$0- ~USU11
<br />Urrtroanr CovevnNrs. Borrower and Lender covenant and agree as follows:
<br />I. Payment of Principal and Interest. Borrower shat! prompity pay when dric the principal of :rod i^trrest ,m the
<br />indebtedness evidenced by the Note, prepayment and late charges :rs provideJ in the Nntr, and the principal of and interest
<br />nn any Future Advancer secured by this Decd of l nix -
<br />2. Fowda for Tatcdt and hssarance. Subject to applicable law or to a wn!ten waiver by Lendee; Borrower shall pay
<br />to Lender on the day monthly installments of pnneipal and interest arc payable enJcr the Notc, until the Note is paid in full.
<br />a sum (herein "Funds") equal to one-twelfth of the yearly cases and assessments which may attain priority over this
<br />Deed of Trust and ground rents an the Property, if any, plus one-nvclfth of yearly premium installments (or hazard insurance.
<br />pltrs one-twelfth of yearly premium installments for mortgage insurance, .F any, ail as reasonably estimated iniuall}• and from
<br />time to time by Lendcr'on the basis of assessments and 6ilis and rcasonabie estimates thereof.
<br />The Funds shall be held in an institution the deposits or accounts of which are insured or guaranteed by a Federal or
<br />state agency {including Lender if Lender is such an instihnionl. Lender shall apply the Fonds to pay said taxes. assessments,
<br />insurance premiums and ground rents. Lendrr may not charge for sit holding and applying the Funds, analyzing said account
<br />or verifying and compiling said assessments and hilts, unless Lender pays Borrower interest on the Funds and applicable taw
<br />permits Lender So make such a charge. Borrower and I_endcr may agree in writing at. the time of execution of this
<br />peel of Trust that imercst on the FunJs hail he paid to Borro+vrr, and unless such agrecmem a made or applicable law
<br />requires such interest to be paid. Lendrr shall not fx required to pay Borrower any interest or earnings an the Funds. 1_ender
<br />shall give to Borrower, without charge, an annual accounting of the Funds showing credits and dabitc to the Funds and the
<br />purpiase for which each debit to the Funds was made. The Fonds arc pledged as additinrai security for the sums secured
<br />by this Deed of Trust.
<br />if !hc amount of the Funds Ircid h} I ender, mgct her with !hc bruits monthly installmems of Funds payable prior to
<br />the due dates of taxes, assessments- insurance premiums and eround rents, shall cxcr:rcf the amount required to pay said taxes.
<br />assessments, insurance premiums and ground rents ,rs !hit !all Juc. ,uch rxcna ,hall be. at Borrower's option, either
<br />promptly repaid to Borrower or credited to &+rmwer nn monthly utsmlimrnis of Funds. If the amotmt of the Funds
<br />he!Et by Lender shall rot ht sufficrrm to pap taxes, assessments. uxunoce premiums and graund rents as they fait due.
<br />Bnrrowrr sfiall pay to Lender any amotmt necescan~ to make ep the dcfiuencs' wRhm ?0 daps from the date notice is mailed
<br />by Lender to Borrower requesting paymrnt thereof
<br />Upon payment in full of all sums secured hs this Drrd n; fnt,t I ender ,hats prna+ptty refund in Borrower any Funds
<br />held by Lender. If under paragmph 13 hercnt !hc Property :, sold nr the Property is otherwsse acyutred by Lender, 1-ender
<br />shall apply, no later than immedeateic poor !., the ,.Je o! the Pmnertv or its acquisiuun t»' Lender. any Funds held by
<br />Lender at the time of application as a credit against the vans ,ewred ~hy this Chid of Trust.
<br />J. Appliratlon of Pay~ewts, Unless appha~ahk lee ; mvide, „thrrw-isr. aB payments reserved by Lender under the
<br />tiote and paragraphs i and ? herrnf shat! l,e appled t'y Lender tint ar payment of amouns payable to Lendrr by Bomawee
<br />utrder paragraph 3 herrnf, then to interest }?ayabRc on ihr Nntr, then to the principal of the tiote. and then to interest and
<br />principal on any Future Advance.
<br />4. Ckogesi I3ea Harrower shall pay alt taxes- assc>_smcrm and other charges. fines and impositions atirihutabl^_ to
<br />the Property which tray attain a pntx:ry over t7tn Dred of Trtst, and leasehold payments or ground rents, if any, in the
<br />rtuaner provided tender paragraph 2 hereof nr. if rim paid in such manner, by Bnrmwer making payment, when due, directly
<br />to the pays thereof. Borrower shall prompity furnish to Lender alt notices of amounts Jue tinder this paragraph, and in the
<br />event Borrower shall make payment dimtiy. Borrower shall promptW lurmsh to Lender receipts evicienang such payments.
<br />Borrower sha}I promptly discharge any :ten which has prmnn n.rr this Dred of Trust: provideJ, thae Borrower shall not l,e
<br />required to discharge any such lien so tang as Bnr«*uer shall agree m uritmg t., ihr paymrrt of ihr rbtigannn secured by
<br />such lien [a a manner acceptable to Lender, or shalt m good fa;th comest such lien hv, or Defend enforecmem of such lien in.
<br />legal ppraceedings which operate to prevent the cnfnrcement .,( ihr her. or Inrlctturc of the Property nr any part thereok.
<br />i. Fioosi iwraKe. 8orrawtr shah tap the improvements now cx:vmg nr hercalter erected nn tt;e Property insured
<br />against loss by fire. hazards inciud.-'d within the term "txtendcai .ovcrage'~. and ,uch nrhrr hazard< as I ender rnaV require
<br />and in such amounts acrd for such periods as Lender ma} regw;r: pinviJed, that Lendrr shalt not require that the amaunt of
<br />such crovenge tz<-eed that atrtoum of coverage requtrrd .o pay the sums see urcd by this DcrJ of Trust
<br />The irottnnce carrier prnwding the insurance ,hall Ec chnsrn by Borrower suhteci to approval by i ender provided.
<br />that strc6 approval shaft not be unreasonably withheld- AI! premmms nn insurance pohcics sha1S f,e paid in the manner
<br />provided tmdu paragap6 2 hereof or, if not paid in such manrttr. by Borrower ntakmg p-aymcnt. when due, directly to the
<br />inasteante artier.
<br />All tnsiuanet policies and renewals thereof shaft t,e rn firm acceptable i., i cnJer and ,half include a smndard mongage
<br />clause in favor of and in form acceptable to Ltnder Li--ndtr ,halt have the : ~ght fn hretd the. polieirs and renewnk thereof.
<br />stet Borrower shalt promptly famish to l.endtr all nncwal Wooers acrd all rrcespts :+t ;,a:J premmms_ In the event of loss.
<br />Borrower shall give pomp[ nonce to the +narrance ,arrcr :mu L rnekr 1_enuer nr.n make props o! los, d n.,t :uncle promptly
<br />by BOrtnwer.
<br />- Unless Lender and Harrower .'thenvtse agree tr. writing, !nsuiancr pm+eeds ,hall hr applied t„ re,tnratton +,r repair nl
<br />the Propet•h' damsged, provided .uch rrssoratrnn nr rrpau :, eormmt+Ulls !casibic .rod the sec,:city ,-•! rhs, DcrJ tit Trust n
<br />not thG'_6y rmparred. If such rcstoranan ar repair n r;oi econnmieails tens,hie or a the ,ecurny .+t thn Decd of 1 rust could
<br />be rmpairtd, the iresuran%t prosesd-s st±ai: he pphtt to ih,~ sum, stcurcJ hY ,hit Uccd „i -[rust, uch ihr e,:.ess. if any. pail
<br />to Borroivtr. if ihs Pr:,perty is aband,:xJ by &': ruwcr.:,r ii #3• r«,wr.r tilts !c- .espc,nd !n under v,nhr,: ?Q Eta}s front nc~
<br />date txtttee is tnailtd by Lender to Horrouer that the insurance .airier nilcn to settle a claim for in,ntancc benefits. Lender
<br />rs authorised to collect and apply the msurancr !,rocceds a[ k cndrr~s ul,non either to rrstnrot,on or repair ut the Pmpcn.
<br />or [o the sums secured by the Decd of Trust.
<br />[inlets Ltoder and Bom:wer otherwsr agree rn wr,ung, am ,ugh -:ppficetiun „ , rocreds to principal shah nut rxtenJ
<br />Erc postpone ihr dot dart of the monihi5 installmems rrterrrJ t+ in paragraphs anJ '_ hrrenl nr :.hangr ihr amount ni
<br />such itrstaHtnents. if under pa[agraph !r hereof the Pmprrty s ucymred t•s I_cnaier. 1i1 right, trtie and rrucrrat tit Borr<,w cr
<br />m and to any insurance pohttes and m and to for pn>LreJs thereof rrsul+~'•r horn Jarnage !.> the Prnptt ty prior to the snit
<br />nr acgtusttson shalt pass to ierxfe7 to the extern +,f the sums secured h} !-::s eked .'t l rus! iinnteJiately prior t:, such soli i,r
<br />a;rquisitson.
<br />L. PrcaervaNors sad tifafrtenarce ui Propen}; LraxboW>: ('ondoranlums; t'faanrd t!nit Derefopmems. Bnrro..er
<br />xh~31 keep She Prc~erty' +.n gex>i sip=!r ,.uu ,hail srr,t °,a wa,!c ,.r ncsmd nn pen nn tit ,icirnnration „I !hc I'rapcrt,
<br />and shall comply with the provtvons of any 'tease ,f this Dieu szf "t-rev :> one +taschc?IJ It th ~s tkYJ of 1-rust n nn i,mi in
<br />candimunium nr 3 pls.^.ntai unit at+ee•dnpment, Borrower shill 1*r tlcrrn .;li r+l $arn+wrr s :,hi~keti.,n~ nnslrt the Je. i.,rau+~,+
<br />or ctyvenaats creating ur govtrnmg the .Emdomnvurt or piam:ed :mil devclnpment. ihr 1"-tau-s .mJ rcgufauom .a the
<br />cEmdomininm or planned trot development. :rid canst,tuem do.umrm, if a condomtrrit:m ur planned unit de+rlopniroi
<br />rider ii executed by Borraxrr and recorded together with this I).•cu of 1 rust. ihr .uvenanrs and av:rercncnts .,. +uch .,Jr.
<br />sha.4 he incorporated info slid shall atneriti ::aid supplenum the c:+. chants uuJ agrsz:r,rats o! !hi, [)-r.i of inn! e, it ihr r iJci
<br />store :r pars hereof.
<br />7, PMeeNee of Looter's Secnri/y. 1: Borrower (ads to perlorm ihr ~ vrnans end agtrcments +nntanrrJ in ihn
<br />Deed of Trust, or if any aWn^ or ptocctdetg a armmm~rc-J which :na!cr rills .:dr+n 1 enJcr, ~mcrc,t m the Pnyx:n}.
<br />indttding, btu trot limited to, emitttnt &rmmn, msolvtnc}, ~c'dr enior,emcnt, ter arrane~rnrnts i, prox rrurngs env oi:ine .:
<br />tunkruptar decedent, then Lrrrdrr at Lcndets optic+n, r;pan ncsucc to Borruwrr, toss n+nk. , uh .ippr:crarc,c, :tr,i,;,i.~ , i,h
<br />sums and take su.h attian as is ;~eseary + ptatrc: Lxrdrr~x :merest. :neluum~, htit n,:t !:nu!rJ ,h,hu„cii,r,it „!
<br />reasanabie sttornt}•'s fees and emr}• upon ihr Praprrty to rnakc repairs !; ! enclct ,ryu!irJ inr•itgagc :,r,ur.,n.e .: i
<br />Cantfttian Ent maktng the lash ae'a.Uret{ fry thcs DtrJ of T~tust, 11r,r«,wes shall pa} trsa• piemnnr„ icy+nrr+. !., nteimom ,ndi
<br />StiSnfattLY in efleCt urtirl SUCIS 11 nTC as Ihr refill it Clneiti l:,r , rib itt,111-mie.• terin,nare, iii xt,l tt~iner wVlll B+rrr,~uc: ~ 'r,!
<br />I-tntkr's ~wristen agrttmtnt or applicahic !aw Efarmwrr ,hall f,ay !hc .,mount ,:, -, 11 r~ic:ngeFr ii,unancc Pr, nnun~, ... .,,_
<br />manner provided uiukt paragraph ^ boreal.
<br />Any amounts diskwrsed l+y lender jntrsri.ua~ ., fir„ paragraph 1, +nh n!etes! then.„n ,frail hc•xrnnc .,Jd~w,~~.,i
<br />iudebtetlness o[ i~rrawer s~urrd by this Deed tit Lest. t'nlca, Bnnuwcr -vtJ I ,enJcr agrcr io ,~ttu•r !+, nr, nl p.i;:urni
<br />amounts s~hLall F+e payatrie uppn notice from header u, Boruvkci «•yucs!mg p:iytnrn! thirst ~t. inJ +ha!I i~r.u into r,i : ~, !ho
<br />date Lit diEbtirseaYCnt at the lat4 payiahie Irnat Elmo 4t` limy (»I , =ll,latiJurg pti::~~1,.f1 IlnJel Ih:' ~„t~ i~. i, ,+ i+ay rnl'111 ~1 iiil~l+'el
<br />at Each talc wwuld bt cinvlrary' to .g,fljicablr law. sit ~-vhah want ~. i+ rim.anrR Jnd: hr,a n!rrcv .a ihr hishr.! i.,te
<br />permissible under appGcahle law. Vu; hia~g cuutaioed in this p.r:agraph' ,i,alt require I enJcr u, in, ur any cxlx rr,c ~a cike
<br />any action herctusder.
<br />!,..,
<br />g. ilwlt'{{Ow. L.Gnder may makc+= talon: to he nsa4lr re:vs::na?lc r+.tr,r, up„n an,I'n.pcvt,i,r~.,,,1 tnc Pr~„p.ri+ ,,I,:,i
<br />that IAflder sh811 give $afCaWet nnt;+r print !E) any ,rich urslwru, tit +Ix'.!f ya,g ro:nanahlc -u,r ihrtcn,r rrlatrd i:, I ~nJri .
<br />mtrrest in the Prootrty
<br />