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80~' ~~~~~~ M(3~ZTGAGE <br />THIS MORTGAGE is made this...... ~? of... ,SEPTENBEA <br />14. s3.Q, between the Mortgagor,..DP,NI~7-1 , $ ~..T~I,t},D;L,ETO~j, . A, .SINGLE .PERSON <br />(herein 'Borrower } and the$1~(~~e,TH,E.F.I&ST. .': . <br />NATI©NA&; $~~, ,QF, GRAIQD, ISLAND,. ,GRAND. ISLAND, NE <br />• ..........., a eotporauon organized and extsiiog •'• <br />under the laws of............NEBRASSA ... . . . ... . . . ..... . ..whose address is..... GRAND ''`~' <br />.I$i~A$1D.r..NFd3ZtASKA ............. . ................................... (herein "Lender"a. <br />WHEREAS, Borrower is indebted to Lender in the principal sum ot..NIN.ETE.$I3, THOTj$A~I~, ~hJ17, , . , , , , <br />IsTOJ1Qtl-~-"'-----~------------------.'Dollars, which indebtedness is evidenced by Borrower's note ' <br />dated..... $F,$T~M$r,R, 22, , ,198~crcin "Note"), providing for monthly installmc7its of principal and interest,, <br />with the balance of the indebtedness, if not sooner paid, due and payable on... NOYEDSS£$. ~.r.. 2.R10....:.'= <br />To SECURE to Under f a} the repayment of the indebtedness evidenced by the Note, with interest thereon, the . -" <br />payment of aH other sums, with interest thereon, advanced in accordance herewith to protect the security of this <br />A4ortgage, and the performance of the covenants and agreements of Borrower herein contained, and (b) the repayment <br />of any future advances, with interest ehereon, made to Borrower by Lender pursuant to paragraph 21 hereof (herein ~,` <br />"Future Advances"), Borrower dots hereby mortgage, grant and convey to Lender the fotiowing described property <br />touted in the County of......... ~T~L ............................ State of Nebrazka: <br />LOT flNE (I}, BLACK 9IQE H'U'NDRED THIRTY-FIVE (Z35) IN UNION <br />PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPANY'S SECODTD ADDITION TO THE CITY OF <br />GRAND ISLAND, HALL COUNTY, NEBRASKA. <br />which etas the address of, ...........$22 ,NORTH _KSt'3B~1LL.. , .... , , .GRAND. ISLAND..........., <br />tser„-q tc~trl <br />NLBRASI;A_ _ .688{11......... (herein "iroperty Address"); <br />- - t~t111 Ana Sty CoW} <br />- ~t'4GETHLR W3t1; ail tibC. 1mt+rpVCtnCAiS n6W i r iYC rfaficr CI i:IL`S) On cite }''tt, fil'riy, anti ail Ca5C meals, rlgli Lti, <br />appiifttnanGLS~ feneS, royaltlcs, mtnCrai, 011 and gas rlght9 an+~ j`.il, t+;, ~Vatl'r, 4k'atLr flghis, a„i: WaiCC Si OtiI:, and ail <br />fi><surss now or hcreafict attaehcd to the prapertp, ail of tvhict~,, +nefueiint rcpiaccatenta altd ac:ditiorts ihrrcto, shall be <br />deemed t15 be arttl remain a part of ibe property covered by tbl~ A-tustgnge: and all nt the fu,c~oint, tugciiret to-+ih said <br />property (or the icascho}d estate if this bfortgage is ran a tcaseh~~l.11 ts,: P,ercly; scf~r:c,! ;~> as the "Pn7pert}". <br />i3prio~fir.eevt:tt;<;tts that Borro;vcr is iaas*uity scisi G e;t the .;t,:1. ,.;ehy :;;~s`.Cjcc ar,ci i+a;. i11i ri[,~i~t !, ,uxigage, <br />grastz -and ccrnvsy zIw ~P.roperty, that the 7rnpea}~ ix t7nrawalt,hcfcrf, aad that Bornau~,r will wawa ,t a~,d drlsttd <br />gcxsaraifiy the tittc io tht P,o~tty against at1 claifru nncf cacman~;, s~,a,i:,.l to ally i;t:c~kn:aii.,:u„ ~:a ~r=lent ~+ ;estn~ l;,nx <br />listed in a st:Yict#n#C of exscptions tt> co~.eragc in . `:3 tti.~ n;.,..,.. ir,suri I E .,,:r ..i..:~r~4..,. ~h.- Yr<;p~~tj <br />Id}•SFF 3/ti f) <br />