g{~.,,._ t; C~ 511 ~
<br />9. ContirmffWiow. The pra:ceds of any award or claim for damages. direce or consequential, in connection with any
<br />condemnation or other taking of the Property, or part thereof, or for conveyance in lieu of condemnation, are hereby assigned
<br />attd shalt tie paid to lxnder.
<br />In the event of a total taking of the Property, the proceeds shat! be applied ro the sums secured by this Deed of Trust,
<br />with the excess, if any, paid [o Borcower. In the event of a partial taking of the Property, unless Borrower and Lender
<br />otherwise agree in wilting, [here shag be applied to the sums secured by this Deed of Trust such proportion of the proceeds
<br />as is equal to dtai proportion which the amount of the sums secured 6y this Deed of Tn~st immediately prior to the date of
<br />taking beats to the fair market value of the Property immediately prior io the date of taking, with the balanr~ of the proceeds
<br />paid to Borrower.
<br />If [he Property is abandoned by Borrower, or if. after notice by Lender to Borrower that the condemnor offers to make
<br />an award or settle a claim for damages. 8armwer fails to respond to Lender within 30 days after the date such notice is
<br />maiktl, Lender is authorized to collect and apply the proceeds, at Lender's option, either to restoration or repair of the
<br />Properly or to the rotor secured by this Deed of Trust.
<br />Unless Lender and Borrower otherwise agree in writing, any such application of proceeds to principal shall not extend
<br />or postpone the due dafe of the monthly installments referred to in paragraphs I and Z hereof or change the amount of
<br />such inutallments.
<br />1B. Harrower Nol Rekftsed. Extension of the time For payment or modification of amortization of the sums secured
<br />by this Deed of Trust granted by Lender ro any successor in interest of Borrower shall not operate to release, in any manner,
<br />the liability~of the original Borrower and Borrower's successors in interest. Lender shall not be required to commence
<br />proceedings against such successor or refuse to extend ume for payment or otherwise modify amortization of the sums
<br />secured by this Deal of Trtsst by reason of any demand made by the original Borrower and Borrower's successors in interest.
<br />lt. Forhearaace by Lewder Not a Waiver. Any forbearance by Lender in rsercisfng any right or remedy hereunder, or
<br />atherwix affofxied by applicable law, shall not oe a waiver of or preaudr the exercise of any such right or remedy.
<br />The procurement of insurance or the payment of taxes or other liens or charges by I~nder shall not be a waiver of Ixnder's
<br />right to aeeekrate the maturity of the indctttedness secured by this Deed of Trust.
<br />11. Reoedies CtfawwlNlve. All remedies provtded in this Dced of Trust are distinct and cumulative to any other right
<br />or remedy under this Deed of Trust err afforded by Eaw or equity. and map he °xercfsed concurrently, independently or
<br />sttecessively.
<br />13. $aCCr~Dia fwd Asa~aw 6oatd; Idnt and $ereraf LiahiHty; Captions. The covenants and agreements herein
<br />rnnMitfed shat? bind, and the rights hereunder shall inure to, the respective successors and assigns of Lender and Borrower.
<br />subject to the provisions of paragraph 17 hereof .AH covenams and agreements of Borrower shall be joint and severe[.
<br />The captions and Readings of [he paragraphs of this Deed of Trust are for convenience only and are not to be used to
<br />interpret or dt:6ne the provisions hereof.
<br />1L= Netfire. Except for any notice requred under appltcubir law to hr given m another manner. {a1 any notice to
<br />Borrower pievided fu rn this Decd of Trost cp r g
<br />._ ...ai. tic given by marlin roof: ttatice by certified mail addressed to Barrawtr a+,
<br />the Property Address or at such oilier address as Harrower may designate by notice to Linder as provided herein, and
<br />{b~ any notice to Leader she!! be given by cetttfied mail, return receipt requested, m Lenders address stated herein err to
<br />such odor address as lender may destgnate by nonce to Borrower as provided herein. Any notice provided for in this
<br />Dred of That shelf be deemed to have been gtven to Borrower or tender when given in the manner designated herein.
<br />tS. Urtiforo Dees d Trtrp GwtnrwiwR t.aw; StvmriWy. iTtrs form of deed of trust combines umfotm covenants for
<br />rtatioual use and non-uoiftnm covenants wnh limned vananons by jurisdiction to constitute a uniform security instrument
<br />mvroring real propert}•. 'ibis Geed of Trust shalt t>e governed by the law of [tie !unsdicuon to which the Propen: is located.
<br />to the evem that any provision or ctat!f4..Gt f)exd of Trust ur the Nate ronflicts wnh aoplicable law, such conflict she!!
<br />not affect otI1R of this ITOttt of `f:`ntft err the Nute which can hr given etFect without the conflicting ptavtsion.
<br />acct io this rni t ~rovisiom af:iltt I~tt~~o~ "ilwt and the dote ore declared to be severable.
<br />!f. i4K ^arlwwaltlaMF3rt~irmshed a ranhumed cagy of the Note and of ;his Dred r:f Trust at the time
<br />of tsectrtievr ef!"'~l!'-`}lgCilltl/ill-!f Iiteilttlf."°"°^'
<br />17. itawder of fhe Hwperty; Ataaftfpiaw. If ail err env part ut the Yraperty or an interest [harem is sold ur transferred
<br />by Boritrrret without Lender's pear wntttn consent, ex:.ltrding :al the crcanan of alien nr encurnfrrance wianrdinate to
<br />[hie Dad of 7rfwt, (b) the citation of a purchase manly security interest for household appliances. 1 c? a transfer fry devise.
<br />ddceat nr by operation of law upon the death of a loin[ tenant or t d t the grant of any fexsehold interest of three veers or less
<br />not coniatning an option to purchase, )_ender may, at (.ender i option, dec#-re alt the sums secured by this (hid of Trust to tx
<br />imtnediafciy due erect payable. t"ender shall have waived such aptwn to accelerate sf, poor to the sale or transfer, Lender
<br />std the person to whom the Property is to ere ~ yid or tramferred reach agreetticm in wnttng thaw the credo of such person
<br />n sstiafactary to L.tttder and that the interest payable nn the sums soured try this Dred e+f Trust shat! he at such rate as
<br />C_endrt shall troquixt, !f Lsndcr has waive! the option to zccekaatc provided in [lire paragraph 17, and if Borrower's successor
<br />in ifra[rest has ramtwed a wntmn aauiuption agreeitttm accepted rn wnung by Lender, !.ender stu,.`f repast Harrower from
<br />al! obhpttteats uw0er this Dred of Trust artef the ~`ote.
<br />if Lender exercises such option to accelerate, Leader she!{ mad Btrrrowrr nand otsurleranon .r. accordance wnh
<br />pattagtapff IA ffereot. Such ttottce sfwll provide a peeler at oat less [hart itf days from the date the nauce .s mailed ,vnhin
<br />which Borrower may pay [tr sums tfeciarixt due. !f Borrawrr Earls to pay such sums poor to the exptrahan of such period,
<br />[,ender ttMp, Without further notice err demand nn Borrower, invoke soy renttdtrs ptnntttcd by paragraph I g hereut.
<br />Norv-Ll:vttnwfa C€YVyai,tivts. Horcawet and L.etitier further covrnant artd agree as tdforvs:
<br />lfl, AcceferwtisaK Rtaeita, Exttpl ao prorises itt paaaRrapr IT hereof. opaw IRwrnwds heewek txf any ctweowwl cu
<br />atttaaawfafw of Itrrrwww iw tlss i)aiei of Traw4 iwelwditg tie cwrewtrY to pay warn dos ttaq swatter eeewed by this Deed
<br />ttTrr4 Ieaiet pfw io atederaliaw sWl orf7 [[elite tw Harrower o pro.iied is parapapr I4 hereof sptrfytrw: (1) the
<br />YaswrlK (2) Ire artiaw b ewer soot 6feacln (a) a dolt, viol los tlya J6 dwys frwo t4 3ale the waver is nui{td fa
<br />Mrrwwtr, r7' wrftrlr sfpdf itewelt nfff~ tie ettrws; avid (t) era tiwlare to rtrn such breach w err 6tftsrc the dwte speci6erl
<br />h [re [eerier Tway rraall i accekrafiw of t4 swot secwtrd by trio Dori ut Trw sus sale ui tie PrepeAy.. "!)te tsotkx
<br />[tray ftaeNtar iadarro lflwvwwer ri !re tigi! b rtiwtlafe after aceelera/iww sad ter tiRit ft: fwirR a cowl rfatiww to assert
<br />14 otr~sarserer of >, idaatk a awy olio deieaae of 1lortewer to acceieraaw std raft-. t- tAt brtwrr is oat ctut!
<br />ow or MrioR the iYe apecifrs iw ere ewYCE. l.lwder a t.rwier's aptitto fway declare aY of tie rocs secwrd try this 1)i!rs
<br />o/ Ttxfn b fhs iwfoadialeiy tar sad pwyifhtr wilrwrt farMer ieowws awl ttfwy iasui€e err ewer of salt art awy attic( retfriits
<br />peatwM4i t1y apgltrwkfe law. !.[wire slay tie tfltidti to rtirtlect ail reaaw.wfrlt rttNS ofd rxpetttas irtrtvrei fw pmrswiwR ter
<br />iaaaldifi plwviiri iw Iii NaRrapY fY, ttatiaiiwi, bat via IiafNSi fo, rtawawwMe irftwrwey's frs
<br />R tie jwwer d sale i iwrwitai. Trwalae sear raori a twticc at deladf iw ewer corNy iw writ6 err Property or woe
<br />pwR tiweaai i tacatei and shwa fwail ~v et strtr wttGct is tfae mawwtr prescribes b applicaNr law to ewrrYwtr ail fa tYr
<br />tttgfvperwwwxpaaacri-ad ry ap~iralie law. After tie !spec of swci tier as tray he regwird by ap/8twrle law, Trwftte sA#U
<br />ptiir runt: d ole a tit pttraeaa awe iw ere wswwwer prescribes by appticark taw. TrtaAte, wNrwwt ttetwad ern
<br />iastwrra, sill aey ire htipetty as pdiic arictiww W iYc 6iRirst hisser at tie lilac avid plwtt awl wwdtr tttr terww daiiword
<br />iw-Mtcwaiirc of sale is owe err twee piitrceit std u seal[ crier as Tftrare twwy deirrmiwe= Trwatte [fray posipowc salt sf all
<br />er •d' patrM wt rie f!rwputy y pwYie atwfowwteoeat at tie rice sal plea of twy prrriofrly scheirtled sale. t.twdtr or
<br />Irrriar's titipfaeawry (rtwcfttor it Ttgtrty ataxy vile.
<br />llpar rarti}f a1 N4'oaa of err paler W. Trtette sraY selirer to the pttreiuser Trwatrt'a deaf cowieyiwg err Nroperlr
<br />Bali: Tie rwi:italf i• liw Ttttwlwetit dtwd srwY k price twrie e•i4wrs ti err tear of ere s•Weoewb fwwir trertla. Trwstee
<br />tit/ a~p~ Ire a< ~ talk Iw dit taYwwiai aritf: /0 aY nttwowahlt Carty awl lapCwiex est d1t iwlq inrhdiwK. bwl
<br />w1i-11afllwi tr. liwsfo~ ~w€ wI aM »tort [![vial +t3~96 of tie gaors sakt prier, rrasoorhk Wterxy's Errs avid rost+t of
<br />NraaaYawcet f1i1 Mai intfwr xaratrti ry lei Awes of Trust; sad ,ct ere esceas, it nay, to tie parsec or perfiows feidly eotitki
<br />Ilaaal~.
<br />If. ilaraiwfwr'w ^~tt w Aaiafaale. Ntnwi[haUndtag txntie:'s scceferatron of ittr sums s.:currd it} this fycrd of i rust,
<br />B4rrtwrtt' thwll love ter right to Rave qnv pea-catfings begun b} txodet to enforce [file Ihrd a( "lout atscontururd at
<br />any Stmt prism to tlfe tar)iir ro occur of {i3 iht fifth day ittfarr [tut salt of Ifs[ Praprn Y' pursuant txi the power of safe arataniad
<br />is this Dred o#TRUt ur {ii)cMry o(a judgufent enfareing this Derd of Trust tf: ter) $arrawrt pays Lrndri elf xurne +a~hich would
<br />be then dui [order ibis tkm! of Trust, Khe Note and riotts smunng Future Advaitcrs, et any, had no accrlcratrair ,xxurrcd.
<br />ih7 BtKreuwar carts a!f lwcwchn of atsy other tavenatpis ut agrrtrnrnts of Burrower cxrntaiord ur [tun ISrv~t of Irut.
<br />ft) Btmowc( paps nit rtatarw.abie rxpttsses ittarrrrd by l.,eneLtr and i'rarsrre in enforcing the .uvcnants and agrerntrots of
<br />Brtrrewtx etwfllairtrd in tits.} Used trf Trust ant[ in tnft+ming Lxndcr'z and 'i rarsic~c': rrnrrdirs as pravidrd ,n paragrapf, t z
<br />htrtof, rtiGhisigj, but trot limtred to. tw,vxrtable attOinc}'s fees. anal td) tic: rower taArs ,uch acu.vr ere !ceder titay rcasunaf+ly
<br />tulpirt ao astute that €be iicrr of this De«! atf Tract, !.c`5der's :utcte+t ,_; the Ptapersy and Burr.»wcr'. ~,trlrµnta:n i., ,,.es
<br />