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r. ~ <br />~~ y ~~w <br />8a-- ~, L+ ~ ~' 2 <br />11t0~rAGE <br />c> <br />Thi. moatgage made anti TAImEd into thin ~ •-~' day of ~ <br />19 ~, by aad between Bill L. Knuth and Rita S. Knuth, husband and wife, <br />(hereiodtrs referred to ai mortgagor) and the AdTnioistcator of the Small Swinep Admioiatetttion, an asettoy of the <br />Goverameot of the Uaited States of America (hereinafter referred to as mortgagee), who maintains an oiGce-attd <br />plaeeo[buioeaaae Empire State Building, 19th and Farnam Streets, Omaha, Nebraska fi8IO7 <br />tOtrnttaa~ece, than Por t~ cowi~ntion hemindter stated, teeeipt o/ which. is heteLy ,,![(,e <br />m«tsrger dos hereby mortgage, sell, ;trmt, aatign, sad eoavoy tmto the tmrtgagee, his aaoeaasera wJ ari~tr,tlll <br />of the [oThttviog dtusrilted Property eittuted and 6eioR in the Eotmq o[ - Ha71 - ~ ~ - - - - -- - <br />State of Nebraska. <br />i~ <br />Lot Six (6) in Block One (1), Pleasant Vlew',Addition to the <br />City of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska,'. I <br />Tugrthar with and InrludinR a1163tib1in-ca. ail &xtttrca inrludinR but not limitrd to all plumbinit. hratinR, IiRht- <br />ina. YFalilatina. eefriaeeatinR, irwiaeratityt, air eoaditionina apparatu., and elrvaulr, (the martitayor hrrehp <br />1lrrtariap, that it is iWrTidrd tttal tha iMm~. heraiu rnumrratrd »Ifa11 ilr +irelurd Im havr. here pvrmanrnt-p ire <br />»taUedaa part a1' r'edtp }, and alt ilnprovrtnrnts nna ur (trFratirr ralauusi theeeun: the hrrr,litanlrnta on+i <br />rppurtenanT~a and all othar rit;h!* thereunto belongintt. ur in anyM•iae apprrtuinint:, and Thr revrr-..k.n and rr• <br />vrr»ion», rrmaindrr and rrrnaindr r», atl riathn of rrdrmrytion. and thr rrnt-, is,lue,, and prTetit+ of the nhcTer <br />dr.rr-fwtf prmt/erty (pruvtdrd, howrver, that th. nTnrtaap+er.halt hr rntit-r+i i+l Ihr pm..,r,»inn+,i".ui.l proprn.~ <br />and to rm1-rct and retain thr reel», i..ur», and pruftt+ until d«fault hrrrtTnderi. Tu hate and to hnhi the .wmr <br />ants the rrntttRutCee and the ettree+r"orr in intrre»t u[ the nturtRaRrr fmrrt er in fer ,implr or .urh othrr eatatr, <br />if lacy, as i. stated harmia, <br />The mortpgor earenrnti that he u lawtulty ieiaad sad pasaeaiad of sad has tha right to sell and convey said <br />property; that the lame i, free from alt encumbrances a:ceps as herainabavr. recited; and that hs heroby binds <br />hitttsetf wd bb iueaeron is intermit to warrant sad defend the this aforesaid thcretu and evcrv part thereof against <br />the eTaimi of ril pertnns whantaoever. <br />:, <br />`T'his inatrumen! u given w secure thr payment of a promimory notr datgd rw ~. ~ •~ _ - <br />io the priaripsT awaof= 17,300.80.-iiRsadby Bill L. and Rita J. tfnuth, husband and wife • <br />in Mhsit ei themselves. <br />,aA r.,,. 9iT li-TSl rn.+.w C/i+l.w .n O~..Iw.. <br />