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$Q= ~jU5053 <br />is <br />standing organized under the laws of the United States of America or the <br />State of New 'l'ark, authorized under such taws to exercise earporate <br />trust powers, subject tv supervision or examination by Federal or state <br />authority ~=nd hawing. an afftee in the Bornagh of ~'Ianhattan, City and <br />State- of New York and a combined capital and surplus aggregating at <br />least. 514,000,000, if there be such a corporation in such city' willing to act <br />nl»n customary terms and conditions. If such trust company or banking <br />corporation ptrbhshes reports of condition at least annually, pursuant.ta <br />law or the requirements of such supervising or examining authority, then <br />for the purposes of this Section 17.01 the combined capital and surplus of <br />such trust company or bankiirg 'carporation shall be deemed Lo be its <br />combined capital and surplus as set. forth in its mast recent rcpart of con- <br />dition so published. If at any time the Cot•lxrrate Truster shall cease to <br />be eligible in accordance a-ith the provisions of this section 17.01, it shall <br />resign immediatelc in the manner and with the effect specified in Section <br />I0:0~ hereof. <br />~J~a.. t-1iF',lY i7_'J~. {a) If either Tt-ustr~e Fia.~ ar stiaii :torluire ariy corifiicting <br />interest, as defined in this Section 17.0'?, tt ehall, within. 90 da~•s after as- <br />certsining that it has such conflicting interest. either eliminate such aan- <br />Ilicting interest. ar resign in the manner and with the effect. specified in <br />Seotion IO.t)~ hereof. <br />{b} In the everrt that either Trustee .hall fail u~ cornp}y with the provi- <br />sions of paragraph ta) of this Sectian 1s.0'l, such Trustee shall, within ten <br />dsas after the expiratiaa of such 90~1ar- period, lrrovide notice of such <br />failure to all bondholders in the manner and to the extent pravided in <br />Section 17.0[a(c) hereof. <br />{c) If either Trustee shall fail tai comply wit'r the provisions of para- <br />graph {a) cf this Sectian 17_(1',; after written request. therefor by any <br />lxindlrnlder who has bet~n a bt,ns fide holder of E3ands far at least six <br />manths, sorb bondhalder Wray, an behalf of himself and aQ ot:rcr: <br />similarly situated in addifian to any paver. the~~ nuty hxve under Sei~- <br />tions 30,0-1 and 10.05, petition anw cour^z of competent jurisdictiaa for the <br />rernoval of such Trustee and fire appointment of a successor Trustee. <br />{d){17 For the pur•po>es of this Seetian> eifal pr Trustee steal! ~~ <br />deemed tq Itave a conflicting interest if <br />(A] such Trustee is trustee under another indenture under which <br />any athgr sectrritieb, or eertiftcates of interest or participation in any <br /> <br />t,,._,. <br />