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$~~ ~ ~) ~ $ b `~ MORTGAGE <br />This Mortgs~ is entered into between <br />IIiC1NAS J. DOL2CPI acre KE2ISTIE A. DOQ,RO2J, Eltisharid <br />and Wife (ht>tein "M~tgagor") and <br />THE WERIADID NATICINAL BAiQR ~ Ca~7PSID ISt,e~, Grazxi IslaxRi, NeYzraska <br />(herein "Mortgagee^). <br />Mortgagor is indebted to Mortgagee in the principal sum o[ $ 40.000.00 ,evidenced bg.Mortgttpr'a note <br />dated $eptAab0r 5, 1980 {herein °Note") providing for payments of principal and interest, with the ~balartce of tM <br />indebtedness, iP not sooner paid, due and payable on. ~' 5 r 1981 . <br />To secure the payment of the Note, with interest as provided therein, the payment of all other soma, wittr intent, <br />advanced by Mortgagee to protect the security of this Mortgage, and the pertormaece of the Covenants sad agtbatawata of <br />the Mortgagor coatahted herein, Mort®sgar does hereby mortgage and convey to Mortgagee the tdgowing ttta/crHNd <br />property located in X11 -~ County, Nebraska: <br />Tuts Chre (1) , 1WO (2) r T4tree (3) r Frx1r (4) , Five (5) , Six (6) • Sevett (7) r ~t ES) r <br />and Nine (9) in Park Gax'derts Stabdivisi~t in the City of Grattd Island, t~ataaslta <br />(Hall Caulty) <br />'together wrth all buildings, improvements, f+xtures, atreetc, Wleya, passageways, easements, rights, privtlagea utd <br />appurtrnaorns located thereon or in anywise penammg thereto, and the ants ixura and profits, rennitrna sad remalnden <br />thereof; ma~luding, but nos limirrd to, hraung and coating rgwpment and cueh prrcatW ptoprny [hat is attached t0 the <br />impv+r:rments so as to comtitute n texture; Wl of which, mrtudmg replacements and addrUona thereto, r, Ixreby deelaxd <br />Ur be a part of the real estate secured by the lien of thn Mortgage and ell M the farcltoing brma re[ertrd to hems as the <br />"t'roperty" <br />Mortgagor further ronrepattts and sgrcs~, wrth Monglgre, as lunow.: <br />t. Payment. To pay the tndebtedner•.c and for intere.t. the~reun as provided rn ttnc Mortgage and the Nate. <br />2. `tick. Morgagor is Nr owner of the ITuprn}, tu. the nght and authunty to mortgage the Property, and <br />warrants tbat for tern creaued hrrcby rs a tint and poor hen ..n the l'roprrty, rst•rpt as may uthrrwtsr be art forth harem, <br />t7 The Pn>perty is aublect to a Mortgage whrrem .. _. __. __._ _.._. <br />ro the Mortpgee, recorded at Hpok _._._.. _.. , Pear ul the :Nortgagr Rt'<•a,rds ul _ ._.._..._. .. _~ CouMY, <br />Nebraska, which Mortgage is a lien nnor to the 6ea creau•d hereby. <br />L.) Ihhrr poor lirn+ ~r eneumbnnens: .. <br />y. 'Taxes, Asaerarsnu. To pay when due all taxes, .preiW assraamrnts and all other rharpt. agunst the Property <br />and, upon wntten demand by MurtRagvr, to add to the paymwµ. rrgwrrd under the Nutr wa•un•d hrrrby, aunt amount ~ <br />may by mfRctrnt to rnablr the Morlgagr« w pay sui•h taxer., asxexsmrntx ur other rhugra ss they M•cumr du«. <br />4. Insttraaca. 'I'o keep the improvrmrnts now ar hrreaCUs lucau•d u6 the rrW e+uu• desrnbrd harm mcurrd <br />ltgalnst damage by M1re and saM other hazards ac Morigagoe may reyuin~, in amounts and with cumpau,rs acrrptaMe to the <br />t3ort'gager, and wlUt tsrxs payaMr w the Mortgagee. {n .ass ut' it,cs under ,ueh puhetta the Mongagee is ~uthµnred to <br />adjtut, ed{eet attd cumpromwr, iµ its diai•retian. all rlautts then•under at etc 4rtlr optrun, authunred to either appl} the <br />proteeda to the reetontion aC the 1'roparly ur upon the mdehtednraa +rrured hrrrhy, but paymrnta hereunder shalt can• <br />tlmte until the aunu sMVrcd hereby are yard in full. <br />6. i.l F.aerow Por Tartu and imtxaaer. Notwi/hvlanding anythmp run4ined in parttgnphx 3 and d hereof W the <br />eootrary, Mortgagor shall pay W lhr Mort~gee at the Nmr of paying the monthly tnabllmrnu of prinetlarl and intrust, <br />one•tevWtih of the yearly taxes, ttweeamenk, haaard insurantw premtutns, and ground rcnu li[ anylwlnM may attun a <br />priority over this Mortgage, all as reasonably estimated IYom time to time by the Mortgagee. 'The amounts so paid chap hr <br />ttWd by the Mortgagee without interest and applied to the payment of the trams in rrapect to whkh wttt amotm4 were <br />depotiud. The soma paid to Mortgagee heeeunder err pledged u additional seruricy for the intkbpdttrss secured by thrx <br />Mortgage. Atortgagorahall pay to Mortgagee the amount of any de0cirrtry between the actual taxes, aesewmenu, iiuttnrtiw <br />prertUusx and ground rents acrd the drpoWta hemmder withen IU days after demand is made upon Mortgagor requesting <br />paynwM theceoL <br />8. Repafr. Maiatenaaee and Use. To promptly repair, restore or rehµild -any buddtngs or improvements now w <br />herwftrr on the Property; to keep the Property in good t•ondition and repur, without waxa•, and free from mechanic's ur <br />other liana nor exprewly subordinated to the lien hetrot; not to make, suffer or permit any nuisance to exist, nor to dimin- <br />ish or impair the valor of the Property by ant art or amisxion to acC and la rompiy with WI requirements of Iaw with <br />respect to the 14oprrtp. <br />