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<br />VO-~t~U51f~~ <br />Said promissory note was given. to secure a loan in which the Sma11 Business Administration, an agency of the <br />United,Salea of America,, liar Participated, In compliance with section 10]'.I1d} of the Rules and Regtihtione o[ <br />the Sttaafl Business Administration [I3 C.F.R. 101.11 d 1 ], this instrument is to be construed and enforeed in accord- <br />ancewith applicable Federal law. <br />L Themortgasttr eaveaants and egrets as fellows: <br />Ike wfB'PrtimPtly Pay the iadehtedtaer evidenced by said promissory note at the.titaea atxd is tote. <br />mariner therein provided. <br />6. Be will pay all fazes, aeaerernents, water rases, and other goveramentnl or mun:zipai charges, farts, or <br />impositions, for which proviaionhas not made hereinbefore, and will promptly deliver the ol6ciabretxdpts <br />therefor to-the said mortgagee. <br />c:.He trial pay sash ezpenses sad fees u may be incurred in the pmteciion and mainunaace o£.aaid <br />• preoperty. includirtE the fen of any attorney employed by the mortgagee far the collection of say or aB of <br />the iadebiedtseas hereby secured, or foreelosnse by mortgagee'. sale, or court proceedings, or in ant other <br />litigaticat or proceeding a8eetirtg said property. Attorneys' (ees reasanahl>' incurred in env other way shall he <br />paid 6t' the mortgagor. <br />d. For better exutity of the indebtedness hereby secured, upnu the reyunat of the mortgagee, its <br />ettcceseoro or assigns, he shall execut._ and deliver a supplemental mortga~m or n+ortgages courting env <br />additions, improvements, ar hetterntents made to the propertc hereiuabove described and all properh <br />aegnirrd by ii aftr: the date he.eaF ~ all in furnt sattsfactury to n+urtea_ee i. Furtherntnn>, should mortgagor <br />fail to rare ant default in the payment of a prior or interior encun+braure un i6e propertc desrrihed by <br />this instrument, mortgagor hereby agreef to permit mortgagee to cure ~nrh default. but mortgagee is not <br />obligated to do so: and such advancEE shall becon:r part ::f the indehirdnes~ .r•cured he this iustn+mcnt. <br />subject sa the same terms and conditions. <br />e. ThE rights created by this eonveranee shall remain in !ull antes .end effect dt:ring auv pustpun+•u+rnt <br />or eztensiun of the time of the payment of the iodrhtednESS evidenced by •aul promissory Hutt nr env port <br />thereof secured hereby. <br />f. He will roatinuowly maintain hazard insurance, of such type ur types and in !weir amounts as the <br />marytagee rosy from time to time inquire on the improvements nnw or Irerru(n~r on .aid pert p+•rty, .urd <br />will pay promptly when due ens premiums therefoe All insurance shall be carried in companies acceptable <br />to mortgagee and the poficies and renewa-s thereof shall be held be mortgagee and have attached thereto <br />Ioss payable clauses in favor of and in form acceptable to [he mortgag.^e. In event of lose. mortgagor will give <br />imsaedute notice in writing to mortgagee, and mortgagee may rake proof at loss if not made promptly by <br />mortgagor, and Each insurance rampant' concerned is hereby authorized and directed to make payment for such <br />lore dirErtly to mortgagee instead of to mortgagor and mortgagee juind}', and the insurance proceeds, or aar <br />part thereof, rosy be appfied by rnongagee at its option either to the reduction of the indebtedness herby <br />eecure!d or to the rEStorattan or repair of the property damaged or destroyed. In event of farecloeure of this <br />mortgage, or other transfer nt title to said propertc in extingnishment of the indebtedness e•ecured hereby, all <br />right, title, and interest of the mortgagor in and to env iaeuranre policies then in force shall pass to the <br />purehasEr a+r mortgagee or. at the option of the mortgagre, nary he snrremlrn•+I fur a refund. <br />g. HE will keep all buildings and ether improvements on said paropx•rty +n _ nni repair end cundiiiot+: <br />will permit, caagmit. or ewer ttu waµE, impaitmeot. drteriuratiut+ of said property ur env part thereof; <br />in the Event of failurE of the ntartga,gox to keep the 1>uildintt± ou >aid premise+..:and thurr ,•rerted ou sai+l <br />prea+isES, ar iarprmement» thereon, in Band repair. the nuirtgagrE u+uy make »ttci: n-pairs as +n tts discretion <br />it may elects tteeessarr for the proper prreservation thereof: and the tali an+ouW of each and turn -nett <br />{.aymeett shall be iasrnE•diately tarot and payablE: and shall lee aecurEd L. the lien +,t this nu,n }rage. <br />h. He wiU Hat voluntarily rrcate or petvtit to be crnsted agatttrt the property subject to this mortgage say <br />lien or liens inferior or superior to the lien of [his mortgage without ihr written costsent of the mortgagee; and <br />- fnrthcr, that lee will-keep and maintain the tame free Irort+ the clauu ut all prrwns .++pply ing labor or <br />arateriali for construction nd any atxl all huildioKe ar intpruvem.-nt, Haw hEing ~r.•_~te••1 ur to hr rrrrte•d ou <br />raid preswtew <br />i. lfe will not rent ur a+wign any part of the rent ,rf said mungage.l prupert, ur drmoiish, nr rrtnuyr. <br />ur substantially alter any htttpdutg w-ithuut the written ron_rnt of [be mortt_ager. <br />j; Aff awardaof datstaRes in eaaaECtiun with env condrntttaUun for puhlir u=eE ut ur injury 4o an} ul for <br />property subjeH to this ruertgage ace }trreby assigned aml shall bE peat+l to u+ungagee, who ma} apply the <br />sraue to payntrnt r:_r the iastallntEntf 1a-1 due +tnder saic# Harr. cud n+urtKagee +- hrreha authorized, in th+~ <br />aatrnruf`ihE sur+rt]YIIKor, iii ettsettte and deliver valid aryuittancra tl#«rraE anti to appx•al fruntanv snob award. <br />K, Ihk tattrtgagee slrall have the right to inspect the uaortKaptcd f, an. rz•a.u+aahk inns. <br />!, plslaalt is se# of slts ooveaartta or con+litiow of this iaNruatent oc of the note, ur loan agreernent serurEd <br />~ierelry shall terminate the morlptsgor•a tight to posresaiun. use, and enjacmert3 (st the property, at the option of the <br />wattg~tcc or hits arigas lit being q[,rsed that fire morigagm• shall have such right until ,iefauhj. 1,`fran any such <br />dt{etshs the taurtprager. shafl hrrente the ue.ner .of al# o{ tbs rents and profits accruing after default u aernrity <br />fat the iadrbtedaear secured hereby, witk;211n.ritdst`toea~«r upaa grid p:aperty !or the pwpusE of rnikctinK stfch <br />rents sad prxtfits. This iaarrturtent shalt opsratt ~<rw.~t of say rental+ on said pn+pErty iu that rxtrnt- <br />S.~a &KJ Wt' 82$ ~t-i ti <br />