<br />>< Tire mertgager eav~ants and ageeu m fellows:
<br />a He wilt promptly pay the indebtedner evidenced by said promiuory note at the time and in the
<br />meaner therein provided
<br />b. He will psy all rases, ateuetments, water ores, and other govetamental er manieipa! ehart3t's. finea, ~
<br />impositioea, for which provision hu not been made heveiabefore, and will promptly deliver the o>trial reeapta
<br />therefor to the said mortgagee.
<br />a He will pay each expenses and tees as may lee incurred in the protection and maintenance of said
<br />property, including the (see of any attorney employed by the mortgagee for the collection of any or all o[
<br />the indebtedness hereby eecared, or for forecloenre by mortgagee's sale, or court proceedings, or in any other
<br />litigation or proceeding affecting said premises. Attorneys' fees reasonably incurred in any ether way ehnll be
<br />paid by the mortgagor.
<br />d. For better security of the indebtedneae hereby secured, upon the request of the mortgagee, its eue•
<br />eeseors or assigns, he shall execute and deliver a supplemental mortgage or mortgagee covering any ndditione,
<br />improvements, or betterments made to the property hereinabovedesrribed :nd all property acquired by
<br />it after the date hereot (all in form aatiafactory to mortgagee). Furthermore, should mortgagor fail to curt
<br />say default in the payment of a prior or inferior encumbrance on the property described by thin instrument,
<br />mortgagor hereby agrees to permit mortgagee to curt such default, but mortgagee is net obligated to do sn;
<br />and such advances shall become par[ of the indebtedness secured by this instrument, subject to [he same
<br />terms and conditions.
<br />r. Tbr rights created by [hie conveyance shall remain in (all force and effect during any postponement
<br />or eztenaion u( the time of payment o(the indebtedness evidenced by said promissory note or any part thereof
<br />secured hereby.
<br />f. He will eontinunusly maintain hazard ineu ranee, n( such type ur types and in such amounts as the
<br />mortgagee may (rem time to time require un the improvements now ur hereafter on wait{ property. and
<br />mill pay promptly when due say premiums therefor. All inearana shall be tamed is companies rcaxpta!•k
<br />to mortgagee and the policies and renewals thereof shall be held by mortgagx and have attached therem
<br />for payable clauses in favor of and in form acceptable to the mortgagee. In event of loss, mortgagor will give
<br />immediate notitx in writing io mortgagee, and mortgagee may make proof of tar if not made popmptly by
<br />mortgagor, sad each insunace company rnncened is hereby authorized and directed to make pavmeot for anch
<br />lost dfrec[ly to mortgagee instead of to mortgagor and mortgagee jointly, and the Ensarance proceeds, or nor
<br />paK thereof, mar be applied by mortgagee at its option either to the reduction of the iadebtedaesr herthp
<br />scturetl or eo the tritoratian ar repair of the property damaged or destroyed. la event of Forerlam:e ai this
<br />mortgage, or other trstukr of title to said property is cxtinguishmeat of the indebtedtte~s seeared hereby. xll
<br />right. title, and interest of the mortgagor in and to any iwurutce policita then in force shall par m the
<br />purchaser or mortgagee or, at the option of the mortgagee, may be surrendrrrd for a refund.
<br />R. He will keep all buildings and other improvements on said property in grn>.l repair and condition;
<br />will permit, commit, or suffer nu waste, impairment, deterioration of said properly ur any part thereof;
<br />in the s~vmt of (ailore of the molt gager to keep the buildings nn said premises and those erected nn said
<br />premises. or improvements Ihrrron, in gtwd repaiq the mortgagor may make each repairs ae in its dierretioa it
<br />may Berm nereeaary for the proper preservation thereof: and the full amounE of each and every such payment
<br />shall be immediately due and payable and shall hr, aerured by the. lien n( thin mortgage.
<br />h. Hr will nut voluntarily treats ur Lermit to br created against the property subject h+ this mortgage
<br />any lien or liens in(rriur or superior to the lien of thin mortgage wuhuut the written consent n( the more
<br />gages; and further, he will keep and maintain the same fret fmm the claim n( all peretmn supplying labor or
<br />materials fur ronstnlriiort ni env and a^ 6uihiintiro or improvements now bring erected +x a. hr erected nn
<br />said premises.
<br />i. He will sat rent or ensign any part n( the rent of said mortgaged property or demolish, or remove,
<br />or subatsntially altar any building without the wriuen consent u(the mortgagee.
<br />j. All awards of damages in mnnertion with env rondemnanon (nr puhlir oar ui ur injury to any of the
<br />property aubjert to this mortgage are hereby aesigntd and shall br, paid w mortgages, who may apply the
<br />eamn W payment u( the inatr.llments last due under said note, and mortgagee in hereby authorised, in dte
<br />name of the mortgagor, m ezceute and deliver valid acquittances thereof and to appeal Gam any such awrrd.
<br />k. The mortgagee, shall have the right to inspect the mortgaged premixes at any renwnable time
<br />2 Default in any of the. covenants ur conditions of this instntmrnt or of the note or loan agrrrment securml
<br />herthy slrall terminate the mortgagor's right to possession, use, and enjoyment n( the pruprrt y, at the option of the
<br />mortgagee or hie aealgpa (it being agreed that the mortgagor shall have, anch right omit default). Upon any Hoch
<br />default, the mortgagee. shall breams the owner of all of the rents sod profits accruing after de(aah as security
<br />for the indebtedner necnred hereby, with the right to enter upon acid property fur the purpose, of collecliug such
<br />tents and profits. Tlris inntrwnent shall operate ae an arignment of any rentals on said property to that extent.
<br />