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<br />L The eovm+tutb sad ttgtees as faDams:
<br />s. Ha will promptly psy t~ intlrbtadosns evisl~xd b7 ssid pzaseiswrp note st the times tmd it the
<br />masses thmeia pmvided
<br />6. H o trait paq all taus, aaanaatmn, wstez rates, a~1 other garerttmaatal or taunieipal ~arBea, fines,, ar
<br />impositions, far nhieh pravrm has sat been made bereinbefore, amt will promptly deliver the oAkiai seaipu
<br />therefor to the said mortgagee.
<br />c. He will pay such eapensea and fees as may be incurred in the protection and maintenance of said
<br />property, Sncluding the tees of any attorney emFloyed by the mortgagee for the collection o[ any or all of
<br />the indebtedness hereby secured, or for forecloaare by mortgagee's sale, or court proceedings, or in any otlser
<br />litigation or proceeding affecting acid premises. Attorneys' Ctee reasonably incurred in any other wap shall be
<br />paid by the mortgagor.
<br />d. For better security of the indebtedness herehv secured, upon the request of tht mortgagee, its sas>
<br />cesson or assigns, he shall execute and deliver a supplemer_tal mortgage or mortgages covering anp additiow,
<br />improvements, or bettemtents made to the property hereinabove described :nd all property acgttirvd by
<br />it afttr :he da:e hersaf (all is farm satfsfactcrv to mortgaKtei. Furthermore, il:auld martgagar fail to cttr<
<br />any default in the pa}'ment of a prior or inferinr encumbrance on the. property depcribed by this inatramart,
<br />mortgagor hertby agrees to permit rnartgaget to cure such default, but mortgagee is not obligated to do sat
<br />and such advantea~ shall become part of the inrlebtedneas secured by this inatntmsnt, subject to the same
<br />terms and CanditYatra.
<br />+>. T1te rights created by this conveyance shill remain in Full Eorce and effect during any postponement
<br />ar rxtenaion of the time of payment of the indebtedness evidenced by said pramissary Hats or any part thereof
<br />secured hereby.
<br />f. He will continuously maintain hazard insurance, of each type or types and in such amounts as the
<br />mortgags+: may from lima !o time require nn the improvements now or hereafter on said property, and
<br />will pay promptly when due any premiums therefor. All ittsttrance eball be carried in companies aoceptabk
<br />to mortgagee and tbt policies and renewals thereof shall be held by mortgagee and have attached thereto
<br />loss payable clauses in favor of aad in form acceptable to the mortgagee. fa event of lees, mortgagor will give
<br />immediate notice in writing to mortgagee, and mortgagee may make proof of loos if trot made promptly by
<br />mortgagor, and each insarance company coacerns:d i s hereby authorized and directed to melee payateni for each
<br />loos slirectiq to mortgagee instead of to mortgagor and mortgsgce joiaily, and the insuraax prnceeda, or sap
<br />part thereof, map be applied by mortgagee at its option tuber to the rrluction of the indebtedness hereby
<br />secured or to the restoration cr repair of the property damaged or destrnved_ In rotas of fortclceure of this
<br />mortgage, or outer irsnater of title to said properly in eztinguiahmaaf of tht inilebteslness stcur~ berebp, all
<br />right, stets, and iutexrse of the mortgagor is and to auy insurance policies rhea fn farce shelf pees to the
<br />parchasa- rr mor€gagtt cr, at the option of Che martaagte, ,say }~ surrtndertd far a reload.
<br />g. €le will keep all buildings and other improvements on said property in good repair and condition;
<br />will permit, commit, or suSer no waste, impairnten4 deterioration of said property or env part thereof;
<br />in the event of failuee of the mortgagor to keep the buildings on said premises and those erected oa said
<br />premises, or improvements thereon, in good repair, the mortgagee may make such repairs as in its discretion it
<br />may deem necessary for the proper preservation thereof; and the full amount of each and every such payment
<br />shall be immediately due and payable and shall be secured by the lien of this mortgage.
<br />B. He will not voltmtarily create or permit to be created against the properly subject to this mortgage
<br />any lien or liens inferior or superior to the lien of this mortgage without the written consent of the mort-
<br />gagee; and further, he wil{ keep and maintain the same free from t'ae claim of all persons supplying labor or
<br />material tar construction o[ any and all buildings a~ in.nr ;ren.ents now being erected or to be erected on
<br />said premises.
<br />i. He will not rent or assign any part n( the rent of said mortgaged property or demolish, or remove,
<br />or substantially alter any building without the written consent of the mortgagee.
<br />j. All awards of damages in wmtection with any condemnation for public use of or injury to any of the
<br />property subject to this mortgage are hereby assigned and shall he paid to mortgagee, who may apply the
<br />_ sa4ae tp paysaent_ of rho inata_llments last due under said ne;e, and mortgagee is hereby authorized, in tht
<br />name of the mortgagor, to execute and deliver valid acquittances thereof and to appeal tram arty such award.
<br />k. The mortgagee shelf have the right to inspect the mortgaged premises at any reasonable time.
<br />2. Default in any of-the covenants or conditions of this instrumem or of dte note or loan agreement secured
<br />ltarebyelraA termiutate the mortgagor's right IO poaaeaalOR, axe, and enjoyment of the property, at the option of the
<br />mortgagee or his assigns (it bring agreed that the mortgagor shall have such right until defauhj. Upon any such
<br />default, the mortgagee shall become the owner of all of the rents and profits accruing after default as security
<br />for the indebtedneae secured hereby, with the right to enter upon said property far tree purpose of coflectiog such
<br />rants sad profits, Thin instrument shall operate as an aasignmeni of any rentals an said property to that extent.
<br />