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<br /> ' TUG�7'HER WITN ull thr iir�prt��ement., iww or tw:rrafkr erectal on O�e pruperty, and:�ll u.enkut.,vppurterwncrs.�uxl
<br /> {ixtur�s �w�w ui• Iwr.aRe� a ry3� uf' Itr: pr.ip.ri}. ILi� r�}�eu�us wrJ sKWiti�H►c .l�all AtM� t+e �ru•ettyl by tl�ic �a:u�ity
<br /> 1��..truuxnt. All i�f Ihr G�rc�;c�i�y i.rrf'ermJ tu�n ihi�Stcurity ImtruaKnt as tix"Pmprny.'
<br /> HdRROWER�OV�NANTS that &�rrc�Wcr is law.',alty�scisal�ii'thc catatc himby cwncyal+uo.i h:i�thc right t«�r�uV uri
<br /> com•ey th� Pmpcn� +�x1 ttut thc Pn�ry i, ui��Y:un�xrul.ezc4pt fi►c encumhr.uxes uf ra.►n1. &uruuer u�urr�nw�nu will
<br /> defi:axl bcncr�lty th:ti11r ta the Pn�rt�•:►l:ii���t�I{:i�inti:ux!ck�nurl�. sut►j�tit tu�u�y c+wwnt+raix��uf'r�xr�rJ.
<br /> T�IIS S�it1RiTV' INiSi'RUI►9EN'F cv,inbi�s unifi,m�eo�•cnYnts tix iwticmai u�e and natrunifumt�u�•ettyiuv with la.:sit,;d
<br /> variations by JuriSdiction to rnaciitute a unif�rni s,xurit�• 'sn�truu�u n�4tring n:�l pm�ty.
<br />_ UNIs�C]Rl�t C'��'F.NA;VfS. &�rr�,KCr anct i.ender cc��rr�nt�uxl ag�ce as t��llc►K�s:
<br /> 1. i'yyateW of Priac�ipal wsd Iutcrest: Prep��paeut andi I.atr Ct�es. &�rrav�•er stuill piY�mplly pay wlxn due ttsc
<br />.- principal c�f uul iruercst�the dcbt e�ic:eneerl by the Nate:ii�l unY P�Yntetu�xi iite ct�rges due urnicr the Note.
<br /> 2. Ftir.ds for Tazes;ea� [�LCr. Sa�ject t��applica6lc {;�w•or w a written wai�•cr by Lcrxicr, I3orraw�r stwll paY t.�
<br /> l.ender on thc�fay me�nthly payments are due untier tt�e Ncue,until the Ncxe is p�id in Eull,u sum('Funds")far: (al�eurly taxes
<br />- and 3sses.v»enis w•hich nny attain priority p�•er this Sxurity Inurun�ent as a lien on the Fropeny;(b>ye�rl�•Iea.aehald paynxntg
<br />- or graunc! mu.s an the Pro�rty. if any:(c�yearly hazard ar prc►pzrt��inwrance prcmiunu:(d)3'early fload insurincc�ren:ium.s,
<br /> if any: (e) yearl}•mongage iiuurancc premiu�ns.it any: and(� uny surnti payable by Barrow•er to Lender. in accond�nce with
<br /> the provisioas of pir.�rapi�8,in lieu of tJk payn�ent of mortgage inwc��ce premiunu. These itenu;ue called "Escmw lt�nw."
<br /> l.endor may,at any tin�e. collect :uxi twk!Funds i��� �mount not to ercced chc naaxinwm a��wu�t a lender for � foder�Jly
<br /> relatal aiortgage Ic�zn may require for Barrower's escr�w account uncier the federaJ Real Estate Setdement Pnxodur+es A�K af
<br /> 1974;u amend�fmm time to tin:c, 12 U.S.C. Scctia� 2ti01 et seq. f"RESPA"), unlecc another law that uppfi�s to tbe Funds
<br /> sets a lesser anwwu. IP so. l.endcr may. at :u�y time. �ollect and hold Funds in an:u�wunt not t�� cxcced the lesscr umount.
<br /> Lender n�ay estimue the�nxwnt of Furrds dtr.c on the buis of curm.tu daw ur�d reasonable estimates of expettiditures of fuUUz;
<br /> Escrow Icemc or otherwise in xcordance with applicable law.
<br /> The Funds st►all be iu:ld in an imtiwiion wtuA:c deposits arc insured by a fa3eral agency, instrumentaliCy. or entity
<br /> (including Lender,if Lender is such an institutic�nl or ir.,an.y Federa! Home Loan Bsu►k. L,entter shall apply ttu:Funds W pay tlu;
<br /> Escrow Iten�.��. L+rndcr may not eh:uge Bormwer for huld:a�and applying d�e Funds,ann�lly arulyzing the esrrow acoaunt,or
<br /> verifying tlu Eicrow Items, unless Le[d�r pays Bo:sauer ir.re►YSt aa rt!�Fu�xls�applicable law perntits Lender to rnuke sa:ch
<br /> a charge. However. I.ender tnay r�equire Borrower to p�y a ut�rtime charge fw�an indtpendent rea!est�te tax repoctiag servica
<br /> used by Lender in counxti� with thas loan, ursc�s a}.�licsbir law provides othenvise. Unlrss an agreemcnt is rt�de or
<br /> apQliqble law requires iruere,u to be paid,i,:rtider slt�ll�wt be toquired to pay Borrower any intcrest or eaminga on the Funds.
<br /> Borrower atxl ixnder rt�y agrPe i�wciti.g,h�v:cver,that intetest sba11 be paid on the Funds. Lender shall give to Borrower.
<br /> without ctu�rge, an aru�ual zccovct�s�t o£:tF,�; Fu�xis, showing credits and ciebits t���he �unds and the purpose for which each
<br /> debit to the Funds w•as n�ade.I'hc Furrd9 ar�ptedged as additiona!security for a7l sums securad by this Scx:urity Irutiumeat.
<br /> If the Funds heid by L;.nder exceed¢N.0 antouatr permitted to be held by applicable law, L.ender sl�all acc�oupt to Botrower
<br /> fas the excess Funds inaccar.:,:ut�-c:witn�trx requir;n�arua of applicable law. If the anwunt of the Funds held b�+fa:�War at�ny
<br /> time is rwt suf�icient to pay t;:�;Escrow�kms when due, Lendcr may so notify Borrox•er in writing,and, in such c,�:Burrower
<br /> shall pay to Lendcr the acssoura neees,cary tr rnake up the defuiency. ti�xrower sinll malce up the defieieney in no more thasn
<br /> [WCIYG i110f1tI1I�I 4T:1}�7[1Gilt5,ai Lasder's�dr.ycretion.
<br /> Upon paymen� ia fult u:ull sums �ruz�ed by this Security [nstr,:rnent, i.etvier shall promptly refut�d ta Burtnwa wv
<br /> _ . . .Furrds held hy Lender.Tf, utuJer para�nph 21. Lender shal��oquire oF sel!the Property.Lenckr,prior to the�:quisition as sok � -- -
<br /> uf the Property, shall apply any Factds held by Le�er at tlse time of aoquisidon or sale as a credit against tl�e wms secured by
<br /> this Security Irutrurt�ent.
<br /> 3.Appli�2ioo of Ps►ymeats.Untcss�Hcrable law provides ot2serwise.all payments teceived by Lender under pangriphs
<br /> 1 and 2 shall be apptied: first,to any prepayment char�es due ander tl�e Note; secoad,to amourus payable under par�gniph 2;
<br /> third.to interest due: fourth,to principal due: and last.ta scv t�te c�a.,aes dut under tlu Nose.
<br /> 4.Ci�rges; I.ienc.Borrower shall pay ail taxes,as��ssaxzus, cEr3r�tes. fines aoci impositions atuibutable to the Property
<br /> which may aaain priority over t�+is Seccuit}• Uuwment. and IeascI�a!�gaayments or ground rents.if any. Borrower sh�ll paY
<br /> ttkse obligatiuns in the mvumr pa+n�id�i i�psragraph 2.or if not paid ia.ihat rtnnncr,Borrower sl�all pzy d�etn on time dirtetly .
<br /> w the person owed payment. Barrower s°.�r,omptly fumish to Lender all notices of amounu to be ptid under this pa�graph.
<br /> If BorroK•er malces these payme�ts directly.Borrower shall PromptlY fumish to Lender rereipts eviduzchng the pacn�ts.
<br /> Borrower si�all Prompt!)-�fischarge any lien which h2s priority over this Security Iastru�nent uaiess Borrov:er:t�a)9grxs in
<br /> writing to the paymr�i of t4e obligation secured by the lien in�muukr acceptable to Lender,(b)oeatests in tao�9 faith tbe lien
<br /> by, or defends against enfurcement of the lien in, tegal proceedings which in the L.ender's opir�a oper.ete to preveni the
<br /> enforcement of the lien;or(c)serures fmm the holdcr ef She lien ar�agreement satisf�t,osy to Lender wbcr�ic�ting the lien to
<br /> t6is 5avriry 1►utntment. If C�nder detern�ines t}�at an�tau,of the Property is sub;ex to a licn which may atrsEn priority over
<br /> this Security Instrumc:nt,Le.��er may gi�•e Borrower a nc,�cice identifying titie lien. Barruwer shall satisf}�the lien or t�ke one or
<br /> more of the actioa5 set forth above within 10 days of thz giving of noticc.
<br /> Form 3028 8l90
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