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<br />Thin -made and encased into this /~ raj o[ ~1!~j^'-'~'a''~"'~ ~,,~%
<br />19 ~(~ ~ 'md between Robert J. Luna and Marv C. 7.rzna:_ h„ahanat ~.,~t v,ifn
<br />(hereinafter referred to as mortgagor) and the Adtoiniatrator of the Small Bnuaess Adtoiniatration, as agmtcy of the
<br />Government o[ the Uaited Statd of America (hereinafter re[eaed to as mortgagee), who maintam¢ m.oEfix and
<br />placeo[beaims at Empire State Building, 19th and Farnam Street, Omaha, Nebraska G8102
<br />pttTiR83R'I'H, that for the ceneideratioa heteinafter-stated, receipt o[ whidt is-~h«eby adcnowded6ad,.the
<br />tportgager-does hereby mortgage, Bell, grant, assign, and awavcy onto the ¢¢artgagee; hie ¢aocesma std `-all
<br />of the followitag• described property sitrrated and being in the Cotmty of Hall - - - ~ -
<br />Sute of Nebraska
<br />Lot Eight (8} in Martin Subdivision, in the City of Grand Island,
<br />Ha11 County, Nebraska
<br />Together with aml including alt bnildittg+, all fixtures includixyv, Ezut not linriied to al! plueubin>;, heatiuK, lyght-
<br />ing, venlilatiaq, refrigerating, incineratittg, air eunditioning apparatus, and rlecatocs (the nwrtgagor hrrehy
<br />declaring thal it is intruded that the items herein enumeratrd ,hail lm deemed to have been permam;utiy in-
<br />+talle+l as lzxrt of the realty}, und. all improvements now or hrre¢fter eristigg thereon; thr, hereditamentr and
<br />appunenanees and all other-rights thereunta belonging, or in ruzywise appertaining, and iha reveniau and rr-
<br />vcrrians, remainder anei remainder., all rights ,zf rrdenzlriinn, and thr rents, issue,., and profits of thn alza»r
<br />ilesrrihed property (provided, however, that the mortgagor .hall lze retitled io the posressiou of said pruprrty
<br />anal tp rollrct und retain the revels, issuer, nml prizCtis until default hereunder). 'Co have and to hold the ranu•
<br />unto the mortga~Cee un¢ the successors in imereet o[ the mortgagee forever in [ee simple or such othrr estate,
<br />if any, as id stated herein. - --
<br />1Yte maittg¢gor covenan;e that he ie Lwfully xiaed and poexexd of and has the right to x11 and convey eaid
<br />property; that the acme is free from all encumbrances ezcept as hrreinabove recited; and that he hereby binds
<br />himrwi{:apd lt~aartccewucs io interest to warrant and de[ead the title aforesaid thereto and every part thereof against
<br />the elaimp o)' all, persoru wi<om{oever:
<br />,. ,n ,G
<br />This instrument is given to xcuxe the payment of a promissory note dated `~:,.'X' %~ :',~~"L~
<br />io the`priucipal cum of E "14, 700.00 • signed by Robert J.Luna and Mary C. Luna, husband and wife,
<br />,n hrhalF of themselves.
<br />yaA 6nrm 42r~ (a~.r3A Ps~rlsua FAlaluaa ass Ubaeleaa.
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