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<br />S0~ vj,t~~ ,~~'~ SUBDIVISION AGREEMENT <br />DOUBLE R SECOND SUBDIVISION <br />In the Qty of Grand Island, Nebraska <br />The undersigned, REED ROTH EQUITITZES, a partnership, herein- <br />after called the Subdivider, as owner of a tract of land comprising <br />a part of Lot "H", Joehnck's Subdivision in the City of Grand Zsland, <br />' Hall County, Nebraska, more particularly described as follows: <br />Beginning at the Southeast corner of Lot Six (6), <br />Walker's Subdivision; thence northwesterly along <br />the northeasterly iine of said Walker's Subdivision <br />a distance of two hundred twa and thirty-two hundredths <br />(202.32) feet; thence northeasterly parallel to the <br />southeasterly line of IYSacArthux Avenue a distance of <br />one hundred fifty-two (i52} feet; thence southeasterly <br />parallel to said northeasterly line of Walkers Subdivision <br />a distance of two hundred eighty-six and two hundredths <br />(286.02) feet to the North line of Bismark Road; thence <br />westerly along the North line of said Bismark Road a <br />distance of one hundred seventy-three and five-tenths <br />(173.5) feet to the place of beginning, and containing <br />0.852 acre, more or less; <br />desires to have subdivided as a subdivision the above described <br />tract of land which is located. within the corporate limits of the <br />City of Grand Island, Nebraska, and hereby submit to the City Council <br />of such City for acceptance as provided by law an accurate map and <br />plat of such proposed subdivisi.en to be kra:.~t as DOUBLE R SECO::D <br />SUBDIVISION, designating explicitly the land to be laid out and <br />particularly describing the lots, streets, and easements belonging <br />to such subdivision, with lots designated by numbers, streets by <br />names, and easements by dimensions, and pioposes tv cause the plat of <br />such subdivision when finally approved by the Regional Planning <br />Commission and the City Council to be acknowledged by such owner, <br />certified as to accuracy of survey by a registered land surveyor, <br />and to contain a dedication of streets to the use of the public forever <br />and of easements to the use and benefit of aublic utilities. In <br />considexation of the acceptance of the plat of said Double R Second <br />Subdivision, the Subdivider hereby consent and agrees with the City <br />of Grand Island, Nebraska, that it will install or haue installed <br />at its expense the following improvements: <br />1. Paving, 'Phe Subdivider waives the right to object to any <br />paving or repaving district of Bismark Road where it abuts the sub- <br />division. <br />