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<br />80--s,) (1512 ~ <br />L T6.,...+~gseassa.lstwa.6eaa...fn0ooa: <br />a He wiII 3ettmptly pay the iadcbtedaer evideaxd b7 acid promissory note at the tiaiea sad is the <br />trwtaae tLeeeia pnav~ed <br />b. Ha will paT all taaesr arr~, water rata, sad other ~veeaatea~l or-miteeapai ehargas,=St~aa: at <br />$apaitiaaa, for why pttm~iaim 6r sat bsm sods h~neiabefete, and will pt+aoptly deliver the eAiaial ttoaipts <br />eheedor to rho acid mortgagee. <br />c. Ffe will pay such etcpeneee and fees as may be incurred in the protection and maintenance of acid <br />propertf iaelading the tees of any attorney employed by the mortgagee for the collection of any or all of <br />the indebtedness hereby secured, or for toreclosnre by morlgagee'a Bale, or court proceedings, or in any other <br />litigatioe or proceeding affecting said premixes. Attorneys' fees reasonably incurred in any other way shall be <br />paid by the nwrtgagor. <br />d. For better security of the indebtedness hereby secured, upon she request of the mortgagee, i[a sag <br />ceaaon or assigns. he shall execute and deliver a supplemental mortgage ~ -mortgagee covering any additionr, <br />improvements, or betterments made to the properly hereinabove described :nd alt property acquired by <br />it after the date hereof (all in form satisfactory to mortgagee). Furthermore, should mortgagor fail to care <br />any default in the payment of a prior or inferior encumbrance on the property described by this inatrumeaq <br />mortgagor hereby agrees [o permit mortgagee to cure such default, but mortgagee is not obligated to des so; <br />and stub advances shall become part of the indebtedness secured by this instrument, subject to the same <br />terms and conditions. <br />e. The rights created by this conveyance shall remain in full force and effect during any postponement <br />or a:tettsion of the time of payment o[ the indebtedness evidenced by said promissory note or env part thereof <br />accred hereby. <br />f. He will contiauoualr' maintain hazard insurance, of such type or types and in such amounts ae the <br />mortgagee may from time to time require on the improvements now or hereafter on said properly, and <br />will pay promptly when due any premiums therefor. All iasttranee shall 1>d carried is companies acceptable <br />e so:tgagiss sad the polieia and tenewaL thereof shall be Geld by mortgages and have attached thereto <br />kite payahb: stases is favor o[ sad in form aoceptabk to the mortgagee. Ia event of lose, mortgagor will give <br />immediate aotia in writing to mortgagee, and mortgwgee may make proof of for if not made promptly by <br />matggsr, sad sash iaauraaee oompaoy concerned is hereby aathoriaed sad directed to make payment for such <br />lass directly to mortgagee isutead of to mortgagor and moregager joinUp, and the inaarance proceeds, or say <br />part thereof, may be applied by mortgagee ae iv option either to the reduction of Use indebted~as hereby <br />stseared or to the rerontiaa or repair o; the property damaged ar destroyed. In event of forechtaate of this <br />sortgsge, or otter traaafer of title to said property in c:tinguuhment of the indebtedster second hereby, all <br />right. title, sad interest. of the mortgagor ie sad to say imnnace poiicia then in force shall par to the <br />purchaser or mortgagee or, at rho option of the mortgagee, may be surrendered for a refund. <br />g. He will keep all buildings and other improventeats on said property in good repair and condition; <br />will petmi*, commit. ar suffer no wash, impairment; deteriorstiart of said property or any pan thereof; <br />in the event of failure of the mortgagor to keep the buildings on said premises and those erected oa said <br />premixs. or improvetttents thereon, in good repair, the mortgagee may make such repairs as in ire dixretion it <br />racy deem nereawry Ew the proper preaenatian thereof; and the lull amount of each and every such payment <br />shall be immediately due and payable and shall be secured by the lien of this mortgage. <br />ii. lle wilf hat valontarily create or permit to br created against the property subject to this mortgage <br />any lien or liens inferior or superior to the lien of this mortgage without the written consent of the mort- <br />gagee; and funkier, he will keep and maintain the same free from the claim of all persons supplying labor or <br />eoatcriala for constrtsctian of any sad all buildings or improvements now being erected or to br erected on <br />acid premises, <br />i, fie will sat rent or assign any part of the rent of said mortgaged property or demolisls, or remove, <br />or enbstantislly alter any building without the written consent of the mortgagee, <br />j. All of damages in eaauuctiea vaiUt any cots:lemnation far public ux of or injury to guy of the <br />paoperty asrbjpct to thirmartg#ge err hracby arigned and. shall be paid to mongaga, who may apply the <br />srao: iq paymrtt of tins insla3lwtesVs-last doe coder said sure, and mortgagce is hereby autboriaed, is the <br />rtarae aI else nwrtgagor, to a:scuts sad deliver valid acquittances thereof and to appeal from any curb award. <br />k. The atortgagae shall have the right to itupcet the mortgaged premiss at any reasonabk tithe. <br />Z-DoEial4~,a1-y-of tlse.cartaanta or conditiorM of thin inslnsment or of the noel or loan agreement secured <br />kpekMy;llt+t~l trrs~laa4e Ut~.sAlprtga,~a["s tight to posxrion, use, and enjoytneut at the property, as the option of the <br />pMtt~gate or kilo aaaigtu:l-it being agtvxd that the mortgagor :halt have such right until default i. Upon any such <br />. else taortaagee shall hccoax the owner of :ll of the rents and profits accruing after default es seruritl~ <br />ftx rtes iadcbtedaaa secured hereby, with rice right to eater sport said property fax ti,e purpuce of collecting such <br />tttKts sad p>~is;,TlAis3tMttruraewt shaII apeaMO tr u arigaasq~t of any nnta is on said property to that r:toot. <br />