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~~-°'€~~5243 <br />11Nkr'oar.t COVENANTS. Bar(aW C! and Lender covcna nt and agree as fail:.w,. , <br />1. P~yrnent of Prindpal and Interest. Uarmwer shall pnunpUy pay .chcn due the principal o! and interest on the <br />indebtedness evidenced by the Note, prcpayrncnt and late charges as pravtJcJ u, the Note, and the principal of and interest, <br />on any Future Advances secure) by this Mortgage. <br />2. Funds for Taxes and Insurance. Subject to applica6lc la?v or to a wnucn waiver by t_cnder, Borrower shall pay <br />to Lcndcr on the day monthly installments of principal and interest arc payable under fhc Note, unkii the Notc is paid in full, <br />n sum li,crein "Fkmtli ') equal to sec-tweSFth of Uic vea rly taxes and acsraimea is which may auski priority aver this <br />Mortgage, and ground rents on the lsropcny, it ant'. plus ant-twcl(th of ~carly premium hkst:,lhncnts Cor h;:zard insurance, <br />plus cnc-dull Cth of yearly premium installments for mortgage insurance. i( any, ;QI as rcamnahly estimated initially and from <br />time to time by Lcndcr an the basis of assessmcros and hills and reauu,abte cstiniates thereol. <br />Thg Funds shall be held in an institution the deposits ar arcnunts of which arc insured ar guarantecJ by a Federal Or <br />start agency tincluding Lender if Lender is such an instimtian). Lcndcr shall apply the Funds to pay said rases, azsessmentS, <br />insurance premiums and ground rents. Lender may oat charge for sn holding and applying the Funds, analyzing said account, <br />or ver.fying and compiling said assessments and hilts, unless Lender pays Uarmwcr intcrest an the Funds and applicable law <br />permits Lender to make such a charge. Borrower and Lender may acrck: in writing at fhe tinic o2 execution of this <br />Mangage that imerest on the Funds shall be paid to Borrower, anJ unless such agreement is made or appticaLle law <br />requires such interest to be paid, Lender shall oat be reyaircJ to pay Uorn,wcr :,ny intcrest ar earnings rnk the Funds. Lender <br />shall give to Uorrower, without charge, an annual accau~~ing of the funds shoving credits and debits to the Funds and the <br />purpose tar which each debit tD dkc Funds was made. 9~1?e Funds arc plnlgeJ ,s additiana! security for the sums secured <br />by this Mortgage. <br />If the amount of the Funds held by Lcndcr, together svith the (ware manthl}• mstaUmcnts of Ftmds payable prior to <br />the due dates of taxes, assessments, insurance premiums and ground rents, shall exceed the amount required to pay said taxes, <br />assessments, insurance premiums and ground rents-as'thcy (all Jk:c, such excess shall be, at Borrower's option, either <br />promptly rtpaid to Borrower or credited to Borroivgr nn monthly ustatln?cots of Funds. if the amount of the Funds <br />held by Lender shall oat be sufficient to pay taxes, asscssn,rnts, insurance pre:,. ums and ground rents as they falt due, <br />Barrawrr shall pay to Lrnder any amount necessary to make up the Jeficiasy within .U days from the date notice is mailed <br />by Lewder to Borrower requesting payment thereol_ <br />Upon payment in full of all sums secured 6}• this \fnngagc, I ender shall promptly refund to Borrower any Funds <br />hrFd by I_cnJcr. I(undcr paragraph 1S herco! the Propcrky a solJ o. the ['f.,pert} a ethcnvisc acquired b}• Lender, !,ender <br />shall apply, mo later than imnicdiately prior to the sale of the Prape rty m' ns acyuisuon by Lender, nay Funds he'J by <br />Lender at the awe o; appbcatior. as a credit against the sums sccurcd by th+. Mortgage. <br />3. Application of Payments. Un!css aptsiieahle law pmv+Jcs othenvi.c. .Ji payments n•ccivcd by Lcndcr unckr the <br />Note anJ paragraphs 1 and 2 hereof shall be applied by i.endcr first in pa} mom of amounts payahlc to Lender 6y Borrower <br />undo: paragraph 2 herco(, then to inrerest payable Dn the Notc, then to the principal of the Note, and ihcn to interest and <br />arrnapal on any Future .advances. <br />3. Charges; Liens. Borrower shall pay all :axes. asccuments .+:iu ntl:ci Jiarycs, tines awl impositions attributable to <br />khe Yroprny w4,ich may main a priority over this ~Sangage, and Ic.uehnld I=:,yn,c;us or ground rents, if any, in the manner <br />n:evrJeJ under paragraph 2 hrrear ar. if not na:d .n such manner. b~ U„k; making naymcnt, when due. Jucctly to the <br />payee thcmaf. Uertowrr shall promptly furnish to Lcndcr all nouccs of .:im,:nus Jac under the {scrag:aph, and in the rent <br />Uarroieer s`iafS make payment dsecay, Bcr, over shat pronipi'~, tu: nr,:k !., Lender n;ciptc cs-idenang such payments. <br />Uok rower shall Aranaptly Jisclkarge nny lien whkc6 has pnnnfy . ~:cr khr. Mnrtgac; pro n:c:f, th:+f Uorrower shall not be <br />reyukrcd to dseharge an}' such tern sn long As Uarrowcr shat! agree m ~..~n;ng w :hc pat-~,cnt of the ob!igauen sccurcd b)' <br />each lien in a manner ateeptable to Lcndcr, ar shat! m goad Leith cam '„ ouch Ern hv, or d. end c:darcemcn( of vr.:h lien in, <br />!ego) procccdmgs which aperam to prrvcm the eel orcenicnt of the !:u. nr .`o, fcnurc nC the Property or any part thereof. <br />5. Ifaxard Insurance -orrawer shall keep ti,c i:npra•cnumc nmv c, n; u,g +.r hrrcafur creole) on tlic 1'u,pc r: y ensured <br />against fuss by lira, hazards ire:uded wuhar. the arm "exir ndcJ n,vr=. at;c~~. .,:ul such akher h;¢ards as Lcndcr may requrre <br />anJ m such amounts and for such pcnods as Lcndcr okay rcqusrc; ivnudc.;.:n:n 1 cr,dcr ;hail oat rcgwrr than ;tic amount of <br />such invcrnge escred that amount of coverage :c _,w red to pay rho ,: u,k. ,~,.:_;I h•. rh:s Moe gage. <br />ihr insuran.^e carrxr prondsag the iaskkrance sha;l hr chaser. by U+•;:,,~.,cr ;ubjec: ~, .,ppra•:nl by Lcndcr; nro,-kded, <br />that such a,-prova: sha'.i not be urrcasarahtY wi:hhcid. AI? f'~rc:nuun, , ., :u„+ .,~ ; x,i:o cs .,.ai, > a:J :n :hc nianaer <br />pr avkdrd under paragraph 2 hucot or, ,f not pu;.. ,n inch ^,atvicr, by Brr: a•--. cr nkak rag p ,enf. h..~:. ~. ,.. J,recdr to the <br />inwrancr carrier. <br />AU insurance pol:cits and :ear~~ats :.,_•ec1 s'ka;; I ;n t, rm _,. :, . ,. I c~,+;.r mu: ~.,...:. ul:,dc :. scuxlakJ mangagc <br />d-ansc m favor of and ,n farm at~.^cptai,le„r• Lrndcr Lcndcr shall h. :hr _ ,., .,. .,, ,,. Coln its anJ rear-.~,as (hereof. <br />,,, <br />and Borraivcz s+uif promptly turns!: to Ltrdcr al's ren;:w ai aouccs anJ .:ii :.. o ,.uJ 'rremimns ..: ;tic c4ent of loss. <br />Uozrnw°et s'hail gn'e prankpt Waver ka the imurance cark:cr ;,,iJ ;.crdcr I c+ka.~~ ~„ay ni a,c przrc+I of !os-s :f nor wawa promptly <br />ny zFir,._k+rr. <br />Unless Lender and asrrDivcs oiheri'icz agree in .. r.t,:tg, issuraixc ,=ice;+, sY:: ii he - ~U ,n .~; iraiian Dr repair .++ <br />the Pra7trrky da.^:agrd, ¢r c,•::IeJ sari, res:arat,en ^, :er ,,:r :s _. c:,ani,t esll. .,-.,alai.: nJ the i _+,,;) of tots :',I ortgagc :s <br />nut rhgrcby impaired. If such restarat,an ar rrp::i: ..,: nc,namkc:,lk:, (ca sable r+ :f khc sc.. u:~:y u. this `.l origage wau!d <br />be impaired, the insurance procetds shad be appkkrd ;< :he sums +«.=~cd h•. this =F ortc.+c .. ~Hi '.he caccss, ii any, paid <br />to UDrtawer. If the Property d aband~•ned by U~rrowcr, air it Harro,.rr ;_.~, ,_+ scspr.n,l r,, 1 ~, .ktir wrihrn 3U days iron, the <br />Jake notice is mailed by Lender to Uorrower that khc insura ore .ak:,rr allcn :,. scto;r ., ~...,.u for :mnrance cencfu s. Lcndcr <br />ks aotheriud to eoAcei Ind apply the msurania pet+eceds :,t Lrndcrs vptn,r, e,thc; :u .es;n,:;, a n; repair of the Properly <br />ar to tf:c sums secured by t"ikis Mangagc. <br />Unless Lrnder and Larrowrr atheaxix agree an ,x•r.tirg, any s: ~h ^ppi:. ar:_,n -, c•cceds to ponc:pal shalt no! extend <br />or postpone tlic dug dart of the march;}' instad;meats nv er roil to :n paragr.:; '~„ ~ :. , hra,f or change the arraunt of <br />suth ens;.afLix~is. II under paragraph $ hereof :hr peakk=rrt}- ks acyuuc., hs i_c:uh:r,~.,: :gill. ,it1e :,rid :riteres: ct Harrower <br />is and to nny irsuraace po;icies and in and to tfkc praccrJs thckcaf rccdk:ng ;r:,:u ;:...•.u+ge to !hc Proixn} {sr,:r to khe sale <br />ar acqusktion aba;l pass to !_ender to the es tent of the sums se.urcJ + . ...._ ,,,,, r :gc uur.rcdr.,te'ry prior t._: u:d: sale ar <br />acgaisiticsn. <br />4. Preser.atiotk and tSairslerkaatt aC Propeti}; LraschnlJs; F~ondnnununa.; 3'tmkned Unil Ile. clsluncnts. (:aruwcr <br />shall kcep the t rapcny in goad repair amd sha,'1 not cammn ,vastc ,ir ;ern,,: :, ,r;ne+,t ar tfcter:ora!kan of :)ie I'rapcrty <br />atkd-shall comply with the p:ov'ksmns of any lease :C thks Rfnrtgagc „ .. ... ,_.,nIJ. it Hu, '.i;,u,;age ; ;n : :u:u in a <br />!:~-rsdom;r-ium or a p)anncd un;: si.e~vctopment, isa: *e~w•cr shall ns r; nr+n ;+;! „t Bc,r rr„+er; ;,l ~i,g; :unns ..:,.±cr tnc de.iarat, ~+r: <br />ar tavrcrants rreakusg ar yo.ern+ag the »cndcmkmum cr planncJ ..k.,, ik .:q,+ne:::. air ?;} t.. --, a+d »ua:;, v[ ;he <br />candornlni>.;ru ar planntd amt drvelapmem, and canstieicm Jansniem•- Ir :- _.,n,l=,min::,,n ,. .,.:r,::cJ •~;n::!,de vch?pnrent <br />~»h< <br />rkdEr' IY L`.ixCSalyd G~ I)orrU~eF and reei3rdx=ti iub.tl5t:i isii,l ilki4 ':-i+=ri'-""• k.'t i; <• ~Cf;a:sE; .,,u :1t i:ti fliti3i5 ,.I , ,.uCr <br />shatl.lsc kncurporsted knta sod shaFi amend anJ suppirmsnt the ro,cnants a,.,.:;gk~.cnkents at r;,:•, klartgagc as :f the irJcr <br />wgtg a part hereof. <br />7. Psoferkian al I,tgders SCrurilx. I# Bt:rrawet F`si±a iD pellet nl the ,uvcr,.k nts ar,,; agn-c:nenks cant:knaril :., :.ius <br />Mtarrga~c, er if any acliQm of proceeding is r;onrmrrtceJ which n,.,fcr,ail} .knr<ts !-cnJcr's ;merest kn ,ne Yrnper;r. <br />;nc3udimay, but eat Frmaed to, emirscnt d~amaiq, insoivracy. Cade rnlbrieu,c:ri- av acangenkc•nts ;,r pro, a-dknea :nvuivukg a <br />Caakrupt tar dcCgdgnt. then Lender at Lcndgr's option, upon malice to Ila;k+•:wcr, nk:1} n+a kc :,ueh ::ptn.i:.::;.es t?~-s'~.uru suet, <br />roans -and takb rtrch a¢liom ac is nOcessary a~a protect Lcndrr~s ,mcresk, =,:ludaig, but ue,t t:nired t,o. s.hshunruicm :,,_ <br />reascnatrls a1ta:7tey's tern and entry upon thg Prtrpczty to m::hc ,c}+.,+r; St not: rcyku rs ei n,.,,rit;agr :ns:.+ranc-c as .. <br />ccsns'r.;iitlrr of makte-^s the loan secured oy :his $Surigagu, Bar: <,r. tie s.,:, ;hc prcni Wawa :c!! t, maik,k.k~:, sat-, <br />irsura3te irk effect urtsrl. sych orris as the requ;:rmrtik C<,r sa;cli :,,,.,. t,_, .....c- .. ..._. ..!... _. ,i ,t It., .: ,,ci-. .n,l <br />