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gp_. UQ5Q25 <br />3. The mortgagor covenants and agrees that if he shall tail to pay said indebtedness or any p:rt thereof when <br />dtM; or shall fail to perform any covenant ar agreement of this instmment or the promissory note secured hertby; the <br />entte:indebtedness hereby seeurcd shall immediately became dtte, payable, and collectible without notice, at the <br />option:.of the mortgagee or assigns, rcgardleaa of maturity, and the mortgagee or his assigns may before or after entry <br />selY u~ property without appraiaemeat (the mortgagor having waived and assigned to the mortgagee a!1 rights of <br />a'Rraisement) <br />(t 1 at judicial sale puntuant to the provisions of 28 U.S.C. 20011 a) ; or <br />(n) at the option of the mortgagee, either by auction or by solicitation of sealed bids,'[or the iigheu and <br />bast bid twmplying with the terms of ale and manner of payment specified in the published ttotiee of sale, float <br />giving four weeks' notice of the time, terms, and place of such sale, by advertisement not less-than once <br />'during.each of said four weesks in a newspaper pttbliahrd or distributed in the county in which said propetSt <br />is aitttatad, all other notice beittg hereby waived by the mortgagor (sad said mortgagee, or any_ pernsst,m <br />bebali of acid mortgagee, may bid with the unpaid indebtedner evidenced by acid note). Said uk stall be <br />held at or oa the property to br sold or at the Federal, county, or city courthouse for the county in which the <br />property is located. The mortgagee ie hereby authorized to caseate for and on behalf of the mortgagor and to <br />deliver to the purehaser at such sale a sufficient conveyance of said property, which conveyance shall contain <br />reeitah u to the happening of the default upon which the execution of the power of ale herein granted <br />depeada: and the acid mortgagor hereby mnstitutu and appbinta the mortgagee or any agent or attorney of the <br />mortgagee, the agent sad attortey is [set of said mortgagor to make such recitals and w exocate acid <br />awaveyanee and hereby covenants and agrees that the recitals so made shall be efteetual to bar all equity or <br />right of redemption, homestead, dower, and all other exemptions of the mortgagor, all of which are hereby <br />tzprealy waived and conveyed to the mortgagee; or <br />(nt) take soy other appropriate action pursuant to state or Federal statute either in state or Federal <br />coaR or olherwise [or the dispwition of the property. <br />Iq the eYeat Of a Nk a hercinahove prodded, the mortgagor or any person in poseese~on under the mortgagor shall <br />they become aed be tenants holding over and shall forthwith deliver posseaeion to the purchaser at such sale or be <br />wmmarily, Yeiwetaed, ie accordance with the prorieiona of law applicable to tenants holding over. The power <br />a~ •6~Y _ Y F~kd arc coupled with an interest and are irrcvoeable by death or otherwise, and are granted <br />u camalative to Use raasedid for rniketion of acid indebtednes_r provided by law. <br />•. Tie preaee~ of soy oak of acid property in accordance with the preceding pangnphs shall be applied first <br />b pay the casts atad e:peaaa of aid ale, the etpeers iaeserrcd by the tortgagee for tie purposes of protecting or maia- <br />taiaiag said property, and rcaaomble attorneys' fees; eecondly, to pay the indebtedness secured hereby; and thirdly, <br />to pay say aarpfus or erect to the person or persom legally entitled themo. <br />S. la tin avast aid property is sold at a jndirial foreelowrc uk or punttant to the power of a!c heeeisubove <br />granted. astd tie proceeds arc trot aaicieat to pay tie total indebtedrte~ aeeared by tits inuroaseat and evidenced b- <br />and P~i~f sots, tie atartgagee will be eetitled to a deticieney judgment for tie ataottat of the de~eiewcy rairiaatt <br />.:gad is aprr+aiarnats:. <br />fi. I'tie esveact tie moHgagor fails to pay say Federal. state or loco! tax aaaesematt, income tax or other tax lien, <br />eiarge, fee, or outer expense charged against the p:aperty, the mortgagee is hereby authorized at his option to par <br />tie soots. gay aat~ so Wid by the mortgagee ahaU be added to and beeoate a part of the principal amount of the <br />iadoitsigaas evtdeseed by sold notF sttbject to the same tercets and conditions. If the rortgagor shall pay sad <br />dartiarge the tttdebtedans evidenced by said promissory note. and shall pay such sums am! shall discharge all taxd <br />slrll be ea>eslbd ~ ids, sad rzpenrsa of makitr; enforcing, and executing this mortgage, then this mortgage <br />~, <br />?' TiO e~m heraitt "'~-'-~ situ! bind sad tie benefits and advaauttea stall inure to the respectire sae. <br />~° art atrtig>r ai tis prurtiaa hereto. ~'haaever used, tie aiagaLr ntsatber aha11 inehtde the phtrsl, the plural tie <br />~plav. ssd tis neat atsy aaatMe sia11 istelode all gttadttse <br />R N. *raird of .ay eovesaaat hercia tar of tin obifgation secured hereby shall at say time thereafter be held <br />4 is a araivar of tie torsos heroof or ~ the note securesd hereby. <br />9 bxeata~lisreewitissatiaalOl.I(d)o[tieRoles~ad Ragulatioas of tic Scull llueigtae Adraiaistratitra j13 <br />C~E'.IL 3~1.I {ti) j, ~ irrisaaaeat it to ie eaastwed sad eatavwd n aeeordraoe wits applicable Fesderal law. <br />-tit A j~ttieiat dame,, crier. or t hrtWia as 1 <br />alasea~bk sia8 trot i~.cgs w• fudgm"~ g Y Proyisitut or potYiat of this iwtrutttettt invalid or un• J <br />Y Y iwrair err prutade the enforcement of the remaining provisitwta or portiorta o[ <br />t4a. <br />oar Rtr MT ta.rat <br />