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L The mortgagee acv®anaa seed ageaa as fo2totra: <br />•. He rriD pt+~tptly pay the indebledaeo evidenced by acid promirory nov_• ai the times sad its the <br />meanea thtrnia provided <br />b. $e trill pay ail ta>cce, awamaeat4 Saber rates, seed other govetmtwtal or mtanidpal charges, finea, ~ <br />impositiaay for trhieh ptroviei~ has Sect been m:de htreiu}setore, and trill promptly deiivce the orieial roeeimt <br />therefor w the acid mortgagee. <br />c. He wIIl pay such expenses and fees as may tae incurred in the pzoteetion and maintenance of said <br />propttty, including the fete of any attorney employed by the mortgagee for the collection of any or all of <br />the indebtedness hereby secured, ar for forecioeare by mortgagce'a safe, or court proceedings, or in say other <br />litigation or proceeding affecting said premier. Attorneys' fees reasonably incurred in am other way shall be <br />paid by the mortgagor. <br />d. For better eecnrity of the indebtedness hereby secured, upon the request of the mortgagee, its aa~ <br />censors or arigne, he shall execute and deliver a supplemental mortgage or morgagd corering any additiotta, <br />_mprove.^nnts, or 1wt•rr:ntitia .•nadt to the properly hr--faabove. d arkd :nd l pz3~.rty a~ysirr3 by <br />it after the date 6tttmf tall in form satisfactory to maregagtej, Furthermore, should mortgagoe fail to cure <br />any default in the payment of a prior ar inferior encumbrante on the property described by this inattumeot, <br />mortgagor hereby agretes to permit mortgagee to rare such default, }wt mortgagee ie not obligated to do eo; <br />and each advances shat! become part of the indebtedness secured 6y this iasttvmenL subject to the same <br />terms and conditions. <br />:•. The rights created by~thia conveyance =hall remain in fe>Il force and eficct durinK any postponement <br />or extension of the Time of payment ni the indebtedness eyidtncec} 1>y said promisaorv note or any part thertaf <br />aceured hereby. <br />/. He will continuausk maintain hazard iosurance, of Hoch type nr types and is such amounts as the <br />mortgagee may fmm time to time require nn the improvements now at hereafter on said property, and <br />will pay promptly when due any premittma therefor. All insurance shall be carritxl in companies acceptable <br />to mortgagce and the policies and renewals thereof shaft Jte held by mortgages and hwve attached thereto <br />loos payable clans }n favor of and in form acceptable to tht mortgagee. In event of loan, mortgagor will give <br />immediate ttotitt is writing to mortgagee. sad mortgagee may make proof of loss if Hai made promptly by <br />mortgag=or. sad ra;•.b isaursaec comptmp concerned is hereby auihorixed sad dirxttd to tatafte pay:a€ai fur sash <br />loos dtrecdy to mortgagee instead of to mortgagor and mortgagee jaindy, and the imurance protmeds, or any <br />pert thereof, may be applied by mortgage at its a~ptioa either to the reduction of the iadabtedneee hetebp <br />saettred or to the rtsuoratiaa or repair of the property damaged or deatrorrd. Ia crtat of fat•ecionaze of this <br />uartga~: oz other tr-fer 4d title to =aid pr~~rt= in =a€in r~iahmant of ems ir:dc=teants ecectad bat~3y, ~s <br />right, title, and interest of the mortgagor is and to any ittaorattee policiew then in tortt shall oar ta the <br />parrhaaer ar mortgagee sir, at the option of the tnortgaxer, may Iw• surrwndete<l inr a refund. <br />g. He will keep all buildings and other improyrmentn an said property in good repair and rnndi[ion; <br />will prnni4 commit, or euBrr ur> waste, impairment, deleriarution o! said property ur anc part thereof; <br />in for event of failure of the martKagur to keep the buildings un saiJ premises and those crested un said <br />premises, or improvements thrroun, in good re}eaiq Stec mortgagee may make such rr.pairs as in its dier•rrtion it <br />may Berm neeeeeary for the proper preseryatiwt thereof: and the full amount of each and every such payment <br />shall fxrmmediateiy due and parable and shall be wcurwl by the lien of this mortgage. <br />/t. He will nut voluntari)y create ar permit to br rreatrd against the property subjrc! to this mortgage <br />auy lien or liens inferior ar superior to the lien of Shia nturtKage without the written consent of the mort- <br />gaKer; and further- he wit! keep and maintain the Haute free from the claim of all persona supply ing lalwr or <br />materials far coastntctiun of au. and alt buildings or improvements now being enxtrd or to be erected nn <br />said premises. <br />i. Hr will not rent or a»stKn any part of the real ul said mortgaged property ar demolish, ar remace, <br />or sulmtanUSily steer anc building without the written ennsrnt of [hr' nuartgaRrr. <br />J. Afl awards of damages in connection with env condrnmation for public use of or injury to say of the <br />prsrperiy anbjtct to Ehis murtgegr are hereby assigned and shall t>e psid to martga}ttc, who stay apply the <br />anent: to payment of t}te matAlimtnta last due under said cxrtr, and murt}tagec rn hereby authariuJ, in the <br />t:autz of the murtEagor, tn.xtxutr. and +lettyez .slid ae+fuittaacr- thereof an.l to appeal fr.-,n; auy snci: sward. <br />k. The nuutgagtr, shall have the right to inspect the mortgagod premises at any rrasattable time <br />2. Ikdault in auy of the coytnartta or rondiuuns uF t}tie last tomcat or of the note or iaan aK_ rr•r°ntent w•: urrd <br />}ter-r>•bp shell iartninatC the martgagvr'a ri{C}ai to {>osaessiau, unr., and rlilovnlent of the proprrt c, at thr~ up4an of thn <br />~rigagce or }cis axsiyins tit being agreed that the +nortgaAor shat! have sorb right until dchwh)- f-pun :mv such <br />default, ihr srtortgasrr shell }>erotnr the o;vnec of ell of the rent+ ,end t~rotits accruing after default as srrunty <br />fez 3}~ indabtedrnsss secured hrrebr, wit}e the right to entzm apuu said propcry !ur the purpose u{ rulle=rting sec}s <br />rants sat! prpfita. This instrument stall oftrrais as as assigntnriti of any renta.s un satd pn,fx•na to tirar ext, nt. <br />