />terms and conditions. <br />e. T9te rights created by this conveyance shall remain in frill force and effect during any postponement <br />or extenaian of the time aE payment of the indebtedness evidenced by said promissory note ar any part thereof <br />secured herehv. <br />~. He wilt continuously maintain hazard insurance, of sash type or types and in such amounts as the <br />mortgagee may from time ro time require on the improvements now or hereafter on said property, and <br />will pay promptly when tine any premiums therefor. All insurance shall be carried in companies aexptabk <br />to mortgagee and the policies and renewals thereof shall be held by mortgagee and have attached thereto <br />loos payable clauses in favor of and is Corm acceptable to the mortgagee. In event o[ toes, mortgagor will give <br />immediate notice in writing to mortgagee, and mortgagce may make proof of for if not made promptly by <br />mortgagor, and each insurance company concerned ie hereby authorized and dimted to make payment for anch <br />for directly to mortgagee instead of to mortgagor and mortgagee jointly, and the inenrance proceeds, or any <br />parE iheeeo#, may ix applied by mortgagee at its optfaa either to the reductiaa a# the indcbiednras hereby <br />Muted or to the reacoration ar repair of the property damaged or =lestroged. In event of farct;loanre of this <br />mortgage, or other transfer of title to said property in ezi%nguishment of the indebtedness assured hereby, all <br />right, title, and intcrtai of the moetgagaa in and to any insurance policies then in force ehnll pass to the <br />purchaser or mortgagee ar, at the option of the mortgagee, rnav he surrendered for a refund. <br />g. He will keep all buildings and other improvements on said property in good repair and condition; <br />will permiq commit, or suffer no waste, impairment, deterioration of said property or any part thereof; <br />in the event of failure of the mortgagor to keep the 6uildinga on said premises and those erected on said <br />premises, of improvements thereon, in good repair, the mortgagee may make such repo%ra as %n %ts diecret%on %t <br />may deem necessary for the proper preservation thereof; and the full anwuut o[ each snd every such payment <br />shall be immediately due and payable and shall he secured M• the 1%en of this mortgage. <br />h. Ifs will not voluntarily create or permit to be created against the property subject to thin mortgage <br />any lien or liens inferior or superior Hr ilea lien of this mortgage without the written consent of the mort• <br />gages; sail further, he wiPl keep and rnaiuta%n the name free from the da%m of all persons supplying labor or <br />meter%eie (or construction of any and all buildings or improvrmrnta now Laing erected or to be erected on <br />said premises. <br />i. He will not rent or assign any part of the rent of said mortgaged property or demo)%ela or remove, <br />or aubatantially alter any building w%thout the written consent of the mortgagee. <br />j. All awards of damages %n connection with any condemnation for public use, of or injury to any of the <br />prupxrty attbjxt to ibis mortgage are hereby assigned and shall be paid to nwrtgagcc, wltu ntay apply the <br />.same to payment of the installments last due under said note, and mortgagee is hereby authorised, in the <br />name ai the mongagor, to execute and del%ver valid acquittances thereof and to appeal from any each sward. <br />k, The mortgagee shall have the right to inspect the mortgaged pramieea at any reasonable time. <br />2, Default in any o! the covenants or conditions of th%s instrutent or of the note or loan agreement secured <br />heseby,ahall term;Date the mortgagor a riglri to possession, use, and enjoyment of the property, at the option n! the <br />mortgagee ar his aasigtta (it lk%ng agreed that the mortgagor shall have such right until default). l?pon any such <br />default, the mortgagee shall become the owner of all of the rents and profile scenting after default na security <br />for-Ihe indebtedness secured hereby, with the right to enter upon said property for the purpose o! collecting such <br />rents and profile- This instrument shalt operate. as an asaignmen( of: any rentals on said propeny to that extent. <br />