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r <br /> <br />so--~ c~ f ~ rib ~Q~tTGAGE <br />'j'6ia~ trade ..a mwaa !nb this S 7 man of ~~~^~'~' .0~...~~ /rld'~ ~- <br />19 V6T and 6wtrem RAY J . IiOENLRR AND FBANCES S .Kp1iNI,ER <br />iharsinafter referred to w mortga6or) and the Adntinietrator of the Small Boaiaer Ad~iniatratiaa, m aBme~ of the <br />Gevernmeet of the United Stew of America (hereinafter referred to u mort6apee), wlp apiwios m cries acrd <br />ptasathariarat EIiYIRE STATE BUILDING, 19TR 6 FARNAM STREETS, OMABA, NE$RASKA 6$1©2 <br />wtel~l~. thu tar tba oenaidwatim 6mrinaftar Mated, teoeip ~ whidt v Meth adwntrltalBsdv ties <br />daaa baal7 taort~e, wit, IRm4 eatipt, and convey auto tlw nwtspBse, hie aaaeaeeaea ttttd aettfpe, all <br />of the foBo+rsB tieasibad pntpeee~ aiaawd-and beiyl ~ eha Camq of Rall <br />Sate of Nebrttaka <br />Lot Taentq-nine (29), in Block Tiro (2), in Morris Addition, <br />an Addition to the City of Grand Island, Nebraska <br />ToKatMr with ruJ inrludioB alt buildintp+. all flxttarea iaelt[dittK bat not Ilmilyd to aU plumbityt, hea[ityl, Ii~ITI• <br />iaR, vrn[ilalittt{, rrfriKeratina, lneineraUnit, air etmditioalua ayparatu., anJ elevator. (the moritptpor herebt <br />dtwhtrityl that it i. inienJe+l that the item. herein tvtumeretwl »halt hr Jremed to haves barn irormanrndy in- <br />+IaUrJ a. parr of the ,v.aity ), anJ ell improrrawnl. uow or hereafter exisUnK thereoa; the hereJltamenla rnJ <br />appurit•na[aw. and all other ri[thta Ilwtxante ba{on~nR, or fe aaywfw appereainMtt, awd the reveniMt anTl re- <br />vanion•, rrtnaimit•r and remaieukt+v ail riRltts of redumptlaw. acrd the nnl., iata[ea, acrd profit. of tha above <br />daanibad prayr~y f pro.'+Jw+l. Aovvevar, that iiro uwnparyt.+r .hall lr•.•nHlltffi `to for yo.+.e..tuu.+t awl pnp+eriy <br />anJ to eslkrt anJ retain the rea[a. latea., awd prsit. aM1t defaaN lMrwandae), l`n have anti to h~i the acme <br />uatu the tvsrY~attee amt [hs atMeaaaon in iateraet e( the tworlRryae tatv+vsr is fees +itn'la or .web whey aaMN. <br />if anq w kt atatrd heraim <br />'Aa owyeper' anananta that h- i- wind ad paaarad of serf hw dw riRM to rdl and aonvat acid <br />property; these dr. ar ie hoes treat-- eB anaanYewaw asap w 6enia~d[aw raeitadt aald that ha harahF binds <br />6in[eeif and hies wooaraea is iotareM to warrant and dafand the title aforesaid thereU+ acrd every part thereat e`airt <br />tha aMiinaaf aB ~. ~. . <br />Tttu iaMmn+eat i- pvem [o eacYre the payment of a prawiwory aata dated 3 7 ~ `-#'""~' J ~~~ ~'- ~~ <br />is,tbaprinaipdaaeofi~22v1#)9.g6- .aianad.hY RAY J. IODEHLER AND FRANCES S. KOENLBR <br />in hwl,al/ of THBMSBLVBS <br />\Y r.,. pT irsla+ rwMa, fiW~ w aMMw. <br />I~t.i.». <br />