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80-- t;i _~_~~ <br />1. The mortgagor covenmu and agree ae foDava: <br />a. He will promptly pay rite indebtedner evidenced by acid prom(sory note at the times and in the <br />manner therein provided <br />b. He wiU pay all ta:ea, aasewmeats, water ntea, and other governmental or mmicipal ehargea, !roan. ar <br />impaaitioru, foe` which prwiaion has not been made bereinbe(ote, and will prnmptlY deliver the oE6cia1 teeeipb ` <br />therefor m the said mortgagee. <br />c. He will pay such expenses and teen na may be incurred in the protection and maintenance of said <br />property, inched(ng the fees of any attorney employed by the mortgagee for the collection of any or all of <br />the indebtedness hereby secured, or for foreclosure by mortgagee's sale, or court proceed"mge, oe in my other <br />litigation or proceeding affecting said prcmieee. Attorntya' fees reasonably incurred in any other way shall be <br />paid by the mortgagor. - <br />d. For better security of the indebtedvese hereby eceurcd, upon the request of the mortgagee, its sup ~, <br />ceesore nr awiµns, he shall exmute and deliver a supplemental mortgage or mortgagee coveting any addfHona, ~I <br />improvements, or betterments made to the property hercinabove described :.nil all property acquired by <br />it after the date hereof (all in form eatietactory to mortgagee). Furthermore, should mortgagor (ail to cure ~~ <br />any de(mdt in the paymtnt o[ a prior or inferior encumbrance nn the property described by this instrument, ', <br />mortgagor hereby agrees to permit mortgagee, to cure such default, but mortgagee is not obligated to do ao: '. <br />and such advances shall become part of the indebU•dneas arenred 6v this instrument, subject to the same <br />terms and rnnditions. <br />r. The rights created by this ronveyanre shall remain in hill force and effect during any postponement <br />or extension of the lime of payment ai the indebtedness evidenced by said promissory note or any part thereof <br />secured hereby. <br />J. He will rontiuuoualy maintain hazard insurance, of such type nr types and in such amounts ae the <br />mortgagee ores from time to lime require on the improvements now or hereafter nn said property, and <br />will pay promptly when due any premietrrrs therefor. All imnnnce shill be carried is compaeeia acoeptabk <br />to mortgagee and the policies and renewals thereof shall bt Geld by mortgagee and have attached thereto <br />loss payable clauses in favor of sad is form acceptable to lire mortgagee. In event of lose, mortgagor will give <br />immediate notice in writing to mortgagee, anti mortgagee may make proof of law if not made promptly by <br />mortgagor, sad each inuurance company concerned is hereby authorised and direMed to make payment ter such <br />ltew directly to mortgagee instead of to mortgagor and mortgagee jointly, and the imuranee proeeeda, or any <br />part tbaexaf, may be applft:d fry motlgattet at iU nptiav either to the reduetio4 of the mdebtet(new herelay <br />atxured or to the testontion or repair o! the property damaged ar ddtreyed. iv event of faeeclmara of tbia <br />mortgage, or other transfer of title to said property in crtinguishmtnt of the, ivdebtedttesstletured hereby, all <br />right. title, and interact of the mortgagor ip and to any insurance policim then in force ehafl pass to the <br />pnrrhasrr nr mortgaµre ur, at thr optian of the mortgaµre, may tee surrendered tar a refund. <br />g. }lr will keep .ell buildings and other imttruvrntenls nn said property in µaaei repair and condition: <br />will permit, enmmi4 ur euHer no waste, impairmrnl, deterioration at said property ar any part themof: <br />in the event .,f failure of the morgagor to keep the boil+linns on said premiers and those erected en wid <br />premises, or improvemnntn dtrrtun, in goad repair, the mnrtµaµre mar make such repairs w in its diserotion it <br />may dorm nrve.aary for the proper pmeervution thrrrof:.uui the foil amount of rash roil every such psymtnt <br />shall be immnliatel}' tine vod payable and xhall (w areurrd 6v the lien of thin murtgaµr <br />N. lie will nut voluntarily create or permit to hr rrratrd against the pngtrrtp ,ubjrrt to thin uuxlgagt <br />an Y' lira ar liens inferior or superior ut the lien of this ntortµaµr without the wriprn consent of the nutr4 <br />µaµer; and furtbrr, hr will keep and nwivtuiv the same free from the claim of all prrsms wpplvivg labor ur <br />materials Gtr rnnstryertiun of an+ sad all buildings or impnwru+rnts now hrmµ erected ur to Ix. rr~ted un <br />said llttrnltlra, <br />L Hr will ntu rent nr assiµn our part n( the rent of said nutrtµsµrd pnrprrly or +lemolieh, or remove. <br />or aubetuntially altar any huildinµ without the writput runernl of Ihr mnrtµaµrr. <br />j. ,111 awartfs of damsgre in rnnntrtian with atrY randrmnatinn frM Inel>hc use of or +njurv ++, ;toy of the <br />property subject to this mnetteagt err hereby axuµetrd au<l xihall !m paid to mwtµagrr, whu :nap apple the <br />srrM to pavmertt of tltr. iruetalbutnu last dun undtr next Hots, noel mnrtµaµrr is htrtby authnrisrd, in the <br />assets of the rnurtgaµor, to rxm•u1r and drliv«r valid aequittanrrv thereof and to appeal from snv sash award. <br />k. The mortgagor shall have the riµhl to inspect tits awrtµaµrvl prrmis,w st :utc rrrwnrhlr pate <br />2. Dt(ault in any n( the rorrnaNa ar ertlldltirlritl O( S111a instrument nr of the oats or Ivan sµrrrntent ..r~`ured <br />hereby shall terminate the murtgsgur's right to pusnraeion, use, anti rujoymenl u( the 1+m pert y, st the aptimt of the <br />martgagor or his asetµns tit beinµ aµrred that Ihr arortgagrtr shall hove such right until drfnulti. !!port arts sash <br />default, the mortgagee shall fa•eumr the owner of all of the rcnt» anti prv,lits acrnrinp aher defauh us arrurily <br />iw the fndebtrvl+rtss aarumd hereby, with the right to enter upset said pml,rety for Ihr purpose of rollrelinµ sash <br />earth and profits. This inuromntt abaft operate as an awfgnment at any rentals on said property to that extent. <br />