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<br />8Q-~ t~ 0 5 ~. ~ ~ <br />B. The mortgagee may, at its option, at any tinxe, p¢y the balance due under s¢id security <br />agreement and-the amount as paid shall be (1) a lien on the said mortgaged premises, (,2} ¢dded <br />to the amount of the said note secured by these presents, and (3) payable on demand •urith interest <br />at the rate of * per annum from the time of such p¢yment as aforesaid and if the mortgagor <br />shall be in default thereof for ten (ZQ) says after demand, the principal sum with. all arrearages <br />of interest thereon, skald at the optio-n of the mortgagee, its successors ar assigns, become and be <br />due and payable immediately thereafter, anything contained in the within mortgage or aecompying <br />note to the contrary notwithstanding; or *in the Nate <br />The mortgages shall have the privzTege of acquiring by assignment from the holder of said <br />security interest any and all contract rights, accounts receivable, chattel paper, negotiable or non- <br />negotioble instruments er other evidence of mortgagor's indebtedness for such ,hxtures, and, upon <br />acquiring such interest as afo-resaid by assignment, shall have the right to enforce the security <br />interest as assignee thereof in accordance zcith the terms ¢nd pro~uisions of the Urxiform Commer- <br />eial Code in effect in the St¢te of ~14WC$dlXfit/, as amended or supplemented, and in accordance <br />` ~~ jate, Nebraska <br />C. Whether or not the mortgagee has paid or taken an assignment of such security interest, <br />if at any time- the mortgag9skall be in default for a period of `en (10) days under the security <br />agreement eoverirtg such fixtxsres, such default shall be a material breach of the mortgagor's cov- <br />enants under tlxe mortgage and shaft, at the option of the mortgagee, constitute a default thereof, <br />and the prinnp¢l sum thereof, with aI1 ar•rearages of interest thereon, shalt, at the option of the <br />mortgagee, its successors or assigns, become and be due and payable immediately thereafter, any- <br />thing eontainea in the uriilxin mortgage or acconapanyirxg trots io the eonirary rxotwiihstanding. <br />D. Nothing in this Paragraph shalt bs eonstrtaed as gixring the mortgagor a right to install, <br />substitute, or add a fixture in, upon, or within the premises encumbered by this mortg¢ge, which <br />fixture m¢p be subject to a security interest. <br />7. Without prior urritten consent of 3fostys~~ne, no briilding or other structure shall be <br />rrected on the mortgaged premises after the date of this »nartgage. <br />8. Together urith all right, title and interest ~f 'he 11orfgagar in and fa all streets, roads <br />and public places, opened or prnpaaed, in front of urd adjoining the said prP,nises, and alt eese- <br />ments and rights of 2eay, public or private now or hereafter used in connection with the premises. <br />9. The Mortgagor covenants and agrees to submit all tenant lease <br />to the Mortgagee, which leases must he satisfactory to and approved <br />in writing by the Mortgagee prior to the execution thereof, which <br />approval shall not be unseasonably withheld or delayed. <br />i0. The Mortgagor shall, prier to the execution of cry management <br />agreements or hiring of any management company now or in the future, <br />obtain the Mortgagee's written approval of the company and the agree- <br />ment. The Mortgagor shall furnish to the Mortgagee, tine following: <br />ia) copies of all for_aal reports frem the mana.?er immediately <br />upon the receipt thereof by the Mor*_c}ac~or. <br />{b} a monthly expense report with respect to the premises, <br />including the manager"s e~cZ:ense report therefor. <br />~c) monthly reports of al.l proposed leasing schedules, tenant <br />rental collections, .including additional rent and tenant <br />payment deficiencies and defaults, if any. <br />11. Meridth Property Management Corp. and Mayes Maragemert, Inc. <br />as of the date hereof are hereby aggraved as management companies. <br />i2. The Mortgagor shall furnish inev-me and Expense statements as <br />follows: <br />(a} taonthly far the first 36 months; thereafter, <br />tb! quarierly during the fourth year, and thereafter, <br />{c} seta#.-s~nnually during the remaining term of the mortgage. <br />AI.G IM~T~~GitB <br />Kco xrwa w <br />