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s©-- oa~:~.~s <br />tlrc~ sums-secured by thLa Dced of Trust shah continue unimpaired. Upon such paymem and cure by Borrower, this Decd of <br />Trust antTttie vbiigativns secured hereby shall remain in foie force and effect as rf na acce{eration had occurred. <br />29 A~tttnrtttaE Rents; AppoitrttneM of Receiver, bender in Possession. As additional security hereunder, Borrower <br />tie{t:tiy-assigns-to Lsnder the-rents of the Prvpvny, provided that Harrower shalt, great to aceleration under paragraph fit <br />isereof or-atiandvtttnenfof the Progeny, have the right so cotiect and retain such rents as they 6eeottte due and payabtc. <br />Upon acccleratinn under paragraph f8 hereof or abandonment of the Progeny, Lender, in person, by agent or by <br />jttdiciatTy appointed receiver, short be emitted io enter t:pan. Take possession of and manage ihs Property and to colteci the <br />rents of the-Progeny inckufittg those past due. Al! rents catiected by Lender ar the reserver shall be applied ftrst to payment <br />of-ttie~-costsofmanagertfent ~af -the-Property and eollect:on of rents, including, bat not limited to, receives fees: premiwns <br />on~~receiver's-bonds. and reasonable attorneys #ees, and Linn to the sums secured by this Deed of Trust. Lender and the <br />retxiver shall lxdiableno account Doty for those rents actually received. <br />ZI:.Fotate Advitrcts: Upon request of Borrower, tender, at Lender's option, prior to full reconveyance of the Property <br />by Trtistesta Borrower,-may make Future Advances to Bxxrawer. Stott Future Advances, with interest thereon. shalt oe <br />secured by this. Deed oPTrust-when evidenced by promissory notes stating that said notes are secured hereby, At nv time shat) <br />the principitTamounevf the indebtedness secured by this Deed of Trust, nut including sums advanced io accordance herewith <br />to grottxFthe security of this Dced of Trust, exceed the arigmal amount of the IVnte pins US 3 <br />22. 1t+ESOtweyaKx: fFpon payment of ati soma secured by this Deed of Trust. Lender shalt request Trustee to recanvey <br />ttie Prapeny anti shall surrender this Deed of Trust and al! nores evidencing indebtedness secured by this Deed of Tntst <br />iv Trustee. Trustee shalt reconvey the Progeny without warranty and without charge to the person or persons legally <br />entitled thereto. Such person or perms shall pay art casts at rtxardauon, tt any <br />2]. SttMFitattrTrsshe. Lendet, at Lender's optton, may tram time to ame remove Truster and appoint a successor <br />trustee tv any-Trustee appointed hereunder by an mstntment recorded iv the county in which this Deed of Tntst is reeordexl. <br />Without conveyance of the Progeny, the successor trustee sfialt succeed tv all the title, power and duties conferred upon <br />the Trustee herein and by appticab}e taw. <br />~.- Resat for Neliea Borrower regttesn that capres of the nonce of default and notice of sale be sent to Borrower's <br />address whir:h is the Propttty Address. <br />IN 1VITNFSS WH&REQF, Borrower has executed this Deed of Trust. <br />J` 3ZI4S~ L, fitTIIGA ~,E, <br />$TA7t2 oP NeBtusK,t.... 1'Il~l ................. . ... . ... ......County ss: <br />On this .....' of. _?'.. t9 8t?,. before me, the undersiened, a Notarv Pubtic <br />duly commissioned and qualified €xx said ctntnty, personally carets . !~f~Y4 . fir. ~?o~. ettt'I. Itii#dp. ~s. ~I,Q11$~-a . <br />................... 113L1Diad Yod_Xi.f~ .. ro me known !o he the <br />identipl personisl whose natrtc{sT ate subscritted to tiYC toregotne instrument and ,tclcnowledgcd the c.scxuuon <br />tftetctaf to i>e.... ~!~_', ..... valtmtaty ~ ct and deed. <br />VV'tttteu my hand and notarial seat at....... t3rtutd..Itslinti:. WebTSt~ka _ rn sard county. thr <br />date aftxesaid_ <br />My Camtmission ex Tres I ~~ <br />r Nita*r VuDi:C <br />~t <br />R£QUIS'f FpR RECOttiL'Ey:LtiCE <br />To Ttctrsrl=.~: <br />TTto u~d is the holler oT the Hate or notes secured by the, Ckt.~xt xtt Trust. Satd Hate or Hates. toeettter <br />tvittt;aA cftTfer iat~ti tt~ ~ure<l by ±hts I?ees of Trust. have t•~t:n ~ ;.t :n fui3, Y~.t acs itercby utre4tr~; to cant~l <br />said nttFt-eft tttates and !Teti'; Tlerd of Trust, which arc dchverest hercTw, atxif tx3 rectutvep, without warranty, alt the <br />esi8te:ttow held fry you utxder this Tweed of Trua# txf the person xar nerwns legally entttled lhereut. <br />Iyat~ :............................ <br />;3~ri.! $B'^ ?? +.:rE r~lM+'A6 i.~ CE+Wi< a +iS H.BC~vf RE+, <br />