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,`~ L~ A t-~''~t T i <br />8~-- 4305025 ~~~~~ <br />T6iy made and etctered into thi. 12th dad of September <br />i9 80 , by and between Ralph E. Green and Betty L. &reen, husband and wife, <br />{!Hereinafter referred to u ctortgasor } and the Administrator o[ the Sma!! Btuiner Adtaiaiafratiae, as 7 0€ the <br />Goverommt of the United States of America (hereinafter referred to as mott6a6ee), who maintains e6 o6etr ahd <br />pi.esofba:~arat Einpire State Buil3ing, 19th and Farnam, Omaha, Nebraska' b8162 <br />w tirc four the eaesideratian heteindter stated, receipt oI whtchv hetebY at~aocrlMipd, the <br />aorta doss hereiq motes, sdl, (rant, aria. and coavey unto the + his twaeeasars and aaci~c, t{L <br />of the folkwin6 described propsrt* aitaated ad haiaR is the Couatr of Hall <br />Stan ~ Nebraska.. <br />'I`he Nartherly Sixty-six (bfi) Feet of the North Half o~ the East <br />Half (N~E'~g) of Block Seven (7), Pleasant Aome Subdivision, of <br />part of the r~SE'~ of Section 21, township li North, Range 9 West <br />of the 6th P.M., Hall County, Nebraska. <br />Tot[eiher wit6?uad ircrlartiaR a!i buiidwfta, at! fixtnrcx including bat not limited to aii plumbiat;, heating, lipht• <br />ityf, vesiiilatieg, refri~eratintt, iorinerating, air conditiurinu apparafa«, surd elevator« {the mortyaRor hereby <br />dertariryt khat it as in/ended that the itrms herein enumerated >hall br dcemrd to leave born permaura!!y in- <br />stailecl as par{ ,tf the, realty), artd all iaxproteturtN+ nux or hereafter eFi,t'rns< thereon, the hereditattfcnts and <br />appurtea~gees attd a!i olitrr ri~htt. ther~ra-nfo belanetin~, or in anys+iae appertainint, and the revrrtiinra sad re- <br />veraions, rrtnainder aad remsinder`, sii rights of rrademption, and fhe rent., issue«, and profitt; of fhe above <br />dearrihad ptrpcMV (provided. hokever, that the murtRaywr «hali 6r emitted to the lno««e,+iort of wid property <br />sad to eolket and retain the e~ertts, issues, and prn6tr, anti! default hereunder l . To have, and to hold the same <br />unto fire moet~ee awd the streeeesors ie intexxt of the morfga~ee forever in tee pimple or inch other carfare, <br />it any,. as is atatet7:IHerria. <br />'!\s:nraepprew~tita tirHE=ha is tsOf ssaasd stad pasrrrsd of and, bas tlHa ciglti to .e}! sad eanve] raid <br />f~t1"tisttt d.H:~me is fore frost a!) asewHtheaoar eaeept y hereinaborr recited; and that he henhT bLtds <br />hinfeelf ~ 1is wrteasrasa ir-ieterest to warrant and dafead the titles sfoaaaid thereto snd evgry part thareof sgitrt <br />tits riAit#1~ ML X11 M~'twWrirlYnrarx#r. <br />"fibs iastrvraent is Kivcn to xrurc the payararnt of a,pl~piasaq~rwte•alaud September 3 2 , i 9 ~D°•, .~ <br />in the,pr+nrifai.arrrof~ 2fliDfj4,.i9(? .si~pgdJHy Ralph E. and Betty L. Green <br />itnn Mhs.lf.d themselves, <br />x~.v F'nes ^1tY,yl~i~.ii5 rre,t.,w 6+lsswe. ... n-.d«*, <br />