<br />
<br />1. The mortgagor shall not cause or permit any building or improvement upon the mortgaged
<br />premises to be removed, demolished ar structurally altered, in alt or in part, or any frxture or ar-
<br />tiele of personal property covered by this mortgage to be removed or destroyed without the prior
<br />urritten consent of the mortgagee. The mortgagor urilt net abandon said premises or cause or permit
<br />any waste of the buildings, improvements, fixtures or articles of personal property covered by this
<br />mortgagt and will at all banes maintain them in reasonably good condition, and will eomply, and
<br />eatcae a!1 oetupanta of said premises to eomply, with alt taws and ordinances relating .to the a»ain-
<br />ttnanee or use of said premises and with all requirements, orders or notices or violations issued
<br />by any governmental department.
<br />business
<br />~. The mar a or shall within three (3)/days upon a request by the mortgagee in person or
<br />within ten (10~~~~i request by mail furnish a duly acknoxoledged written statement set-
<br />ting foa'th tke amount of debt secured by this mortgage and stating that either no o$set or defense
<br />exists against the mortgaged debt, or, if such offset ar defense is alleged to exist, the nature thereof.
<br />?. The mortgagor acarranta and represents that as of the date of the execution and delivery
<br />of this mortgage, it is tke legal and benefetial owner of the ; ubjecd premises and that tke proceeds
<br />of tke moo?gage loan aaill be used solely for the atigpgtle*purposes af' the mortgagor and that the
<br />said mortgagor has no present intention of transferring the mortgaged premises.
<br />*partnership
<br />s. If ¢t any time the existing use or occupancy of the aortgaged premises shall, pursuant Lo
<br />the wooing or ether taw, m-diuance ar regulation, t,e permitted only so long as such use or occupancy
<br />akalI continuo, the mortgagor aeill not cause or permit suclx use or occupancy to be discontinued
<br />without tke prior urritten eenesent of the mortgagee
<br />5. rlny of fhe follouring shall be deemed, t t of the mortgagee, a default hereunder,
<br />entitling tkt mortgagee to all rights and remedie ided for herein on default of any of the terms
<br />and one of Ik¢ within mortgage and note in accordance urith the law provide3 such
<br />events aze not cured f thin 30 days after notice excegt that no
<br />notirde i~el~+a~e ~~yi~c[ a~yg~xi~g~4~tj~B~~'sc~'$~j~R~fxien other tkan the litre
<br />of this mortgage upon scxid premises or any part thereof including the improvemtnts, fix-
<br />turts and articles of personal property covered hereby;
<br />b. in fire ea*ent that any anechanic's lien is ltled agaiotst the premises after the date hereof and
<br />said Tian is not disahargad by bonding ar otherwise within 8iD dogs afttr said feling;
<br />c. fat7urr. for 30 days to eomply trick any laze=s, regulatioats ar requirements of any gavern-
<br />m~ntat atdhority hazring jurisaittion ever the use andior occupancy of the prraniaea cov-
<br />ered by this mortgage:
<br />d. any via~tion of any et the terms of the no#e accompanying this mortgage, the tarnu of
<br />whisk art incorporated herein sate[ axadt part hereof;
<br />f . Coastinued oax Page 3 of Addenda
<br />8. It is undfrstaod aced agreed that. to pratttt the mortgagee cgainst the effect of Uniform
<br />CailAtZ4"~il* ix tht went that (a) arty fist~ere on the mortgaged premises is replaced or added to,
<br />or aety neee fig-tort is instrtdltd er sarbatitsttd by the raortga3ar. ¢nd (b) sack ~sturt is or rpay be
<br />awbjeel to a security ieetzrest bald Izy a seller or axy other party;
<br />•Code Secti~ 9-313, as same may haue been enacted in i4ebraska.
<br />A. The mortg¢gErr shrztl, before the replacemecet, addition, iaxstaliation or substitution of any
<br />jztetrt, olatain the arrittta apprnyal of the mortgagee, and give notice that a security agreement
<br />with rssleect to such fz#urts hsa bteae or uritt Itt coaesuanmated, a:kicA natiee shaft oontain tke foL
<br />louaiRp iwfo+~rt#tos:
<br />a, a dtatrifztior. of tht fixturt to be rtplacrd, added ta, irrstalted, or substituted;
<br />b. a rteitnl rrf t!ieie aridrtaa at tchieh tkt fisl:,r.re trill l.e r•eptated, addtd to, installed, ar sub-
<br />atiluted;
<br />c. ,~ sta;eanent of the Hama and address of t/tt holder and antaunt of tlse seruarty interes#; and
<br />d, tl-t daft of flu purahaae of stub fistsxra.
<br />The f!stTure of the ataua'~tgugor #o git^a e,~ch awtitt shall he a mtatee•inl lars+arie of th.e mor#gagar's eou-
<br />axaeeta ut~itr ~~ martpage and ahal,, ad the aptum t,f the ntarlaagee, tYHxtitr+te a default here-
<br />tiatd~r, eaztitlainy the at~ortgagae to all rights and rem[-dies ,n•otidad for herein an daiuatt rrr arty
<br />of the tCraia and jarptxiaioata of the reithiar mprtyage; rand arcarnpaakying note and in accordance
<br />etuit+k lAie.
<br />sera ::cs »i_
<br />