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~..._.__ <br />.~ <br />Tiis tRaet~e aaada ttpd eatateri iaao this ~ a.~ .r ~ ~ie.~ t.' ~` <br />t4 ~ , by attd betarma Ray L, Ericson and Rebecca J. Ericson, htasband and wife. <br />tftereiaaker re[stxd to as mor[gaaor! snd the Adtaixiatrator of the Small Beninese rn app o[tlx <br />Get~ermmt o[ the United States o[ America (itereisafter referred to as atortgaee), orbs aaimteim an o6taa and <br />piaesafltiasu Empire State Building, 19th ~ Farnam, Naha, Iiebrasica 68102 <br />wash tltaL far the hm+[®after dated, r«eipt of trhieh is ~ a~aofrlad~od, the <br />serer=rittn hrt~ ~rt~e, ~, #fant, ave~a, asd eaareT mfrs tip nsort~e~ee, ha atsremers m~ after, aI! <br />a[ the fa~lowie~slert~ibed jwopraty aiteated sad beirR m the Cooesy of ball <br />State of . Nebraska <br />Lot Twos{2), in Walker's Subdivision, an Addition to the <br />City of Grand Island, Hall Connty, Nebraska: <br />?'agetfter wi#h and iRKieditt~ aii buiidings, ail 6xtere:x including ixut not iimited to aii piumtrinR, headitte, IiAbt- <br />iryq, ventilatic~, rr[rigeratinp„ incineraiint{, air conditionie,~ apparato., and elevators (the moriga#;nc iterrby <br />deeiarittg that ii ii intrndeti that the item, herein rnumerateti .hai} be dsemrd to have }xeen Ixermanently in- <br />Ytalied ar port of thr rraitp ), and aH improcemeni= none nr herrafter existink therran; the herediternent~ anei <br />ap}tttrtettetxa... ae4dall miter ri„ht, thereunto belonging, ar in and-vvise aispertainiatK, and the _r~ver,eioat and re- <br />vereians, remainder ant{ remai4[ierv,, ail rigitts of rrdaeuptinn. and the rents, ixnura, and pro&tm of the above <br />dc++rrihati-~pro~peerby -(provided, haM~ever, that tine morlitagar •hali i,r entitlest is the pa--esniou of Said property <br />amt to rnlttet and retain. #~ teats, iasttes, and ptwfiie etruii dedwit hereandes). To have -and -tn hold the eartse <br />=+sta-fh€--aad~ire sorc 8u~inaerast-taf rift ttarri~a~anr Forest:r air #cf alsple-ar rrten othrr ~iWie. <br />if ext. as-is-t+#alrt#h'ar~Gia <br />'~4rt~-aevaasai..that ha is ltfdaily ar3aed aad porered o[ a+dd ho rho ~t tri aeii sQd rataray said <br />property; tipaaNee .$ ftae"-ftmet~ sti-~ears~eea- exrarp#-as h.t,.:.a_6,...r~itr7d: and-that. he lttreh± histda <br />himartf satd tae satearoon ix ioterett to nurser attd defend tha tttk aforeuid thcrew sad every parr thereof adaimt <br />floe elai#ea o[ s~-,r$prtµaurer. <br />`'e.. <br />'ffiia ia®trrtatesss, es pivan to secure the payment of a $roxuawsy sate dated -~ - ~ <br />ia~+a_p-Moat[~,12e9#?@:tFft, »a-;+-~+bfFay t.. Eritxota ~ uebe~ea ?. t~ricnen, hushn:ad and c,iEe. <br />es ttekailtsf tlts;FaSels"*~6'. <br />Say fr,r i i s r t. ftt -,..1.ya t{iwm sr. 9~irw. <br />