80- 005011
<br />4. Cowdemeation. The proceeds of any award or daint fcr dan:ages, direct or consequential, m connection with any
<br />condemnation or other taking of the Property, or part thereof, or for eanveyance in lieu of condemnation, are hereby assigned
<br />and shall be paid to lztlder.
<br />In the event of a total taking of the Propeny, the proceeds shall he applied to the sums secured by this Deed of Trust.
<br />with the excess. if any, paid to Borrower. In the event of a partial taking of the Property, unless Harrower and Lender
<br />otherwise agree in writing, there shall he applied tee the sums secured by this Decd of Trwt such pmpariian of the proceeds
<br />as is equal to that proportion which the amount et the swus secured by this Deed of Tnrs[ immediately prior to the date of
<br />taking bears to the fair market value of the Proper, unmediately prior to the date of taking, with the balance of fhe proceeds
<br />paid to Borcawer. ,
<br />IYthe Property is abandoned by Borrower, or if, aflcr aoticz by Linder ro Bormwer that the condemnor afters to make
<br />an award or settle a claim for damages, Barrowrr falls to respond to Lander within 30 days aflrr the date such notice is
<br />mailed. Lender is authorized to collect and apply the proceeds. at Lender's oouan. either to restoration or repair of the
<br />PmFetry or to the sums secured by this Deed of Trust.
<br />Unless Lender and Borrower oihenvkr agree m wrong, any such application of proceeds to principal shall not extend
<br />err postpone the due date of the monthly installments referred to m paragraphs 1 and 2 hereof or change the amount of
<br />such installments.
<br />10. borrower Not Retraced. Ezunsion nt the time for payment err modification of amortization of the sums secured
<br />by this Deed of Tnrst granted by Lender to any ,uccessur to interest of Harrower shall not operate to release, in any manner,
<br />the liat+ility of the original Borrower and Borrower's successors m interest. Lender shall no[ he required to commence
<br />proceedings against such successor or refuse to extend time for payment or otherwise modify amortization of the sums
<br />secured by this Deed of Toast by reasor. of any demand made by the anginal Borrower and Borrower's succeuors in interest.
<br />11. Forbearaece by Lender Not a K'triver. Any forbearance by Lender in exercising any right or remedy hereunder, or
<br />otherwise afforded by applicable taw, shall not be a waiver of or predudc the exercise of any such right or remedy.
<br />The procurement of insurance or the pa}'ment of razes or other liens err charges by Lender shall not he a waiver of Lender's
<br />right to acceiero:t the maturity of the indcbtctlncss y:cured by this Derd of Trust.
<br />12. Rewredies Ctrrwtrhtive. AH remedies prodded m this Died of Trust are disnnct :end cumulative to any other right
<br />or remedy under this Derd of Trust or afforded by law ur eyuin~, and may he exerised concurrently, independently or
<br />successively.
<br />13. Secce~ors and Assigns dnutd; Ioint and Se+•erol Liability; Captions. The covenants and agreements herein
<br />contained shall hind, and tfu rights hereunder shalt inure to, !tie respecnve successor, and assigns of tender and Borrower,
<br />subject to the provisiatts of paragraph I7 hereof Ali covenants and agreements of Borrower ,hall he joint and several.
<br />ThrC;ptissns and hzadmgs of the paragraphs of this Deed of Trust are foe convamence only and are not to be used to
<br />interpret or Jenne the provisions hereof
<br />li. Nettie. Ezttpt fat any nonce reyurred under apphcahle !aw to he given to another manner. (al any notice to
<br />Borcawer provided for in this Deed of Trust shall he given by mailing such notice by certified mail addressed to Borrower a[
<br />the Property Address err at such other address as Burrower may designate by notice to L-ender as provided herein, and
<br />(h) any notice to Lender shall tx given by certified mail, return receipt requested, to Lender's address stated herein or to
<br />stleh oilier address as Leader may designate tsy notscc to borrower as provided herein. Any ratice provided for in this
<br />Deed of Trust she!! lx dcttned to hair been given to Harrower or Lender when given m the manner designated herein.
<br />IS. [)rtfenw Deed of TrwH; Gor/t-nirtg f.aw; SeveroMlh_s. This form of .Iced of tnist ca,mhines uniform covenants for
<br />natiowal ttse and non-uniform covenants with limned vartauons by tunsdmton to constitme a uniform security instrument
<br />covet'itr; resl property. This Dad of Trent shalt he gm•erned by the law at the Jurisdiction in which the Property is located.
<br />In the event that any provision or Joust of th,s Deed o! Trust or the Natc conflicts wnh applicable law. such conf)ict shall
<br />tux aRect other pravisionn of t)tis Deed of Trust nr the Note which can he given effect wnhaut the eonnicung provision.
<br />and to this end the provisions of the Deed of Trust alto! the 'vote are declared to he severable.
<br />If. brrwwer's CwfF. Borrower shall br furnished a conformed copy of ihr Note sod of this Deed of Tni,t at the time
<br />of execution w after recordation hereof.
<br />1Z Tenter of the lt~esty: Asstsppow, if all nc am part of the Property or .m interest therein is sold or ;ransfcrred
<br />by Burrower without Lenders preor wnttnn conseai, excluding t a) the creation of a Len or encumbrance subordinate io
<br />this Dad of Trrst, fb) she creation of a purchase money securty inures[ for household apphancu, t c) a transfer by devise.
<br />dexetr[ or by operation of taw upon the death of a )Dint tenant cri~iidc
<br />Lender may, at Lander i option, declare alt the sums secured M' thts [Xed of Trust to ere
<br />imttredratdy_ and payabk_ Lender shall ti:ivc waved such apuan to accelerate ~f. prior to the sale err transfer, Lender
<br />artd the pgtsori to wjtom thq Progeny; is to be said or tr.;nsferred reach agreement :n ivriung that the credit of such person
<br />is satisfactory to i_endt:r acrd that the itttesest payable on the sums secured h} thu Deed ai Trust shah he at such rate as
<br />Leader shall request. If L.sttdet tus waived rite opsmtt to accelerate provided to this paragraph 17, and tf Borrower's successor
<br />:n itttetest etas uecuted a written auumguan agrtemcnt acttpted ~n wrrung by Lender. lender shall release Borrower from
<br />nit obligaiians under this T)ecd at Trust and the ;`cte.
<br />It Lenater exercises such opsn,-m to accelerate. I ender shall Head Boria:wer notice of acceterauon in accordance wnh
<br />paiatnph )4 herwf. Arch noik-e shall provide a period of rat less than 30 days from the dan the notice ., marled within
<br />which Harrower may pay the sums declared due If Borrower tads tie pa} such cunt, poor to the rxporation ~,f such period.
<br />Lettader relay, without further tttxice err demand on &xrower, mveke any remedies pernuued h} paragraph t g hereof.
<br />No*t-U?v!!'rntst CarEx,+.rrs. Barr zr+•er and Lender tunher c.rovenant and agree a, foNow-s.
<br />!{. Aeceltreliww; Retwedies. Fierpl as provided is prragraph i7 hereof, neon Borrower's bceacb of any covenant or
<br />a{ree~wreM st fiwtnrtr Iw this Died atf Trust, includitpt the to+enants to pay whin due any sums secured by this Derd
<br />err( Teri, Issdet prier so accrkn/iow s-wil mail notice to Borruwtr as proaidrd in paragraph li hereof specifying: tl) the
<br />lsreaeh; t2) f\e aelisw reapsird to cure web breach: i3) a date, not res. than 30 trays from the date the notice is mailed to
<br />~orroreer, -y which streh Neaeh mist be cured: and li) chat failure to cure such breach nn err before fhe dale specified
<br />N Ik ttelitt arty rtsalt fe atcekrotiow of fhe wens secured by this Derd of Trust and sak of the Propetir. Tht Holier
<br />sYYI fnrtlr_r idorta lterrower of the riYM to reinstate alltr acceleration and the right to brut{{ a cone! action la assert
<br />Nis trttw.esitaenrt of a deflwU nr a.y dher defenx of borrower to scceiention sad sale. If the breach is not a•ured
<br />rrw or be7erc the dale specified in Yht notice, t.rndrr at [xnder s option may dtciare all of the sums secured fir this C)eed
<br />at Tract to fir imrwedialdy doe and parable without funtter demand am) ma} in+okr the power of salt and any axber remedies
<br />perritted 6y tgeplicatde taw. Lender shag ix entNkd to casket alt rrawnablt costs and expenses incurred in pursuing [he
<br />retiaiedies pruvidtd in this paragraph tg, iaclagiirtC, but not limited tu, rcasaruable artnroe+'s fees.
<br />If t(R pewee of sale is to+atked. Trmter shall ray~ord a rwtrcr of drfauU in each county in which [he Property err some
<br />part !Hereof fs IecNrtl and shall mail topics rxi such notice in the manner pre,crihed by applicable taw to Borrower aad to the
<br />otftq persuws pres:rftsed by applicabk law. Mier the laps of wch time us may be requNed ht npplicablr law, 'I~rustee shall
<br />list ptlMk wotkt of srttk to the petsaxts and in the ntanuer prrscrilted by appliaable taw. 7'rustec, without demand on
<br />>terrewtr, silaM seM Ibe hoptely tN public auction to the highest bidder at the time and place and under the terns desiXewlyd
<br />b Nee relict of swlt in owl or more parceta and in saacA wake as Truster may determine. Tntstrr may paslpone wle of atf
<br />er trs' pwrcet of lfte Peoterty by public anaoltuvrnxne at rhr time and plane of any pre+iuusly ,chrdulyd sale. i ender ur
<br />lxrfftr'-drsipet stay purrbtsce the Proprriy at aov sak.
<br />ilttulr rtttipt d paymewt of the price bid. Trustee .hall deli,er to the purchaser TntHer's dcmt conrcying rhr Proprny
<br />sold. flit recfdh iw the 1'ruster's deed shall M• prima facie rtidruce a( 16r Truth of the ,tatenltnls made therein. l~ru,trc
<br />slhdi typly lire prt+cteds of !be sak in the fcdlnwinyf order. tat to all rva,atratrlr cc!sis and rvpru,rs of Ihr sale, including. trot
<br />out litwitetl lo. lrtrsltr's free of anN more Than 1,' c O ~ ~. '...f rhr >;mss ,afe d,cicr, rsa,onahlr .rt tonu•}', fie, :uiJ cu,n of
<br />Hilt tvidrwett fb1 to ail rums secured hs this lkrd of 7ne,t: -end tc) tlxr rzcr,s, if any, to Nit per,un ur groan, Iecally rntitied
<br />thereto.
<br />I9. Sorruwtr'S Rig1u Ur Refnslale. Nui,.:ipt.tasidnic ! rm.cr , ilea., u. ui rt + :. rd h. th:, I).-cd „t 1 ni~..
<br />Bnnowsr s'tal} bate Nte right to ha,c sin pi.,. ccdtag, (rruun !,+ I.mkt ~~, cnfrna:r ihn 1)rr,t ..I Ir:,t ,!:,..,+a:n~tc,l e:
<br />any unit pt u,r hr rhr a•artser to c?lcur „d 4n the btth der. t,etnrc the t.rfe• .,r rx• I't„pa us ;• r:..:m !„ the I~~,.,, : ,:! ~~ ~~~ .~. rJ
<br />in this I1ract t+t TnrsF or dei3 entry of .i }isdgntsnt e. nti+a,rnr this f A-cJ „t ) ru,t ~t .,i lt.it ~,,.,: ~. ~ ~ . 1 en,lcr .:. ,um, .. t,., h ., .~:il,!
<br />roc a.
<br />ftt t)x tt dew nutScr thrc Ured nl fnt,;_ the Ncue pod no?c, •. ,urt~+;: i ¢t r,:t. -14,. , i, ~~.~~h.,d ,i„ Ala rat~.,n ~ . : .,
<br />dbt Buttawer cur„ alt fircaehr, a+d env o(hcr uuricuet, or agrcrmcat, „1 }aorta=wu aonYaincd :.: th:, Ur.J ,~I In,.t
<br />Iel Burr-twee payer rtl rtaun.itxtc c,ix'ns.. t - n,i by 1c,adu n•,d ir.:-ter: •n c•uia•ic mr th~• :. it. u:.l u., ~ ,.
<br />Berrawrr eontamcd in tfsis Iced e,t tenet .laid m caforung f cud r ~ :.d I rt„ter-, ti nu-,La••. I t :ds~d t [' ,t •~t r
<br />hcreisf. iitatudittg, but nr;t dmirtcd a:. n-a;aiuabt;r aunt ac s~+ ire, . n;l :.. .:.,.•, .., , ,. b~•n .r. 1 ender : ., ,.~ u.~hP,
<br />tc°ynirC m assure that the Lin of thss Dead a! )ni,t 1 ender, ;n;c•.-~:~ n tt+eil`r ui,str, ~o~ It.>n„u~t ~.,hl~;:.,:..~ !~~~.
<br />