<br />
<br />._ 3, The mortgagor covrnants and ageesr that. if he shall fail to pay raid indebtedness or ant' part-thereof when
<br />due, or=shall fail to perform any cevenaat or agreement of this instrument or the promissory note secured hereby, the
<br />entire indebtedness hereby secured shall immediately become due, payable, and collectible without notice, at the
<br />option of the mortgagee or assigns, regardless of maturity, and-the mortgagee or his assigns ntay before or after entry
<br />Bell slid property without appraisement Ethe mortgagor having waived ansl easiitned to the mortgagee all rights of
<br />app~auemrnt)
<br />i t 1 at judfcfal sale pursuant to the provisions of 2fhU.S.G. 2001 ~ a I ; ur
<br />(tt) at the option o[ the mortgagee, either by auction or 6y solicitation of sealed bids, for the highestaad
<br />beat bid complying with the terms of ask and manner of payment specified in the published noti« of sale, first
<br />giving four weeks' notice of the time, terms, and place of such sale, by advertisement Hat le ~; titan once
<br />dtrripg cash of said [our weelu is a newspaper published or distributed in the county in which said property
<br />is aitaated, all other noti« being hereby waived by the mortgrgor (sad said mortgagee, or soy prraon on
<br />6aialf of acid mortgagee, may bid with the tmpaid indebtedness evidenced by said note). Said Bale shell be
<br />be}d at or on the property to be sold or at the Federa4 county, or city courthouse for the county in which the
<br />property is located. The mortgagee is hereby authorised to execute for and on behalf of the mortgagor sad to
<br />del#rer to the purchaser at such eak a sufficient conveyan« of said property, which conveyance shalt contain
<br />toeitala as to the happening of the de6ult upon which the a:ecetion of the power of sale herein granted
<br />dtttparda: titui-the acid trnrtgagor hereby eoostituts and appoints the mortgagee or any agent or attorney of the
<br />taertgagee;= zmd attoraag in feet of said mortgagor to make such m#tak snd to ezeeute said
<br />cat:sreyaree affil} hereby°eerenanb at-d agrees that the recitah so made shall be effectual to bar all equity or
<br />right of redetSSption,' homestead, dower, sad all other exemptions of the murtµaxor, all of which are perch.
<br />tzpresly wa#ved and conveyed to the mortgaKee: or
<br />{tuf take aeg other-appropriate action pursuant to slats ur l~'ederal ataiule Hither iu stair ur Fe<Irral
<br />cowl w othr~etrirs for the disposition of the property.
<br />Ta the event of a oak as hereinbe[ore provided, the mortgagor or any persons is poreeeion under the mort-
<br />gagor.iall then became and be tenants hnldutft over and shall forthwith deliver passes ion to the purchaser at
<br />sneh ask or be summarily drpossessed. in accordan« with the provisions of law applicable to tenant= Itoldin~ axes.
<br />The power sad agrncy hereby granted are coupled with as interest sad are, irrevocable l7v death ur utherw ise, and
<br />are granted a. eumalat#ve to the remedies for collection of said indebtedness provided 61 law.
<br />4. Tie praceeda of any sale of said propert- in secordana with the preceding p:ngraphs shall be applied first
<br />to pay tie oaw earl e:~erses-of said-aalse;.t}iceaponars incrtrred by tht mortgagee far the purpasaof protecting or main-
<br />taiaiag said pt+opsstr; sad reasaaaiie attaerera" fees; secondly, m par the indebtedness assured here h±. and thir.ii.,
<br />to gay anv sreplw or etiaeaa to the paatton or prnaws -lef;al it eet#tkd thereto.
<br />S, la tie e~nt said property is sold at a juditia} teaetlowre sale or pursuant to the power of sale hereutabove
<br />geanead, and'tie pnceeitt art set suf&imt to pay t}ta total indebtrdeeas secured by this itutrttmrnt and evidenced by
<br />said peo~irory ante, the maigagee trill be rntitied to a deficiency judgmrnt for rise amount of the deficiency trrit)rotrt
<br />~+ to agtperisatwawt.
<br />6. }r rite engt tie ntortgartor fails to pay any Fedetal, state, ur (Deal tax ast,essment, income tax or other tax
<br />flaw, charl;a, fee, or otLm expense charged agaiart the psarperty the mertftttffee is hereby authorized at pia option to
<br />pag the aante, flag sstaas a paid br the mortgagee spa}} be added to and hecarue a part oC the printipai amouot of the
<br />itsdoittatinesa eridaroed bg said note suijeet to the rase terms sad coaditiomt, If the mortgagor shall fug sad
<br />dioeiarf}e tie issieitedrras eyidettced by said peotsisrary note, and shall pay each sums and shaft discharge all
<br />pmtteateti liirs and tiaettaYt, tees, sled espersetr of ttsakiatg, enforcing, and ezeclttiag this trrartgage, then thin mortgago
<br />+iaTd y arw~eeiei sri set+ordrhi.
<br />7;"'liiii ravanalt1s hetoia t~antairad aha}} bird sad the benefi4 and adfantages sFwl# inure to the rr,.fwrq;tixt auc.
<br />eaaatas anti aNeiglps of tits partiaa hatrra. ~iareyor used, the singulu number .hall ieelnde the phtral. ihe, piur~
<br />~. tttni drte ttaa at ttry fpattdar sin}} ittte}rie a19 prdora-
<br />1w1:~saiwr,a>i,ay? eararytiasair ar of tin oiligati+er secured henbv chaff rt ant times thereafter kr hrltl
<br />M-ia a trair+araf ttfsa teems hasaaf-ar ~ tin stole scoured hereby.
<br />}, A j~i.l,dttaatrv arias, or }rsi~srrrt baJdirg any prwtatrnt ur potiwu of this ittatruaresti invalid ur +rttc..-
<br />fMatiiiltt aiaN rs,t its atsy tray iaapsir or prochak the dtforcanrestt of the remaining provisions or iwrtiwts of this
<br />41rU~tL
<br />,1w+' ~ tttti~llwtAiteo.ipbe:ltaM~+ttM#Lt rnt#~yar gurwart to the frmviaieata of this frrtrnmant alai} ba ad-
<br />iritii~~ P+o~ ~E~~a Bast 92't, ca;drd S~l.~tti, tom. 688tH
<br />sad any writtan notices to he iastaed to the mortgaftex shall
<br />ire aiiraaaad q tin awAKf(>ttpa u 3114 Wmat 't?+ird St_t'etet, e O L~wt 168fi, ~rattcl islautti, h;E;. bf3Flf11.
<br />tse nssser azs tr.ral
<br />