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<br />gp_ ~Ct~ 1 ~~ <br />Said promrsiii•} nnt~ wasgipen to secure a loan in which the Small Business Administration, an agency of the <br />ilnited Braces of,Amet~ca; had par[icipated. In compliance with section Ifll.lfd} of the Rules and Regulations of <br />the Stit~il Business Administration (13 C.F.R. It3l.I f d i ), ttiia fnstrument is to be construed and enforced in accord- <br />ance witth;applicable Fedgra# faw. <br />1. ThE mortgsgor covenants and agrees aaftillotrsr <br />a_ Ae wfll premptly Pay the ittdelstcdrtas evidenced by said proa»ssory !sere at the times sad an tlia <br />matatser therein provided. <br />b. ifs yvill"pay aR. rases, asseeemeats, waterrates, and ashes governmental a_r arun::lpa1_ahargea, fines, or <br />impadtiotu, for which ptroviaion bas not been made hereirttrefore, and will promptly deliverthe oi5cial rec•eipta <br />thet+cfer to the said ttsortgagsm <br />r $e wil#-pay attidt etipertsp sad fees -as. may be incurred in the protection and maintenanca of.said <br />property,: including the fees of any attorney employed by the mortgagee for the collet lion of any ur all of <br />the indebtedness hereby secured, or foreelosnre by mortgagee's sale, or court proceedings, or in any other <br />liti6ation or proceeding atfeetiag said propertg. Attorneys' fees reasonabh' incnrrerl in anc other way shall he <br />paid by the mortgagor. <br />d. For better security of the indebtedness hereby secured, upon the request of the mortgagee, its <br />anccerora or assigns, he shall execute and deliver a -~upplrmental ntortRn~r ur nsorttages covering any <br />additians, improvements. or betterments made to the propertc 6rreinabotr described .uul all properh <br />acquired by it titer the dais hrreaf ~ afl in corm ~atisfaciurv to nsorty;a~ee ~ .-urihr+-+nsre..ho:tl.l mortgagor <br />fail to cure am default in the payment of a prior or inferior encumbrmscr on the property described by <br />this instrument, mortgagor hereby agreen to permit mortgagee to rare .ur{a default. but mortgagee is not <br />obligated to do xa: and such advances .hall became part of fhr uuiehtr•dnr~. -r~ nerd by this i«stroment, <br />subject to the same terms and eonditfons. <br />e. The rights created by this conyrvance -hall remain in full farce and rifec? durint: au+ puatpuneusrm <br />or extension of the time of the »aa-mrnt of rhr indebtedness evidenced b. -aid prntnisson• nuts or nnv part <br />thereof secured hereby. <br />f. He will cmriaaously maintain basted insurance, of arch type ar types and in such amounts as the <br />mortgages mar from time to time require un the i«+provrment, now ar hrrrafirr on paid proprttt. .+u+! <br />will pay promply whey due any premiums thereior.:lll :rtauraace shall be carried in companies acceptable <br />to mortgagee and the policies and renewals thereof shall }ec held by mortgagee and have attached !hereto <br />for payable clauses in favor of and in form acceptable to the mortgagee. In event of toss. mortgagor will give <br />immediate tin4ce in arritirtF to mortgagee, and mortgagee may n;ake proaf of lase if not made promptly by <br />mortgagor, and Bath itsurance company concerned is hereby authorirrti and directed to make payment for such <br />law dimtly to mortgagee instead of to mortgagor and mortgagee jainth, and the insurance proceeds or any <br />part thereof, may tee applied by trtortgagee at its option either to the rednctian of rhr indebtedness hereby <br />secured or to the restoration or repair of rhr property damaged nr ciestroycd. 1n event of fareclosute of tteia <br />moilgaRe. or other tratuler of title to said property in txtinguiahment of the indebtedness ses:uzed hereby, all <br />right, titb„ attd intereR of tltt trtartgagar in attd to any insurance policies then in force shall pass fo the <br />purchaser or nrort{tagrr or. at rite optiau of the mort>caeer, mat (H+ o-tsrrrndrr..i fur a refund. <br />g. lIe will. keep alt buildings attd alher imp[oaemrnte u« ,asd ptuprrtt m k++cr+l repair amf rundttinn: <br />will pcrmt._cammi4 or sufftr nn waste, impairment. deteriaratiun of -aid praperfv or ant hart thereat; <br />in tttr event of failurrr oC the nsartgattur to keep the buildl:rgs on -aid premises and iba,.e erected .,u paid <br />t}rrtn.ises, nr improvetnerits thereon. in Bowl repair. the mortgagee gnat tual,e suele repairs a> in its discrrtian <br />it Wray deem nertrswn' Cor the proper preservation thereof; and tree fail aotuuat of each anti evert -+sr1+ <br />payment shill be imatrdiatclti dtte and payable; and shall he ,ecurr+f Es+ rhr i+en of thiw « eurttage. <br />h. Iie aaili-nat yohmtarily rrratt or prrfttit to he ereatnd against the praperty subject to this mortgage anp <br />liras nr liege infe-site or auperiar to ttte lien aC this mortgage withaut the written canneot aC the mortga{tre; and <br />further, that he wilt keep snei maintait the +,auer Irre trans rhr riair:: ,.3 all prr.ottr ,applying labor a+ <br />materials-for ronauvttiort of sus artd all buildings ar improvenernts now hri«:: seer-red , r is hr rrrrtrd an <br />said premise. <br />i. llc will sot rpt3 ar arxigtt ass: tsars <sf ?he re:n? e;f -aizf nsastgagesl pr<>prrtt or ,frmetliah, ar renun:r. <br />r+r suhiiautially aher say trnifdityg without ?fte writirrn rorrsruf of the nsortgnaev. <br />j. All awatrds of damage. in eotnwttion-with say rorideruttatiort for public use of or injury to art} of tln~ <br />property subject to ibis tnarigagr arr. hereby asnipnrd and sisal! hr paid tp nsurtgaga:e who may apply the <br />sYirstsr to payntini of ilre installraeatta t,=ai dctr aisder said Buie, ar..f nsurtgatae t- herrt;e atfthoriz.d. in ifsr <br />,ornrr of rite mortgagor. to r~eulM and eIeMtyefi vii#d.acquittwura thrrr-0f an.l to ap,fsral frotu any su~6 award. <br />k, 'fhr.artrrtytaKer sbnll have the right to inepret the n+urtka}t.?d prKmr~^. ..t nn~ rr.+„>uahlr• tsn+r. <br />t:; Ilefar#t,iw nsY of t#ta. emenssttr or canditiom of this instrument c+r of thq note or foan agreement accused <br />bistcbli attat# trrminatr. flat irwrigagar's ri*ltt to poaseuion, utx, and enjaymrnt of the property. at ihr option of the <br />iw/trtg. or .his arignr tit bring agreed that the rtsarfgsgoc shalt have each right until default M. C'poa any aucl: <br />dafaull, t#+r mrnrtttaftee abaft berontr rhr oarner: of alfi of rise rents and profits accruing after default as sersu its <br />fir the gg3chtadarr rrcunx! hertebv, with tha„ru,#{t to an*rx upon staid property for the purpcgr. of rrsllrrting nurh <br />reams aaad ~ Tkis tatntraatai shall 'imam >"ti;ar.s+cipuerr.t of my rentals cm said property to that caress. <br />'. ryA : iRM 42a trFr H] <br />