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O0~ ~ ~ ~ ~ `~ 6 OPEN END MORTGAGE <br />LAKEVIEW HOMES, INC., a Nebraska Corporation herein called the <br />Mortgagor whether one or more, in consideration of TWO HUNDRED THOUSAND AND NO/100-------- <br />-----------------------------------------------0ollars loaned to said Mortgagor, does mortgage <br />to HOME FEDERAL SAVINGS AWD LOAN ASSOCIATION, its successors and assigns, the following <br />described real estate in HALL County, Nebraska: <br />ALL OF LOTS ONE (I), THREE (3), FIVE (5), SIX (b) AND SEVEN (7) PHILLIPS SUBDIVISION AS <br />PLATTED AND RECORDED, BEING A FART OF THE NORTH HALF (N}) OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF THE <br />NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION THIRTY THREE (33), TOWNSHIP ELEVEN (II) NORTIJ, RANGE NINE <br />t4) WEST OF THE SIXTH PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, HALL COUNTY, NEBRASKA <br />Subject to a prior mortgage in the original amount of $740,000-00, in favor of <br />HOME FEDERAL SAVINGS 8 LOAN ASSOCIATION OF GRAND ISLAND recorded in Book 168, <br />Page 191, of the Nlortgaye Records of Hall County, Nebraska <br />and all easements and appurtenances together with ail buildings, improvements, fixtures <br />or appurtenances now or hereafter erected thereori, including all apparatus, equipment, <br />fixtures or art{cles, whether in single units or 'centrally controlled, used to Supply <br />heat, gas, air-conditioning, water, lioht, power, refriyeration, ventilation or .other <br />services, and any other thing now or hereafter therein or thereon, the furnishing of <br />which by lessors to lessees for an unfurnished building similar to the one now or here- <br />after on said premises is customary or appropriate, including, but not limited to, screens, <br />window'shaUes, storm doors and windows, carpeting and other floor coverings, screen doors, <br />awnings, built-in dishwashers, stoves, refriyerators, and water heaters and all renewals <br />or replacements thereof (all of which are intended to be and are hereby declared to h® a <br />part of said real estate whet'ner physically attached thereto or not.) The Association <br />is hereby subrogated to the rights of all mortgagees, lienholders and owners paid off by <br />the proceeds of the loan hereby secured. <br />TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the said property, with said buildings, improvements, fixtures, <br />appurtenances, apparatus and equipment, unto said Asseciation, its successors and assigns, <br />forever, <br />tAortgagor Hereby wvenants with said Association, its successors and assigns, that <br />?dortgagor is lawfully seized of said premises, that tnuy are free of encumb winces, and <br />that i,fortgagor will forever warrant and defend the title to said premises against the <br />!,aw?ui claims of all pnrsoris whomsoever. <br />THIS ttOkTr'AGE IS GIVE•J TO SECURE: ti) The payment rtf a t;;,te exrrcuted by t,4~r tgagor <br />tc:- ,t,e Asscic lotion bearir?y uv::n da ttv her -.with in ~~ incipU, ,;m iS yet fu ~ ab~ - <br />rh~n it ta, tirir•c:iuaE arnt in tc-r~is t, i=: payable in r::;,:th!y instailrr=nts co*'rd i;r.t tpYfts <br />terms, with a final maturity, unless sooner paid, on tor; I:,r usiy of k:tnr:rar <br />1445 The holder nerciot shall have the nptir~n to accularate the maturity of the note <br />for which this mortgage is gluon as security, at any time after hhy c,tt•. Ioen <br />year after first giving the undersigned or the then owner of ti,e premises duscrirad herein <br />a written notice three m~.~Yhs in advance of its intent to d4 ~,-~. flny prr;payrrenY of <br />principal made by virtue of hhe exorcise of this option shall be without prc:payrnent <br />premium. (Z) Any additional auvances made by the A~~suciation to "~k~r°t:,)agar, ~~r t~h~~rgagor"s <br />successors in title, fqr any purees©, at the option of Association, at any rimy before <br />the release and cancellation of this Nbrtyagu, but ~rf nu time shall thi~ t=k;rtga+)o secure <br />a~„. <br />adVanceS on account of said origifldl rote and Such -.ddi Bondi .:d v.:n _:e5 in a -.... in r.xC::S:; <br />of TWO tiUNUkEp I~~U;J'.A"d'J AN:r t7C~/1=)G~--------°------------------Uef lars; prt:vide~l U~aT rtaT:.~n<_i <br />nary i n contained she 1 I Gu ca+s i tiered as I I m(t i nq t'hu ~rn~un r th=i t tiha I I be: ~,ur., hareGy <br />wflun advuncetl to prefect ihU security ur in q~. prdan,u<J wilh rFuvenants container; in fiti& <br />f+lprtgac_:©. <br />Provided, nevarthaluss, these prusa:ts are upon tea fail-'win=i cond)tian~,: that whe ra as, <br />.ru said Nk~rtgagor is a mun~ar of ~~aid A~ssoeiation, has uxecu[eaU a no re irr wriri~ry to said <br />Assciclatlr~n to repay sum of money, with intarrist, in payments -i~a °,et forth .n °.tid <br />~-torte, urtd i#ny And all additional advancn:f, witty infur~~~,t, and ids =rr}rrrr.=d t~" r~~.tes by tnu <br />uont;titutlon and t!y-Laws at said Assuclation, and rulea and rur,}ri!atiuns ddoptu~i ;,y ttE, <br />rtaard of Ulructors; and agree] anU du hereby agree• <br />I. To pay the indebtedness huratxy secured prurnpfly and in full compiian~o with too <br />terms of 'the aforesaid Promissory Note and any other Helot,: ur aquae nx;n h: for ~,JUi rional <br />agvances as provided herein and of thts Mortgage an~1 further ,irUree:; teat at the; solo option <br />tit hkirtyagee the time of payment qt the indc;Gtednuss trura~Gy sucurvu, or arty per )i~;n thvr~- <br />af, may bu extended or rmrewud, and any port(un of the promises heroin uo sr;ribed rnay, <br />without notice, bu releasetl tram the lien hereof without releasing or affeCtiny the personal <br />I i db i I i ty of fhe Mortgagor herui n for the, paymen t at •a.i i <i 1 ndobtr:dnose, tnc,n rear i n i nr) <br />unpaid, and not change in the ownership of said prernisae; shall re(dasu, reduce .>r othrsrwisc <br />ahfrct any such personal )lability ar tea lion nereGy created. <br />1. Undersigned rasur`ves the right to prepay this na9e in whole or in port cn any <br />Installment payment data prior to ' years from thy: uate nr;ru~cif Gy the payment of all <br />occruud interest tv 4he daf8 of sur~ti pr-rpayrrn:nt togett,or with .i prr.p7ym~nt t;,o v;utii ___ <br />arrxiunt' to Id0 days interest an the amouni so prepaid; and ii pn:pai~i sfter ~,u~h d_:fe there <br />sh811 be no prepayment tea. Thd prepayment toe so c:h arged shall not rr x":eeu Yhc; ~r aximum <br />