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V-3857-J 9/9/80 <br />8Q-p 004997 <br />(b) To enter into an agreement to sail the Pur- <br />chase Contract to Grand Island Mall, Ltd. ("Grand"), a <br />Nebraska limited partnership to be formed, and thereafter to <br />sell the Purchase Contract to Grand pursuant to the terms and <br />conditions of such agreement; and <br />(c) To take such other and further action as <br />may be required to fully consummate the transactions referred <br />to in paragraphs (a) and (b} and to collect all sums due <br />to the Partnership as the result of such transactions. <br />3. Term - The term of the Partnership shall com- <br />menee upon the date of *_he execution and delivery of this <br />Partnership Agreement by the parties hereto and shall con- <br />time, unless sooner terminated as hereinafter provided, <br />until the earlier of: <br />(a) The date on which the Partnership has col- <br />lected all sums due to it from Grand or fray any other party, <br />has distributed to its partners all sums due to them follow- <br />ing such collection, has discharged all of its liabilities <br />and has filed all tax and other informational returns which <br />are required under any applicable law; or <br />(b) December 31, 2010. <br />4. Transactions - As promptly as possible after <br />Lhe execution and delivery of this Partnership Agreement, <br />the Partnership shall enter into the following transactions: <br />4.1 1~e Partnership shall purchase the Pur- <br />chase Contract from Cassidy for one dollar and other good <br />a:nd valuable consideration. The Partnership shall also pay <br />Cassidy the sum of 540,090, such sum representing reimburse- <br /> <br />J <br />L.. <br />