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<br />~~~ ~Q$~a9~1 39 <br />Partners may employ, on behalf of the Partnership, such per- <br />sons, firms or corporations as they in their judgment shall <br />deem advisable in the operation and management of the busi- <br />ness of the Partnership, including, without limitation, such <br />management agents, accountants, attorneys, architects, <br />engineers and agpraisers, on such terms and for such compen- <br />sation, as tine General Partners in their discretion shall <br />determine. The General Partners may, in their discretion <br />and for such period as they may determine, employ any sub- <br />sidiary or related entity in connection with the management <br />o€ the Project, provided; however, that such entity shall <br />be compensated only out of foes otherwise payable to the <br />General Partners or to Meridith Property Management Corp. <br />16.3 It is expressly understood that the <br />General Partners may engage in any other business, invest- <br />ment or profession, including the ownership of or invest- <br />ment in real estate and the operation and management of <br />real estate, and neither the Partnership nor any of the other <br />Partners thereof shall have any rights in and to said bus- <br />inesses, professions or investments or the income or profits <br />derived therefrom. It is expressly understood that the <br />compensation and €ees paid to the General Partners for the <br />services described ir. this Agreement shall be limited to the <br />aaounts specified in this Agreement and no other compensation <br />~+*~ ~, <br /> <br />L--.. <br />