<br />L T'Stt atttiatg~setoretamb aoi ogees as foi~ona:
<br />a. Lie will promptly 1?~7 tlse a e.idrsreed by aay ptamisoey Hate at the s;>aes and its she
<br />n.attarr tLetea prasidei
<br />b. He wi11 pay au t.ze., .tteumma, water tarn. ~ ofBer ~.ermertal or mt®dFsl ~+ tmr os
<br />itepotatioaa, fee wlti~ peewlrita Ira. fret Mean made beeeibefaec, sad wits promptly deBver the afidal ceexiper
<br />thet~or m :1>e solo manggee.
<br />c. lle will per- such ezpensee and fees as may be incurred in the protection and maintenance of said
<br />property, intltading the fees of aay a[tarety employed by the mortgagee for the collection of any or alt of
<br />the indtbtedtreea hereby secured, ar (or forxioanze by mortgagee's sale, ar court proceedings, or in any other
<br />- litigation or proceeding a~eeting said premises. Attotnegs' fees reasonably incurred in any other rosy shall be
<br />paid by thavtortgagar.
<br />d. For better seiatrity of the indebtedness hereby secured, upon the request of the mortgagee, its sao-
<br />eeaaors or assigns, he shall exteute and deliver a supplemental mortgage or mortgages covering any additions,
<br />improvements, or betterments made to .the property hereinabove described :ad all property acquired by
<br />it after thcdate bsreaf tall in farm satisfactory Le mortgages 1. Furtl:ermo~..=.hvuld :ne~±gagac fail to €u:^-
<br />any default in the payment of a prior or inferior mcnmhrance on the property described by this instrument,
<br />- mortgagor hereby agrees w permit mortgagee to rare roach default., but mortgagce is not obligated to do eo;
<br />and such advances shall become part of the indebtedness s€cured by this instrument„ subject to the same
<br />tests and eoeditiona.
<br />e. The rights created by this conveyance shall remain in full force and eNect during any postponement
<br />or extension of the time of payment of the indebtedness eviden€ed by said promissory Hate or an-v part thereof
<br />secured hereby.
<br />). He will continuously maintain hazard insurance, of such type or types and in such amounts as the
<br />mortgagee may from time to time require on the improvements now nr hereafter nn said property, and
<br />will pay promptly whm due any preanit»m therefor. All irtsnrsttee shall be carried in eompaaisss atxepWltk
<br />to raoragagee sad the policies and rrncwaL thereof shall bt held by mortgagee and bare attwciEss' :bei'Cto
<br />Iola payab~ claasa in favor of and in form aeeepiabk to the mortgagee. In event oC lose, mortgagor will give
<br />immediate notice in writing to mortgagee, sad titortgagee map make proof of Ior if not made PTDmPV7 by
<br />marten oral em.$ lmn.-aay rampany €on€erssd is ltexhy atstharised and directtd.. to tnske payment for evrh
<br />leas d:rsctly to martgsg€s instead of tc mortgagor sad tortgagee jointly, and the ineitrea€e praoeede, or any
<br />part thereof. may be applied by mortgagee at its aptioa either to flu redr~etion of the indebtedner hereby
<br />seearcd or to the mtorstion or repair of the property damaacd or destroyed. In evrnF of foret:losatr of this
<br />mortgage, or other trasafer of title to said property nn extinguiubrncut of thx indebtedaer secured $erehyr all
<br />rigor, titl& and iatirmt of the ~t#gagor is sad is aay iiastirari€e paiicies rhea in forte aaali pass to tan
<br />pur+:haser or mortgagee oe, at the option of the martpanee, rosy lte surrtadersd fan a refur+rl-
<br />g. He will peep all lntildings and rltla-.r iatprovrtrxata e~ said pr~rt; in goad repair and :~adit:tm;
<br />will permit, wmmit, or suffer no waste, impairment, deterioratiou of said property of say part thereof;
<br />in the eyent of failure of the norgagor to kelp the buildings an said premises and tFtoee erected oa said
<br />premises, oe improvements thereon, in good repair, the mortgagee may make such rtpsirs as in its dieeretion it
<br />may deem necessary for the proper peessryaiioa ihereos`: att.'. the foil:..-..o;.ut of ea:, h sad €v€ry su€h pay~~t
<br />shall be immediately due sad payable sad shall be .scored by the Ilan of this mortgage
<br />h. He will trot voluntarily create or permit to be cmatai against the property subject to this mortgage
<br />am Ilea or liens inferior or superior to the lien of this morigags xithout the written consent of the mart-
<br />gaaee; and further, he will keep and maintain ih€ same trce 6rom the claim of all persons supplying labor or
<br />materials for cottatrttetian al any and alt huildinfrs or /mpeoverosnts Haw being erected or to be erected on
<br />acid premises.
<br />i, Ile will ant rent nr assign nny part of the rent of raid mortgaged property or demolish, or remove,
<br />or subatantialls alter arts bui1diag without the written consent of ilte mortgagee.
<br />-j. All awards of`damagcs is eottneetien with any condemnation for public use of or injury to znr of the
<br />property ~Sjeel to this ruorigsge-are heraby assigned and shall be paid xo mortgagee. robs uaay apply thn
<br />sttrne to paymeot:oi the itastallweats last dtie under acid note, a$d mortgages is hereby authuria~, in ibe
<br />nam€ of the nortgagor, to sxaxuts and deliver valid acquitiancaa ibcrsaf and to appeal from any sacJt award.
<br />&. The nicsrtgsgrx. ®hall have the right to irtspect the mortgaged premises at any rcaaonabie time.
<br />~ fhfanli is aay of tits ruv€nanq ar conditions of-this instrument or of the rntte or loan agreement c<•cured
<br />hmtahy atsall..ixrmtraatr,.tlte mortgagpr`s right to posvsrion, rue, and rnjayrttcnt of the property. et she option of the
<br />or Ills aaoigtrs (it being agreed shat the mortgagor shall hays su€h right anti{ defsuitF, tippn any sash
<br />dttfaslt, tine mortgagee shall bttslrtse the <rwtur of ail of the rents and praiite accruing after default as security
<br />fag` flee inlrbtedrxsx assured hereby, with tltr right to caret-upon win property far ttls purpwc of raiiecting such
<br />sad profits. This ittatrumcnt shalt et~rrr4,te as an al: any rentals yn said property to that extent.
<br />