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<br />1. Ths mttetetBar eoenmte.ttd agtaar r fellows: <br />a. He will P~PilY Pe7 the ittdebtedaer evidetetxd by acid promirory note at the timer aed is the <br />aoaaoer theaeia ptro~ided <br />6. He will pay all taxer, aaaaaameer, water nle; sad other govemmmW er mmieipal ehaegs, finey ar <br />impoeiriowa, tot whitdt prorittim fins ttet been made hereinbefore, and wiU promptly deliver the oieial teeeipb <br />therefor to ebe .aid mortgagee, <br />r. He will pay each expenses and fees ae may he incurred in the protection and maintenance of said <br />propeny, including the fees of any attorney employed by the mortgagee for the collection of any or all of <br />the indebtedoeae hereby secured, or for foreclsure by mortgagee a role, or coon proceedings, or io my other <br />litigation or proceeding aftectinq said premises. Attorneys' fees reawnably incurred in any other way eha116e <br />paid by the mortgagor. <br />d. For better security of the indebtednes hereby secured, upon the request of the mongagee, ire sus <br />ceason or arigns, he shall execute and deliver a supplemental mortgage or mongags coverioq any additions, <br />improvements, or brttermenu made to the property hereinabove described :red all property acquired 6y <br />it after the date hereof tall in Corm satisfactory to mortgagee). Furthermore, should mortgagor fail to cure <br />any default in the payment of a prior or inferior encumbrance on the property described by this instrument, <br />mortgagor hereby agrees to permit mortgagee to corr. such Default, btu mortgagee is not obligated to do w; <br />and such advanoes shall become part of the indebtednew earcureJ by this instrument. subject to the same <br />terms and mnditions. <br />r. The rights created by this conveyance shall remain in full furor and nftect during any postponement <br />or extension of the time of payment of the indebtedness evidenced 6v said promissory note or any part thereof <br />secured hereby. <br />f. Hr will continuously maintain haaard inanrancr, of such tope or tvlws and in such amounts ae the <br />mortgagee may from time, ro time require on the improvrments saw or Lrrraltrr on said proprnv, and <br />will p.y promptly when due any premintm therefor. All iornrsaee shall be carried in eompanis aomptabk <br />to mortgagee and the policis and reaewab thereof rhall fie field by mortgagee sad have attached thereto <br />lac paYabk clauses in favor of sad is form acceptable to the mortgagee. In event of lore, mortgagor will pre <br />immediate notice in writing to mortgagee, and mortgagee may make proof of lac if mt made Promptly by <br />mortgagor, and oath imarattee eampany ooacemed is hereby authorised sad directed to make paYm®t for web <br />htr direeely to mortgagee inrtead of w mortgagor awd mortgagee jaiatly, and the inwrattee praoeeda, ar say <br />part theseo[, may be applied by mortgage at its option either to the reduMioa of the iadabtedtssr bs'eby <br />aerated or to the trrtor^tioa or epair o[ the propeny damaged or dtatroyed, In event of foreckrara of tlra <br />mortgage, or other trrtts(er of title to raid propeny in extinguishment of the iadebtrdnas rerured hrreby, ail <br />right, titles sad iaterwt of the mortgagor io aaJ to say iarurance policis rhea io fortx shall par to t!r <br />purchaser or mungager or, at the option of the mortgagee, may be wrrcndered fur a reftmd. <br />g. Ne will keep all 6uildinge and other improvements on said propeny in good repair end condition: <br />will permit. summit, or auger no warts, impairment, deMrinration of sad propeny or any part thereof: <br />io the event of failure of the mortgagor to keep the buildings on sail premises end those erected oa raid <br />prcmi•rs, or improvrments thrre+m, in good repair, the mortgagee mry make such rcpairc s in iU discretion it <br />rnry Jerm necssary fur the proper prcservatiwt thereof: anJ the full amount of each and awry such payment <br />shall br immrJialely due and prvablr rnJ shall Ire rrrurr<I br the lien of this mongagr. <br />h. Hr will not vulunlari lv create or permit to lee created agaimt the property subject tv thi• mortgage <br />rnY lien or hrn+ inferior or sul+erior to Ihr Urn of Iht• rnurtgage wtthoW the wnetrn emt•rnt of the mort- <br />grger: and funk«r, hr will keep end maintain the came free from the rlrim u( ell prrwna rupplvmq Irhor ur <br />materiah &u cwtstnrruon of sn~ an+i all huJJiut;n ur unprovrtnrms now ireutq emend or to be rrrrteJ on <br />sail premises. <br />i. Hr wdl eau rent or arras au. pen of the rem of srid mortgage) ptvtperty or demolirh, or remove, <br />or wbrantirlh after any hwl+linq wtthuut the wrutan nmarnt of the mortgagee. <br />~. All awanls of Jamagrs in ronnorrinn with any condemnauon for public u.e of or mlurv ut any of tha <br />property wbjact to this marigage era hereby awgned anJ shalt be pail to mortgagee, who mar apply the <br />assns to paysaeat of the installvrents last Jue under sail note, anJ murtgagtw it hereby authvriaai, to the <br />mama of the monargor, m rxeeu[e end deliver valid arynittsncrs thereof anJ 1+. appeal from env weh award. <br />k. Tlro mortgagee shall have the right to inspect the mortgaged premiss at any roaaoaable time <br />2 Default in say of the corenana or conditions of this imtromrnt or of the nwr or lore agrrrmrtrt reared <br />haraby shall terminate the mortgagor a right to p.wseasion, use, and enjoyment of the propeny, a1 the option of the <br />oortgagrr or his assigns lit bring carted that tftr mortgagor rhall have surh right until Jr[rult 1. Lipoa any each <br />dahtul4 the mortgagee shall become the owner of all sit the rents and profits arcroing ^fter default as security <br />far tlr indebtedruss secured hrreby, with the right to enter upon said proprnv for the purport of collecting wch <br />tew4 sad profits. 'I'bis instrument shall operate s aq arignaumat of say renla4t nn rid propeny to that extent. <br />