<br />80- i~Q5088
<br />UNIFORM CO`tENANTS. Borrower and Lender covenant and agree as follows:
<br />1. Pa}incept of Principal and Interest. Borrower shall promptly pay when due the principal of and interest on the
<br />indebtedness evidenced by the Note, prepayment and lath charges as provided in the ":ere, and the principal of and interest
<br />an any Future Advances secured by this Mortgage.
<br />2, Funds for Tares and Ynsurance, Subjeti to applicable law or to a u; ~nen warner by Lender, Borrower shaII pav
<br />to Lender on the. day monthly installments of principal and interest are payable under the \ote, until the Nate is paid in full.
<br />a stair (htrein "Funds") equal to one-twelfth of the yearly taxes and assessmenu which may attain priority ova this
<br />Morgage, at+.d ground renu on the Pmperry, if any, plus one-tu'eltth of yearly premium insrallmenu for hazard insurance,
<br />plus orx•twtlfrh of yearly premium inriallmenis for monga¢e insurance, if any, al! as rcasonablp estimated initially anifi from
<br />time to time by Lender on the basis of assessmenu and bills and reasonable estimates thereof.
<br />The Funds shall be held in an institution the deposiu or accounu of x=hick are inswed or guaranteed by a Federal or
<br />state agency (including header if Lender is such an institution). Lender shalt apph~ the Funds to pay said taxes, assessmenu,
<br />insurance premiums and ground rents. Lender may not charge for so holding and applying the Funds, analyzing said amount.
<br />or verifviag and compiling said assessmenu and bills, unless Lender pays Borrower tmerest on the Funds and applicahie law
<br />permiu Lender to male such a charge. Barzower and Lender may agree in writing ai the time of execution of this
<br />Afoti$age that inttresi oa the Funds shall be paid to Borrower, and unless such agreement is ma4. ,r applicable law
<br />requires such interest to bs paid, Lender shall not be requireo to pa}' Borrower an}' interest or tamin2s on the Funds. Lender
<br />shall give to Harrower, without char¢e. an annual accounung of the Funds showing credits and de6i!z to the Funds and the
<br />purport Ior x=kith each debit to the Funds x'as made. T"ne Funds are oledctd zs addttianzl srurity for the sums secured
<br />by this Mortgage.
<br />Ii the amount of the Funds held by Lender, together with the future monthy mstaliments of Funds payable prior to
<br />the dui dates of taxes, asussmeru. insurance premiums and eround renu, shall eiceed the amount required to pay said taxes,
<br />assessments, insurance premiums and ground ;cnu as tbe}' :`all due, such excess Gall be, at Borrower's option, either
<br />promptly repaid to Borrower or credited to Borrower art monthly installmenu of Funds. if the amount of the Funds
<br />held by Lender shat! not be sufficient 20 pay taxes, assessmenu, insurance rrem:ums and Found rents as they fall due,
<br />Borrower shall pay to L.endu any amount necessan~ tc make up the definenr: u;thin ;U days. from the date notice is mailed
<br />by Lcadez to Borrower rtauesling payment thereof.
<br />Upon paymtni in tali of all sacra secured by this "tfar•:gage. Linde: shall prompth' refund to Borrower any Funds
<br />held by Linder. II under paragraph ; S hcrco2 the Proper.:~ a se;d ar the Freputt is othen.=ise acquired by Lendez, Linder
<br />shall app:}`, no lat;nr :L+an irni^edi=ail;' ,,-.a; to the sa;t ~f tie Property cr :ts acgtisitior ^' Lender, any Funds held by
<br />Lender at the time of application as a credit against !ht sums secured by ens ASoneaar.
<br />3. Application of Payments. Unless applicable iau~ nrevrdes otherx•ise, all pavoents re<eivci by Lender under the
<br />Note and paragraphs 7 and ? hueof shalt be spatted by Lendr:.*,-m in ant meat of ar, aunu pad ab?e to Lender by Borrower
<br />uncle: paragraph 2 hereof, thin to interest payable ca the \ote. :hen ,.~ the principal nj rite *~ate, and then to interest and
<br />principal on any Future Advances.
<br />4. Charges; Liens. $errower shall pay al! ;axes. assessmenu and other charter. fines and imnasiuors atuibutable to
<br />the Property' which may a~tein a pnorin• ever this ?tfongzae. and ttz_cennid payment or gr~.und rents. if a„y. in the manner
<br />prpvidtd under pzragtaph 2 hereof or. i` not paid to such manner. cy Borrower maktnr payment, when due. directh• to the
<br />paytc thereof. Berrowu shall promptly furnish to Lende,* alt peaces. of amounu due under this paragraph, zttd in the event
<br />Borrower shzll make pavmcrt di:ettiy, $ct;ow°r sha31 promp!h furnish to Lender receia:s evidencing sac`; paymcnu.
<br />$arrowez st•.a1 pta:rp~}• dischzrge any lien which has pr,errn ever this ~lengzee: provided. ::^.at Borrower shall pox be
<br />required to aircharge any such lien so Long as Borrower s:nali scree in wntin~ to :ht oaymtnt of :he obligatten secured by
<br />Birch lien rn z mannez acceptable to Lender, or shall ir- good froth contest su.h ;ten by, ar defend enforcement of such lien iq
<br />'tcgzl proreediags whrc.`, operate to prevent the enforcement of the hen or f~-;enu:e of ih: Property or any par, thveef.
<br />e- fiarard Ltrsarance. $orrowc shall loop the rmproyements ncu exizttng er hereafter evened an the Property insured
<br />against loss b}' fire, hazards irciuded within the tern "extended coverage", and such otitcr hazards as Lender may regnue
<br />sad in such amotrau znd for such puiods as Lender -lay rteuirc; pravtded, t hat Lender shall not :eauire that the amount of
<br />such carezage caceed chat amount of coverage repaired to pay the sums secures by this Rforgage.
<br />The insurance carrier providing the insurance shall be chases by Banaxer subject to approval by Lcrdcr. provided,
<br />that such aapraval shall pat be unreasonably withheld. Al; premiums cn insurance palettes shall be paid in the moaner
<br />pravidtd iwder paragraph 2 hueof er, if pat paid in tacit manner. n} Barrox-er r,<awing pay;rtent, whin due, directh to iht
<br />insurance urriv.
<br />All insurance poiines and renewals tharcef shall be to form acceptable to Linder and shz13 include a standard mong~gc
<br />claust in favor of sad in fa.~ai acceptable tc ?ender. Lender shah have the rteht :a ltold the policies and renewals t;acreof,
<br />and $orrewv shall pramgdy furnish to Lender all renewal potties and all ;tceipts c-f paid premiums. in the event of loss,
<br />Sorrowv shalt give prompt notice to the tasurante carrier and Lender. trader m.z}- m>?ke pro, t of Sass if rtat made promptly
<br />by Borrower-
<br />Unless Lender sad Borrowu aiherwrse agrez in u•mtng, insurance orotezds shall be applied to restoration or repair of
<br />the Properr}• damaged, provided such restorauaa or repair is ccanomtcally leasable and tits security of this !vfortgagc u
<br />riot thercba• impaired, if such ratarauon ar repair is not ecanamicau}• fusible er tf rift security of this Mortgage wavid
<br />he impaired, the insurance proceeds aha'J be apgiitd to Lhc sums secured by th:s ~lengage, with the excess, it any, pzid
<br />to $o^ower. 1f the Property it a'ttaadentd b3 Be+rraav[t, ar :? Harrower :arts :a trspo;rd to Lcodtr wttl:in ~0 days from the
<br />dart noutx is mailed by Leader to Bonow'u that rite insu:ancc carrier criers to settle a ciairn far insurance beoe2its, Lct>rctr
<br />is Atttlsorizetl to cattier and apply the insurance proceeds at Ltndcis option arbor to rtsta:atson or repair of the Propen}•
<br />or xo the tuna sQCtircd by this 4fortgage.
<br />Unless Zxoder sad l3ortautt esiterwise agrex rn writing, any such applicator of proceeds to principal shall not extend
<br />~ lxxtpaae xhe ~`~ date of tot tr=ontht}' instalimcats rtferrtd to to paragraphs l and 2 bueof or change the aroouna of
<br />such rnstalltneats. If under pan$righ 1g hereof the Property is acquired b}. Lender, all right, utlc and interest of Barrowver
<br />in and to nay iastzran.-e pislitits and in sad to the proceeds tnzrrof rauiteng tram damage ro the Property prior to the tare
<br />as a:.qu>iitian shall pass xo L.cngler to the eztcar of the suns sccttrtd by .bts .'-5azgagc immediately prior to such sale a:
<br />acquiaition-
<br />6' f~sratiaR ar3 l4faiet[aares o7f Propcm^, I.easehalds; Coadamiaiums; Plaaned Lint tkvctopmentt Borrav,-c:
<br />shall keep the Property in food repair trod saaL nor totxsrait waste ar permit •ngas,•mcnt at deterioration of the Properry
<br />sad shall comply with the provisiotu of any lease if this Mortgage is an a ltaszi,old. if this Af ortgage is on a unit it a
<br />condotniaiwn or a planned unit dcvrlapraen~ Borrat~c r~a?1 perf.•m all of $arrawtt s ob#tgat,ans utidu the declatatton
<br />ar crneaaats treating or govcrnirrg ti'ie condom:~itur, ar pianntd unit deveiapmcnt, the b}-laws and regulations of the
<br />tondixitiaiutn or planned unit dtvtlopina'it, acid tanstiturst*- doctunenu. if a ccndaminium o. planned u:ut development
<br />rides' is taeeuited hY licurtawer sad xeear6od to$,eahcr t+•tth this Mortgage, the toveoanu and agreements o[ such rider
<br />thrall be iacorpcxated into sad shall amend sad strppitrntat tiu covenants and aQrttmenu of this Mor€gage as if trio t.der
<br />were a p~'t tsereof.
<br />7, trotacdaa of ts>ndst'a Seerrbly. If Sarrawes fast: to pe.•totm the cant»ants acid sgrterrieats conarr.cd in th,s
<br />bfVrrgaii. w if airy aciian of prtxeediaQ ix cammcnccd x'hich materialiv aHccts Ltndtr's interest in the Prc.pa;,t,
<br />iaclufliaa, but not tintitetd ta, emiusnx domain, insoivcnty, code erfarccment. ar .rrangemenu of prxeedines iuvolyiz:g a
<br />b!anlrupt or decedent, thin Le3rdv at Leader s option, i:pan potter to 1;:*rtou ct, rn~, mate such ices, a:shu:x ..>.h
<br />stuns sad ta3tc such sexton as is apt=vt "car
<br />tte~~eixit4' t4 grotecz L.t3'tdet~3 rn ieiey:, :ri= '~. ITUt not I:~i!eL is ~: t, h, ti 3C7 `!ii
<br />reasonable axtomeY'x fees and entry upo» the Propert} to male :epa,ra. it ndec :cq.,.•eo ~tx..~a_e := a..:c •:
<br />~ni;tifoa of mailag tbt lean secured by this Afoat)inge, 8azra~ac: shell pa., :'.e ,,r,a,,,;:s r:,);,;;a.d rc •. ~'
<br />iuusart;t sty effect a»tif such time as the rtyuircmeat Errs' such insu.ar;ct ':c;:r.,~;<.tct ., ..._~,.~.,t..v ,..,,. Rat~•i•,,.r:'s ~, „
<br />