<br />~~~~
<br />1'hir aseuetgsge rods aed sassed iato this ~~ r day d G?~ , '
<br />19 ~C ,!y-and between David L. Arnold and Marilyn-S. Arnold, husband and wife,
<br />fhcseiaafter refereed to u t:tartgagor) and the Administrator of the Small Btraiaes Adtniniatratioo, as agaaey of the
<br />Govertwwt of the United States of Ameziea (heretnafur referred to as mortgag«), who maiataias as o~ s~
<br />PIs0G10Eu Empire State Building, 19th and Farttam Streets, Omaha, Nebraska 6$102.
<br />~tn~ere, that for tlm txnaideration hereinafter stated, receipt of trhieh is hermhry-
<br />des hereby taottgagE, sell, gran4 aseigs, and Eonvey ~onro the mo:t„agre,. his -:~ ~4 a~
<br />of !!~ tolbvriag tiserihed Property situated-sad being in the Cotmty of Ha?.I ~~
<br />Staxe of Nebraska.
<br />Lot Fourteen (14), in Anderson, Subd3,vision in the. City of Grand
<br />Island, Hall.Gognty,, Nebraska..
<br />Together wish and iaciuding all buildings, aU fixtures ineludins out eat 1emiled to all piumbiug, heating, light-
<br />ing, ventilating, refrigerating, incinerating, air conditie.:ir:g ~apparatu., and elevators (the mortgagor hereby
<br />declaring that i( is intended that the items herein enumerated shall be deemed to have been permanently in-
<br />stalled a5 part of the realty), and all improvements now or hereafter existing thereon; the hereditaments and
<br />appnrtenanees and all other righ4: thereunto belonging, or in anywise appertaining, and the recerion and re-
<br />~~versions, remainder and remainder, at! rights of redemption, and the rents, issues, and profits of .the shave
<br />'~ desetnta_ad,-property (praYided, however, that the mortgagor shall he entitled io the possession of said property
<br />and toroiieet and retain;the reels, issue,, and profits until default hereunder}-, 'I'a leave and #o hold the same
<br />unto:titE-~?rtgag~c-aad Tice successors in interest of the mortgagee. forever in tee sitnple or such other ebtafe,
<br />if _anY~ as is._staied-herein.
<br />'Bhs mettgagar coYenaais that hE is fswtnlly seized and post~aEd of sad has the right to seal sod coavey said
<br />ProPe+'tY:~~st the acme--ss tree from all encambraaca-except m hereinabove rECiied: and that fie hereby binds
<br />h#t°u~~)E)~~if.__,,a_~n'~d his star+ecE+wts in interest to warrant sad defend the title afartaaid thtreto and every part thereof against
<br />t}f8.uwaq~~ ail-peraosa'/YhttCtaneYEl-
<br />Tiais inatrumertt to given to secure the payment of a romiesor note dated ~ ~'`\,
<br />in~tl~,Prine+Pglsum.oS~S. -E-_._..___-Y...._._. - .~-: :-- .' .
<br />IO;3OO.Ot3.-sigttgdhY David L and s'Narilyn S Arnold
<br />9ahphaili,f themselves.
<br />>e~ r.,,.9}i,tF'ta1 r,a,twa rusty.+n Oiwls,s.
<br />