7. Condemnation. In the event the Property, or any pert thereof, shall be taken by eminent domain, We Mortgagee
<br />isempowered to collect and receive all compensation which may be paid for any property taken or for damsgea to property
<br />noG taken, and Mortgagee shah apply such croropensation, at its option, eiWer to a reduction of the indebtedness secured
<br />hereby or to repair and restore the property so damaged.
<br />8. Performance by Mortgagee. Mortgagee may, but shall have no ohligation, to do any act which the Mortgagor
<br />has agreed but twits to do, and Mortgagee may also do any act it deems necessary to protect the lien hereof. Mortgagor
<br />agrees to repay, upon demand, any sums so expended 6y the Mortgagee for the above purposes, and any sums w expended
<br />by the Mortgagee shall be added to the indebtedness secured hereby and become subject to the lien hereof. Mortgagee
<br />shalt not incur any personal liability because of anythingit may do or omit to do hereunder.
<br />9. Default; Assignment of Rents. Time is o[ the essence hereof, and upon Mortgagor's dehnlt in any covenant
<br />oragreement of this Mortgage, including covenants to pay when due the sums secured 6y this Mortgage, the Mortgagee Shan
<br />be entitled, at its sole option and without notice, to declare all soma secured by this Mortgage to be immediately dna wad
<br />payable and may commence foreclosure of this Mortgage by judicial proceedings; and, provtded further, War upon such
<br />defpult We Mortgagee, or a receiver appointed by a court, may at its option and wiWout regard to the adegttacy eftbst
<br />security, eater upon and take possession o[ the Property and collect We rents, issues and pro0ta therefrom and apply ibam
<br />Ont to We cost of rnnection and operation o[ We Property and then upon We indebtedneu seou[ed by W4 Dgoryagaa;
<br />said rents, issues and profits being acsi~ted to the Mortgagee as further security [or the peymeet o[ the in~6tednaw
<br />secured hereby.
<br />10. Trrrtsfer of Property. If all or any part-of the Property is sold or transferred without We express vrtitten caa•
<br />sent oP the Mortgagee, Mortgagee may at its sole option, declare all sums secured by Wis Martglige to be immediately doe
<br />and payable.
<br />11. Future Advance. Upon request of Mortgagor, Mortgagee may make additional and tLture ativancea to
<br />Mortgagee. Such advances, wiW interest Wereon, shall be secured by Wis Mortgage when evidenced byynomuwry noon
<br />staling Wet said notes ere secured hereby. A[ no time shall the principal amount of We indehtednea aeeltrod by t6ta
<br />Mortgage, not including sums advanc«d to protect the security of this Mortgage, exceed the original Notr.
<br />22. Miscellaoaow Provisions.
<br />(a) Any forebearance in exercising any right or remedy shall not be a waiver thereof.
<br />(b) All retcedie provided herein are distinct and cumulative to any other right afforded by law or equity,
<br />snd may be exercised wncurrently, independently or successively.
<br />(c) The covenants and agreements eontalned herein shall bind, and the rights inure lo, We reapactl»
<br />successors and assigns oC the Mortgagor and the Mortgagee.
<br />(d) All co»nanis and agreements of the Mortgagor are )<,Int and several.
<br />te) `fire headings of the paragraphs of this Mortgage err for ronvemrnre only and shall not be wed to latar-
<br />pret or define We provisions hereof.
<br />13. Rekasa. upon payment of all sums wear«d by ihis Mon gage, Mortgagor .troll disl•hargr lhts Mortgage and
<br />snail €tecutaa and deliver a saiiataetury release therefor.
<br />IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Mortgagor has rx«cutrd rhea Mortgage un the ~ day of t9lI~E1__, 10 gp_.
<br />L ••e~~' eonowa
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<br />lM thu ___5~ ___ day of . _.._ . , 19 80, hrlun• mr, the understgnrd, a Nopry Pubhc
<br />duly rrunmtssianrd and oudified for satd euunty, prrumally ranee 'Ihatt88 1. [bltwt 8itd K7:18Y1@ A. _, .
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<br />to lw .- ~$_ ~ ~ -..._ voluntary ar.•.l and dr«d.
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