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<br />s~- r ~ ~. f ~ x7 ]~OI~T~AGE <br />Thu mort~ge made sad mtued into this ~~""° "` day o[ >d?~~a•C2 %~~.~ . ~- <br />19~~, by and between. Gary W. and Pauline K. Bolles, husband and wifey <br />(hereinafter referred to as mortgagor) and the Administrator of the Small Bosiner Adminisuatias4 as agtotcy of.the <br />Govetttmmt of the United States of America (hereinafter referred to ss mortgagee), who mainta®s as°offfiee-:and <br />phaxefbtntitsrasat Empire State Building, 19th and Farnam, Omaha, Nebraska 68102.- <br />Wm~tensata, that for the oonaidention hereinafter sated, receipt of wbioh is hereby adlmuwlglgsd tfie <br />• ttnortgagor don hereby mortgage, Bell, grant, assign, and convey onto the mortgagee, his suenssorc and' ato~;,aA <br />of the following described property eitttated~md being ea the County of Hall <br />State °f Nebraska. <br />Lot Fourteen (14), in Block 7~ao (2), in Pleasant View Addition <br />to the City of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska, known as <br />715 Pleasant View. ~ - <br />Together with and including all buildings, all tixtum~ inriuding bul not IimitrJ tan all plumbing, healing, light• <br />ing, vrntllating, twfrigeratiag, inrinrnting, air runaiitiuoinK appuruiu., and rlrvatue+ Ulte nuvlgagor hrrrhy <br />declaring that it is intandrd that the items lu•.rrin enumerated ,hull Ire d,•enu•d trr hove irrrn prrrnanrntiv in• <br />,talkd as pan of the rrahy}, and art inrprovrmrtu. now ur hen•after rciainq thrrron; Ihr {rereditamrnt~ and <br />appurtengnrr. and aii other rights (hereunto helonging, or in anywise uppartaininZ;, and dw revrr•sion and rr• <br />vrts.ion», reruaindrr and remaindrrn, a!I rialns of rerlengNion, and rho rents, iseaes, and pnrfit+ of the about <br />deerrihed property (peavidrd, huwrvpr, That the mutt „agar:,iuall ha• unfit{rd io fhr lto.3r..+i.rn of maid proport-+ <br />and to rnllrrt and retain the rentr•, issue., and praltitx urdil default hrraunder). '['n have and to hold ihr same <br />unto the mortgagee and the sucre+sors in torero i of the nwrtgager foraevrr in fee pimple or such other rstale, <br />if any, as is stated herein. <br />The mortgagor eovmante that he is lawfully witted and poseeesed oI and hn the right to sell and conrep wad <br />property; that the same is fm from ell mettmbnnen ezeept as hereinabove recited; and that he hereby binds <br />himself and his ettcecwon in iatardt to warrant and defend the title aforesaid thereto and every part thereof against <br />the dtiims of atl pmxans whamsuerer. <br />This inetrumem is given to ;RCUre the payment of a promiteory nott.ylgtcd .~tiir.c_.,~f+%'U'„~C f' <br />in the priaaipsl+snnF.oL f 26, 650; 00 . sig,ted 6y Garry W. Bolles and Pau ine K. Bolles • <br />is hrhslf of themselves. <br />,aA Fnsa tlYt !Y-ttl 1 lra,law £dlrlua, w Olmlm. <br />