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<br />(Pat6+ei@~~) <br />T}rur.~wtei~e'aad mtucd iaW lhia lbtll r}ay-o( 5~1:~~' - <br />}9 80 . by and bet.reen F~7S,A1~1D OIL, INC., a Nebraska Oorpo;ation <br />(here referred to ar atartEr6er) aad 'ice C~IJII2LAi~D -NARt1GJL3F-L BA}3t 4'. C+RAHIS. I$Ir Car~Sti ,T833nd, <br />4 hereiaattea:relened3o <br />mortsagee), tr~ha ma}tataiw as a~ee aad p}ttee of bttainese at 304 West `1113rd.3t2~Bt. Gt~d' Isla~'3~. . <br />D}ebrais}ra 68801 <br />Wtl7vsitssrtt, that [or the consideration hereinafter crated, receipt of v:itich ie htrebp aeEatrsr}rsdjged;'-the <br />mort6a6~ does~heteby mort6a~e, se}l, grant, aau~n,"and coavty unto the mort6a6ee, his sacceasora aad ar6eos, al} <br />of the fa#btr1~ tkaeribed ptop~arty atnated aad beio6 u the Conatg of A811 <br />Sttte of Alebt - <br />Fasbetly Otte Ralf (~f) o£ Ivt Seven (7) and :all of Iat Eight i8~ ixt f31a~c Sizes. 7V0 <br />(62) in thiginal 'FO#vrt, nnw City, of Grarsl Island, }~11 Q7tIItty, Nebxziska <br />Topetber:rvhltaadiaclWdia6al} haildea~a, a}d £ssttYrea ia..ladiagbat wut iiattrcl iv .tli plamlaap l,rttta~, Itglttiag, <br />velt'r4atiw{l, crGifpewtiats, etreireratiag, atr cvadrttea±ag aplaaraWe,, aad .:le~awrx• i rim a,.~rtE`r•R"*r harehy declaring tint <br />it in iqt~} tht.tie itrera hreria t+aaneawaaed 4iall be.deeacd to Mawr 6eca I,erauraeatlly egrstallyd a: }cart r:i the realtt t. <br />aad a}I _ieetpweve,llerMa aaw or iesrafter extstiag tirsasa; tic hereditataeate aad appartraaa~~a aad all ether rtght» ahrtrc- <br />aata ~ tx is :aa}vYtne appertaiaug, aad tLr rrver,si..a aad rr4rr+iuan, n+matader and rrmaeadera, alt rs~ht*, nl <br />raa..aad tie raata. ia+ate», aad prr.4fit+ of the a}wv~ ile„cribrd t=eupertr ' Irn,v,ded, hn...-~.-r, That t6r wc.rt~at-, .r <br />ti1a11 6r. eitii?t{ed"w tyr }~a+eaaitra ni waid pw~eaty apl tar tolleet aad mtatr tLe roata. t+.~.aras, a®J ¢rrr#itti aetil de#aait <br />ierRrai}crl, T+a~ kavr"oad to laid tie ~e ww do ra,rt6agrc aad the ,3aYS~,,aura :a ,a terrat ..# sha an.rth+~+~•- ItMe veer <br />;a ,fee "i~€ ct sat}t stir, r r~tat~r, of aa}, am :~ .,treed 6a~ia. <br />'nte tttori~or eareatmta [}tMt""-he is la+-fr}1y ~seitted aad poatrsaed of attd has-the rilt}tt to se}l atnw} cosiey said <br />p~wplrty: tltrt tba~awe is"free frmn aU rncutabrattces except as kcremabove recited: and that ha herchy buds <br />1tRar~f,a~j,~4S use ~ i~tieneM to +ra.ritat aad defcxd t}te title afnrr,+sid tAereta artd evcrq parr lhr, reo# sRainst <br />tilMr;~j~rsf aU,ps}taws; ~ritoryr>svsl, <br />~}det.~nl is giveg to t!~curt the pay-mcnt n} a l.rumiewsn rote .tatrl ~ 1b, 1480 <br />is t}te prGirctp~r.} surd of ~ 3i10,00~.00 . •i~net# ~,. *~te Prt~ti+.iettt and Secc+etary <br />la btt}tat~l' ,~ ' fTIL, 3IiC, <br />,o, > M era rx-;,~ r .. ,,_ r _. y., _ ,3.. __ <br />