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<br />so-- c~ ~ ~ .~ ~ 1~I~~TG~~E <br />3e temlaer <br />'ildid:~y;saia...d eeartteed iato rtria. Iti`th da, et p <br />'~ 8fl Lg°rodbattrem Glpde P. Rinke and ICatheryn M. Ainke,,husband and wife <br />{hereinafter referred to as taortga6er) and the Adci2istnwr of the Small Bttainear Adtniniatratitio. an aaaney of tht <br />Goocraaent of'tbe'United Statca:of America (hereinafter referred to as mortga€ee), who maiataid an epee and <br />pleasd'heriaaaraet Empire State Building, 19th and FBrnam, Qmaha, Nebraska 68102. j <br />Rws~wast{t. thec far ehe eoiideraeioa hereinafter acted. receipt of which. is hersb7 aekao~rla(oad, tLe <br />.rrr~.~ted.w L.tabf aroa~ .e14• Ream. ari6ts. and tonvty nnro the mortaaaee, hie .nete.tors and_ari~., .u <br />of the folbtri~-deta~ied ptopertT utnated and beirgl in the (:oonq of Hall <br />~t° °f' Itebsaska: <br />Lots ltrq (2) Four <4) and Six (6) in Block Six (6), College <br />Addition to West Lawn in the City of brand Island, Nebraska. <br />Te~r~ilrer+rills,-aa>wiiq~iadio~.~bu+h~w:116acturie..includin~ but nut limitsdto a~i plutnbittg, hwt;ng, ii6ltt- <br />irrrgy. ~, rCft'f~erNitrg, etteitoeratinR,. sic coaditinnintr apparatus, and eievatvr> (the mortgagor hereby <br />dt~lariw~ That it is ztttc~udcd that Flee items hcreiu eauraerated shall Le detmed tU etarn heea frermsnently in- <br />srrdlcrl ~ putt oi' the realty), and all impruretttents nor. or hercafier e~i.ti!t;ti thereon; the htreditatrtenta and <br />apposfewytte+er awtf all-.other -i~6ut theretratto belonging,- or in anv~iee appertaitring, and the reveri+ioa and re• <br />w!e~ws, rte-tttaiwdtr ttwd rteeaindera; >EI! r't~ltia o[ roderEtptuxn, cad the tense,, iseuts, and praSis of the shore <br />d~sealktud-~pwpnts ~pa~rided, ho+Festr, that tite tnortaagor Khali be entitled So tht po:.,.r~+~iou of .aitl property <br />arod tttwHecr and-rrreintlte rests, ls~nea, etas praSts atatil default- hereurtderj. To have and to hold the tame <br />uwle=-~ tatr~ee~'astti~tJte •~eestors is, itt3taetisof- the tnortgaget forever in fee rSwple ar attch other tecMte, <br />if ray: r is-ftala~4 iraa~is." <br />'1{'Il~s ~ eM rirl-lte is ftpa(di!` aaitMd an poutreed at stNf has tlt ry{Mt to tell ati ~rsy said <br />~t7rsrrtgi t~It qtr srr: i- fttt!e front-ell =atetnnhrraata eaeeft art htlteiaahore radred: -attd that ha her•ly blade <br />him a~ hie rueeetreu iu ietc[pM,.tu-t+arraot and defattd tl-e title afordaisl thereto cad curry part thereof t~aina <br />tstt> e1M~4tt 4 a3! pawarr atYrt~unaxes;~ <br />' '11th ina:ttueat is Rhea to racrtre the paytacut of a proenissary Dote dated Sep4e~~r lb* 19S€: <br />"-----~ <br />hail=~~r'gt-~„26,$C!t#~#i--~.a,~' C,iyd2 A a~ Tiatheryn M. ftinke <br />,a hrltslf of thmttz~lves. <br />v~ r... +~f tiirasa:t+.e.t:s~ t.e. o-..t«. <br />