_ > ~ ~,
<br />80-~~5~a~ ~~~
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<br />This noet~ysttuau-twl eotee~ed ion tLia ~` dnx of .~Pp7`r,., ~Rir.
<br />t9` ~Qy.h-.ndbettreen George H. Volz-.and Debra S. Volz; husband and wife,
<br />(hetaiaafter referred to v mortga6or) and the Administrator of the Sma[1 Btriness Administration, as aaeat:y of the
<br />(,ovetneeat of tlie>Umted Staten of America (hereinafur referred to u mortgagee), tvho maintains as o~oe`and
<br />plaee'afhnsiisss m Empire State Building, 19th & Farnam Streets, Omaha, Nebraska 68102
<br />*: than: for the-: ooneideratioa hereinafter. stated,.reeeipt of.whieh is heteh~ aeknoxied~pa,.the
<br />~~'~~~ ~~'y raoetgagr, t>eli, Itrany assign, and convey unto. tba moet6a~a, hit stseoessorc attd sstigny all
<br />. at tha tollowiag dieieeiMd prape~tt~ rieaatiai and beiy4 in the Coant7 ~ Hall
<br />State of: Nebraska:
<br />__ Part_of.Lot Eight (Sj in Vantine's Subdivision, located on part
<br />of the Northwest Quarter (N6TRy) of Section 22 in Township L1 North,
<br />,.Range 9 West of the. 6th P.a., nu~re particularly described as follows,
<br />to-wit: Cottmmencing at a point 50.5 feet Stauth of the Northwest
<br />Corset of said Lit $ and ,n=nning *_herbe East upnn the South Boundarp
<br />liae-and said lot for a distance of 135 feet, running thence Nozth
<br />parallel to the Flest boandary line of said Lot, fora distance of
<br />` SD:S feet, rtittaittg-then T,*est parallel with the South boundary line
<br />of said.-`Lot; for a distance of 135 feet to the place of beginaing, in
<br />Hall Coaaty, Nebraska.
<br />T'o~RMr w+Ik ~d.j~€Iw~iw~.~ii bitildepg~, #If Sxtturea iaelpdiing, bnt tart fitnitwd to. all.. plumbinK, heating, tight.
<br />bMIF. ~, *~+~(~sstintt, inrinontisy`, air cvnditionin{R +Rppsratns, and elevators f the murtRat,or hereby
<br />derlariwR lketiiir ig3eadttd that the. itep» herein rnamented ,haft be deemed to have teen permanently in-
<br />+a13ra1 s. par} art' the rtwtly}, and alt improycment+-nuK or hereafter cxiaring thereon, the herediutmcnu+ and
<br />appitr~eaawd aff+t-titer riiti-a thereaplobeLwtgiag, or in apYwiac aftpertaining, and the reversion and re-
<br />vaesiawas, rrassindcr asuf reanaisdets, atf rightic of redemption. and the rent, iisttes, and profits of ttu above
<br />de~il~tl patty= f *rstvided, hoerever, -that. the. natrtK,agur shall he entitled to the possession of waid prnperiy
<br />and tseollM awd tetein=the ratsla, isr.tsetr, asrd graSts until defank hereunder). To have reed to bald the same
<br />unto~llte: ~ anbd tftt sas~a~swcis is inleteat of the msetgsq'ee for+rver in tee sitnpk or such other estrte,
<br />if say. r is etalel tttre6t,
<br />.' _. ~~ trttga/etMae~atr titsi~-6i:is~ eisitdaid poYStsed"od,-~ bas the-. right'~to ~':~ eoaYfy Midi
<br />l~t7. tMq tiie,ri~e Y ft+as ft+aiit i>~'ew~rdituses-titte~i-r herainahive estate#t rnsf=tlast:i~e-bereiy bindtt
<br />h11MMr1 ari his aocgwsen- it iaunrrt.te tratcyt and defard the title aforeasid thereto and every part thereof against
<br />t~sf aitrsirws:~tiwsss.v*c
<br />`~,
<br />7itta ulstfurewt, 4 dtrtn :r srenre ~ firymeat of a prmussory note dated 7< ~.:~ ~: S C~ ,
<br />i+~`tM~r:~tr"ww-+i!' 13;zU~=~~ls George B. Vo1z and Debra S. Vol.z, husband and wife
<br />,a M4t.if,efi thgatelvee -
<br />ww~ s.,. WT ss-za~r t.w rater.+.,.we.t...
<br />