so-~~~~~~ 1~~~~G~
<br />-~
<br />T"£s'aaarsg~sna~ aadeat~ed iota this c-? ° --- a+3 ~ -~`2~~-m-f~-r.•ri
<br />14 $p , by and betwea~ Bernard G. Tittttan and Ilonna n. Tittaan, husband and. Wife,
<br />(hereinafter referred to as mortgagor) aad the Admiaistrator of the Small B>asines AthniuiAratieu, ttn agency of the
<br />GasrxomtmE of the United States of America (hereinafter referred to as mortgagee;, who maistaita m office aced
<br />piaee~h~aeinessat Empire State Building, 19th and Farnatn Streets, Otttaha, Nebraska 68102
<br />~9tttt~saCS, ibsE faa• the toatian 6ereduafter stated, ~iPt of which is hetxbp ~ tits
<br />taortga®sr dtYS 7 `ttwrtgaQe, xli, #aut, wigs„ and convey tt~n: tho atortgagee; hie wtxe.ers and staipu,. all
<br />of the foilowiug tfest:ihed property situated atad being is the Cooairl• of gall
<br />Sate o$ Neiirasita
<br />T,a t--Nina {9; ~.. L~ Two «? in Pleasant 4ieta i'nird :addition
<br />to the City of GrandryIsland, :iebraska
<br />flrttGtlrer witil,and irtLlUrltnH s#f Ituilding., all hxtnrea ise#eJin~ irut nut iir~titt,i to al# triterrrfre~rg, hc~ten , !i„ht-
<br />inq, vtnai#atip#. rrfrii4eratittg, itu•ineraiiny, uir-run.litionina aplrttrrttu4, and rlc.atur, f ekrr nrurt;Yaitor hereby
<br />drriarittg-That it is iutendsal Shat fitr itrcn• hetrin enururrateJ -~hrt#1 tre r'rremrd to ire+r lrr.rn prreuanrntly im
<br />-tallyd ar. i;arf ui~ thr r;ralt. ), wtd all irrsjrrorrntetris ne» r~r iuerra[srr r><i+ting tirervurt; the iaree<iii:ttneulM ,+nri
<br />airirurrGnaru•es aital-ail.rrtfter right: thrreutttQ heion~ing, ur to atty a=i-,~ a}rfsGNa#nitttL, and the rs+rr,irrn anri rr-
<br />vGniart+, rcertsiruler and rrntaiterlcn., all ri@ht. of rrslrmptirru, sud thr rr-rtt~. irtaue-. ttnd prariiin u€ the abuse
<br />dera-rifted prrrfreriy {provideal, twwrsrr, t}urt the snort raytur ..hati lw eutitirJ iu tirr pw~rs~iun u€ maid yruirrrt+
<br />end 5c cot#ert and retain the rent+, i>-ue+. anri errnfrn until sir(sult hrrenrrriert, '7'n beer anr# to hrriti ti±e 4s±nr
<br />iietefr tflG tilrbrtfLa~eG and tftc >trrcr-++rrre iu intrrr~t of thr utyrt~a~^ r± ~+~rrs rr i.t fey •impl! +•r +ttr•h aetbrr r5l8tr.
<br />if aus, atat+.•if~hercfn.
<br />'F3u esaortgager r~raaaufs that he b iatrfai#y ~iged Brad €d of and ha: the right to ae#} sttd euarey .aid
<br />}sraperip: first the astae a €rce €r:urr al`t rocunrhrsncra rr;refrt air ttercirtabo+e retsted, and t#cst he hereby hinds
<br />hirosslf sad lu} sutcnson iti interreY to warcaut sttd r#siead cite title atrrrcaaid thr•teto attd r.try hart thrreoi agsitW
<br />thn cltrtertt• of slit prrtton+t wim~resertvax.
<br />~l'hsa ineir,nrrent it pjs•exr to secure tiu }rayntrnt of a iarontiaerrry teats .iaiv+d ,,.x,,~.,.. > „-.:a:,. h `~ ~'? ~G, ,
<br />io t#te prineipa' atrm of 8 IS, 600+0f} , ~iRtned hp beretard r_;. '."its:sn ,_nd Uonna r_. ? i t:;,=.,t, . ,'r,.:tt.i
<br />t ,aC:.
<br />r~'~.fYalf`rt`t' thkatselvt;=.s .
<br />+ivi~,.~ gr ra.rt} r.x•a.,., sa;~ .,-.-e,ir~.-
<br />