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84-- pUSUc~`7 <br />1. '1>~a aatPesr oovsanta aai a~tetes ar inflows: <br />a He will promptly pay the iadebtedaow evideaeed by acid pramirocy note at the times and is the <br />t~ trneia,peorided <br />$: He wiN paT all ta>rea aoeatmesu, water rates. sad-other gevetnmental or mttaitipaUehargw, Snek or <br />impatitiaet: far whieb provdaioa hm not bem made Leroiabefart, and will gromptly deSvear the odieial reoeipt~• <br />thttretor to the axid mortgagee. <br />c. Ht will pay Hoch expenses sad fees as may be incurred in the protection and maintenance of said <br />property, ieelading the fees of any attorney employed by the mortgagee (or the collection of any or all of <br />the indebtednew herchy secured, or for foreclosvn by mortgagee's sale, or court proccedings, or in any other <br />litigation or proceeding aReeting said premises. Attorneys' fees reaeonabh incurred in any other way shall be <br />pafd:by the mortgagor. <br />d Foe better exarity of the indebtedness hereby secured, upo, the request of the mortgagee, its auc- <br />cerors or aswgns, he shall execute and deliver a supplemental mortgage or mortgagee covering any add'etions, <br />improvement, or betterment made to the property hercinabove described :nd all property acquired 6y <br />it after the date hereof (all in form satisfactory to mortgagee). Furthermore, should mortgagor fail to cure <br />any defaalt in the payment of a prior or inferior encumbrance on the property described by this inttrument, <br />mortgagor hereby agrees to permit mortgagee to cure such default, lxtt mortgagee is Hat obligated to do so; <br />sad streh advances shall betrome part of the indebtedness secured by this instrument. subject to the same <br />tercets aed tronditions. <br />- e. The right created by this conveyance shall remain in full force and effect during any postponement <br />or exte>bion of the time of payment of the indebtedness e.•idenced by said promisson• note ar any part thereof <br />secured 6ercbv. <br />J. He will continuously maintain haaard insurance, of such type or tvpea and in such amouut as the <br />mortgagee easy from time io time require on the improvements Haw or hereafter on said property, and <br />will [ta7 [tt'amPVT when dne any premiums therefor. All inanraaee shall be coaled in otrmpaaies aceeptabk <br />to sortgagee seed the policies sad renewals thereof shall be held by mortgagee and have attached theeeto <br />lac payable eLttaea in franc of sad in Farm aoteptahk to the mortgagee. In event of lac, mortgagor will give <br />immediate antics is trritisg to mortgagee, sad mortgagee may make proof of low if sot made promptly b7 <br />tnortg~ar. sad each iaruraaee oampaay emceraad is hereby avthor%aed and directed to make payment for asteh <br />lase directly to mastgagee iwead of to mortgagor and mortgagee jointly, sad the ittwrante proteeda, or any <br />part thereoF, may be applied by mortgagee at it option either to the redttetioa of the indebtedner hereby <br />seeared or to the reatontion or repair of the property dam.ged or dntrored. Ice event of foreeloaam of thin <br />taortgttge, or other traoafer of title to said property in extinguishment of the indebtedness secured hereby, all <br />righ4 title, sad iatertat of the mortgagor in sad to any inauraoee policies then in Force shall par to the <br />purchaser or mortgagee ar, at the option of the mortgagee, may Ire surrendered for a refund. <br />g. He will keep all building and other improvetntat on said propertp in good repair and condition; <br />will permit. ,~tatmit, or auit`r eta waste, impairment, deterioration of said property or any part thereof: <br />in the [.vent of Faiiorc of the mortgagor to keep tie buildings on said premises and there erected oa aaid <br />preatiscs, or improvement thereon, in good repair, the mortgagee may make such repairs as in it discretion it <br />may deem tteteraary for-the proper pteserv*tion thereof; and the toll amoant of erch and every such payment <br />shall be itattaediatels dot and parable and shall he secured by the lien of this mortgage. <br />k. Ht will not vohmtarilp create or permit to be created against the property subject to this mortgage <br />asp ilea or liens inferior oz superior to the lien of this mortgage without the written cottseat of the mort- <br />gagee: and [urthv, ht will keep and maiataia the same fret from the claim o[ all persona supplying labor or <br />material for construction irf any and all buildings or improvement now betnR erected or to be erected on <br />acid premises. <br />i, He will trot rent ar aatign any part of the rent of said mortgaged property or demolish, or remove, <br />er eubstatttialir. alter arty building without the written can:dent of the mortgagee. <br />} All atrards of dateagea i~ cotmection with any condcmnatioa for public use of or injury to any of the <br />p»petty aathjeet to tins tworigage are heneby assigned and shall be paid to mortgagee, who may apple the <br />,aawpf N paywtai of the irraullarsaM~ast daa:ttarder said [tote,.agd taartgagee is hereby authorised,-ice the <br />nameof the mortgagor, to execute and deliver valid acquittances thereof and to appeal from any ruck award. <br />1G Tka taert~agee shall have the right to inspect the mortgaged premises at say reasonable time. <br />i!* DeFgtlltk.iia;atay;atf the covtnaat oa conelitiorw of this instrument or of fist Holt or loan agreement secured <br /> ahal,4 Mstal~sla.tkaa~ttirt(~us's titbt to potareasion, user and enjoyment nF the property, at the option of the <br />awrtp~te or ills arigar (it being agmed that the mortgagor shall have sash right until default}. L3pun any such <br />J~rlattl4 fire mortgagee shalt btcoaae the owner of all of rite rent and profits accruing after de[auit as securi[y <br />FR ilea iadtthtedwar satatrd lteraby, with the right w.ea/~[;93wa said property for the purpose of collecting such <br />ryigla-aad.proits. This iaauwseat shall operaft ~ as sssi~tyeat of aey-€erttals on said property to that extent. <br />