80-: 904936 a.
<br />allowed by law or federal regulation. Principal amounts prepaid prior to maturity must
<br />be in amounts equat to one or more subsequent principal payments.
<br />3, That in addition to, and together with, the munttely installments provided for
<br />under the terms of the aforesaid Promissory tJote and any other notes or agreements for
<br />additional advances as provided herein Mortgagor will pay as an advance payment to
<br />Mortgagee on the first day of each month-until said Note and the total indebtedness
<br />secured hereby is fully paid, an amount estimated by Mortgagee to be suff-Icient to enable
<br />the Mortgagee to pay all taxes, assessments (general or special), rents, and other
<br />similar charges against the above described premises, as the same become due. Such
<br />advance payments shall be paid each month together with the monthly installments provided
<br />for under the terms of said Promissory Note and any other notes or agreements for
<br />additional advances as provided herein in a single payment and shall not be, nor deemed
<br />to be, trust funds but may be commingled with other such funds or the general funds of the
<br />tortgagee, and no intorest shall be payable in respect thereof. Mortgagor shall promptly
<br />forward to Mortgagee all bills for taxes, assessments and rents and Portgagee will use
<br />said advance payments for the payment of said bills. Mortyagee may, from time to time,
<br />at its option, waive, and of ter such waiver, reinstate any and all provisions of this
<br />~ paragraph requiring such advance payments, by notice to Portgagor in writing. While such
<br />i waiver is in effect, Mortgagor shall pay all taxes, assessments and rents as otherwise
<br />provided hereinafter.
<br />~t 4. If the total of the advance paymenfis made by the Mortyagor shall exceed the
<br />amount of payments actually made by the t+lortgagee for taxes, assessments ar rents, as the
<br />'. case may be, such excess, at the option of the Mortgagee, shall be credited by the
<br />f.turtgagee on subsequent payments to be made by the hbrtgagor, or refunded to the Mortgagor.
<br />'' if, however, the monthly advance payments made t;.y the Mortgagor shale not~be sufficient
<br />r to pay such saxes, assessments and rents, as the case may be, whet, the same shall become
<br />due and payable, then the Mortgagor shall pay to the Mortgagee any amount necessary to make
<br />up the Deficiency, on or berore the date whop payment of such taxes, assessments or rents
<br />,Wall be due. If at any tune the Mortgagor shall tender to the Mortgagee, in accordance
<br />with the provisions of the tJote secured hereby, full payment of the entire indebtedness
<br />represented thereby, the Mortgagee shall, in compe:tiny the amount of such indebtedness,
<br />credit to the account of the Mortgagor any credit balance accumulated under the above
<br />paragraph. If there shall be a default under any ref the provisicne; at this Mortgage
<br />resulting in a public Sala of the premises covered hereby er if the Nbrtyagee acquires the
<br />property otherwise after default, the Mortgagee shrali apply in such manner as 6Jortyagea
<br />~,r,all dtate;rmine the balance of advance payrnunts thu:m remeininy in the funds accumulated
<br />under the above paragraph, as a credit against the indebtedness secured hereby.
<br />That In ttt6 avont any of the it„„--~ittly cadv•ras1cc ptfymunt5 prcavi u'cU ties uin yr monthly
<br />ins f,rl Inu~+n t3 pravidad fur under the terms .,l said i~rum i'~~:o ry tJu fo tnd any urtr ~•r n~~t es or
<br />ayreements }ar additlanal advanced have not lr c.;n iruad~ by the hsn rri day of Rw mc.uirh in
<br />w^iCn such payment was due, =a {ate ch.j r,-le ct up to tar, t ig) {~arc~-r,t of rna nrr~~us~t of said
<br />monthly payment may pe assessed by the AssociaTicn: to :twat thr. extra expanse ir:vGlved
<br />in handling delinquent payments. The Association shall nut Ua obligated to au_ont any
<br />rrx~ntnly payment made after the tertn day of tho month unless said mxrthly payrncrrt r;hal I
<br />ua accompanied by the full amount of the late char-qe assessed uy ihu Association as
<br />provided herein.
<br />U. 7o pay any and all texas, asseasnwnis (yunenrl ur special), rents and ~.fr,er similar
<br />r.harges levied and assessed against the pewnises, this hiurtgaye, er indeUreUness hereby
<br />secured, Uetore they becvma delinquent, fur which previsions ha•a not Uunn made horeinbetore,
<br />and in default thereof the t-0ortgagea may pay thca same, and all moneys ea advanceU With
<br />interest dt - P from the data of such payfrrt;nt steal I be ropaid Uy hkr tr{:nlur upon:
<br />dernanU, and shall be secured by this 6lortyaye,
<br />7. Thai r~ktrtgagor' wiI( koyp the Jn~ruvun~ntrs ern zald promise, insured ayoirrs[ I:ass
<br />(from fire, Ifghtniny and other hazards inelud.td In the? standard extendc3d cover.ryra endorse-
<br />ment plus (load insurance whore required by rrorty.9tlua) In an drrxaunt nut less than the;
<br />:.repaid balancrx at the indobrednass secured hereby, with lass, ii any, payable Rr „rid
<br />Assaclo'ticn, tr. a ccxnparty or campanles atr:cerptabiu to the Asr>ociatiun; and shunid •~uch policy
<br />.,r po}i~Jds E:~cn fain arty prov}sion filet cetuld i(miP ltra irrs urrdn~- ~c,€,:r„tny'e lidtstlity tG
<br />(ray the amount Ut any Id:?; ~r d+lrrsH~' up f<r the full 9u7.TU rtl f~+r white l.trl ~+'y i'; wri f'f r;n,
<br />Yha arnount of Insurance to be provided shall Uo in do ~Un[runt ~,uffi~icanr t;r, d! all tinwt„
<br />fully pratoct tea Associatirro, kf Mortga,~r fails to err?curt: c:r maintain ,>ucn ir,•;uronc~a
<br />In the manner specified herein. the A;-.saelatlon may, at its aptit~h, prvcurt. and ;gay fur
<br />,uch insurance, and all n~neys so aUvanced with Inturrst at _;1 from Feu +!.+tv of
<br />~~ucir payment shat) bu repaid by Mortyagor upon dwnand, and •.,hal~I Ue secured Gy trri•;
<br />Glor h3age.
<br />ki. ?hat the hbrtyaycr wl I1 keep the buildings upon ~;aiJ prtyriru•, in r~rod repair, ,,red
<br />L nuitnur commit nor permit waste upon ,aid land, nor ,,,ffer the same prrrmis~es to Ue ~uod
<br />for any unlawful purpase. Morty,tyor fur•tttvr ayroes that without Phe wr~ite;n o~rr,ent of
<br />HrJ11M: FeUBrai Savings and Haan no buildings or additions 1o crxi5tiny Luildinys t:?~ali Ur'
<br />erected and all parking and landscaped areas shall be °,atistacturily maintained.
<br />9. That in th© event the premises ur any part tharroct be taken or damadud L. r`na~on
<br />of any publie Improvement ar condemnation praeoudinys :~r under ri qht rat eminG>nt u:lrnain,
<br />>r in any other manner, Mortgagee shalt be anti tlod at i r; option to rann~t;nce, .o;;poar ir;,
<br />